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Gulishta Dec 2018
Everything is good.
Everything is alright.
Now,I can think about you.
Without fighting the urge to cry.
Now, I can remember the time together.
With my face full of smile.
Now, I can talk about everything.
Whether it's the good or the bad time.
Now,it doesn't feel,
As if the world is crashing down.
Now, I can look up at the stars.
Without having a break down.
Now, I can walk the streets of our past.
Without running the other side.
Now, I can have an entire meal.
And keep the food inside.
Now, I can face the world.
Without having you by my side.
It's still sad that we didn't work out.
But now the pain isn't killing just a nagging in my mind.
Now I'm walking alone for a while.
It took an amount of time.
But, I'm okay and I'm alright.
Gulishta Dec 2018
Choked throat.        
        Rough voice.
                   Ringing ears.
                            And stinking eyes.

River of thoughts.
         Hazy with the fog.
                 A lump formed in stomach.
                        Burning a hole from inside.

Standing on top of the hill.
        Swaying with the wind.
               Grasping straws to hold on.
                       Couldn't stand still.

Hands shivering.
            Emotions leaking.
                What a tough task it is.
                        To just keep breathing.
An apology.
          Or a sacrifice.  
                 The only love possible.
                         Is with the one with sharp edges and hard eyes.
Gulishta Dec 2018
Black clouds and Pouring rain at midnight.
Blue moon and the empty bed by your side.
Forming music and hypnotic
Essence and memories of mesmerising eyes.
A perfect scenery and a haunting
Heart strike.
The only thing thats missing is
The personal heat source of mine.
Gulishta Dec 2018
Let's not give it a name.
Let's just be together.
Let's just live in the moment.
Will worry about it later.

Let's keep it simple.
That'sall I ever want.
Let's forget everything for a moment.
What we can and we can't.

Holding your hand.
Looking in your eyes.
Breathing your scent.
Don't wanna think twice.

This moment,in where we belong.
This love,that's forbidden.
Can't help it.
If this,what we longed.

Let's not give it a tag.
Let's exist in our own.
Let's not worry about the future.
Or past,That has long gone.

Let's keep it pure.
Let's keep it untouched.
Don't have to justify anything.
We know it's worth.

Let's not give it a name.
Let's just be together.
Live a thousand lives in this moment.
Will get our own kind of forever.
Gulishta Nov 2018
Just let everything be...
Take one moment at a time,
Take a deep breath. ...
Baby!..All you gotta do is try.

I promise....
I'll hold your hand,
Clutch it as hard as you want.
Sync your breathing with mine,
Baby!...all you gotta do is try.

I'll be your support system,
I'll be your fan.
I'll be your teddy bear,
Even punching bag....I swear!.
Have faith in the faith I have in you.
Just hold on...
Baby...all you gotta do is try.

We'll face it together,
Two peas in a pod.
You're my key card baby,
I'm your slot.
You are me and I'm you,
Let's just stick together...
We'll be through.
One breath.
One moment at a time...
Baby. ..all you gotta do is try.

I'll carry your burden,
You'll carry mine...
There's nothingto lose,
The pleasure will be mine.
Just let me hold you...
That's all I crave.
Don't be ashamed to be vulnerable,
It's a done deal...
I'm yours....You're not getting any say.
Let me be with you baby...
All I'm asking you to do is Try!.
Gulishta Nov 2018
Waking before the dawn,
Chasing the sunrise.
Rushing over the work load,
Being on TIME.
Carrying a casserole filled with,
Exotic aroma and spice.
Planning and plotting in front,
Dropping the hints behind.
Building an unmeasured,
an anticipated delight.
Waiting and watching,
Your annoying secret holding smile.
You were not very good by the way,
Or were you just pretending to hide?
It was all in open,
But I couldn't contain my high.
I was so bumped when you told me,
There wasn't even a surprise.
You actually fooled me,I'll give you that,
Started calling myself stupid and naive.
And I wanted to **** you,when you exposed,
Your ill hided and goofiest  birthday surprise.
Gulishta Oct 2018
Your mischievous eyes,
Your breathtaking smile.
Your nerdy analogies,
Every other sentence being an apology.

Your love for stir-fry,
The obession with sci-fi.
Your fleeting crushes on movie stars,
Your favourite dark chocolate bar?.

Your silent observations,
Your lengthy conversations.
Your turquoise reading glasses,
Your passion about comics.

Your unapologetic attitude,
Your unbound energy.
The depth hidden in your innocent package,
Your story outrageous and crazy.

Your untied laces,
Still packed boxes?
Everywhere left your litter,
Your mouth without the filter.

The different sides of your personality,
The stubbornness about your dignity.
The way you refuse any help,
Doing everything by yourself.

And Your sneaky ways to melt any heart.
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