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Jan 2022 · 47
Grey Jan 2022
In your eyes I see the torment you’ve been dealt with,
I see the years of being told that you can do it.
I see your pain, just as you see mine.
My only regret is that the fates were cruel enough to keep us from finding each other,
Yet I am also thankful that even though it took me longer to find you the wait was worth it.
Every heartbreak every lie I believed all the pain, if it meant that I needed to go through it all again to be with you, I’d do it all again.
For in your eyes I see kindness and compassion.
The woman I love and do not deserve, will be my wife and gods know how much I love you.
In your eyes the seas of torment and pain,
Yet also the fields of laughter & happiness.
By gods I love you.
You’re my best friend, partner in crime.
Loudest supporter and challenge me to be better.
With you by my side I know we can do anything.
Jan 2022 · 65
Grey Jan 2022
I’m exhausted.
The bitter truth is everything I had ever worked for,
Struggled for,
A great job and amazing work experience,
3 vehicles, one I got for my parents 2 I bought for me.
My parents house paid off, an apartment for me and my best friend.
A bond with my family, amazing people in my life.
All home in some way shape or form because of my one decision to love someone who never understood the value of it all.
The hard work it took.
And now even though at times I hate myself for my decision.
I know I can come back stronger.
Even now I have been given the opportunity to reconnect with my family.
And I love them with all my heart and soul.
The decision I made to love someone who was comfortable with telling me to leave my family behind haunts me,
Yet I know I am loved.
And now there is no way to go but up.
With my best friend who’s the most amazing beautiful strong woman by my side,
My two dogs who are the best dogs I swear.
My family who I now know will never turn their backs on me.
Together anything is possible.
Jan 2022 · 73
Grey Jan 2022
I want to give you the world, all you deserve and more.
That’s a phrase many misunderstand.
I’m not talking about money or fame.
Of course it’s possible to reach for those goals,
I’m talking about the experiences of life.
Watching the sunrise and sunsets with you,
Going on our hikes even though we stop to smoke our cigarettes (counterproductive of course)
laughing till our sides hurt,
Even crying and being able to lean on each other’s shoulders.
Getting married, becoming two responsible adults who move into their home.
Seeing our kids grow up,
Taking numerous pictures and framing them.
Bikes ride together.
The experience of life, I want to share it all with you.
And I want to love life with the love of my life.
Thankfully the fates have been kind enough to bring us back together once more.
As we enjoy the sunrise in our morning meditation (granted I never saw myself as a mediator before)
You’ve shown me many ways to grow, spiritually, emotionally, mentally.
Peace at long last.
Here’s to the first step to the future,
Our future.
Jan 2022 · 358
|Devils & Angels|
Grey Jan 2022
Some say I’m an angel,
Some say I’m the devil.
Yet through your eyes I am both & more.
Some fear me because of the devilish black eyes I bear,
Some love me because heart on my sleeve I wear.
Yet through your eyes I am more.
Everyday I grow deeper in love with you,
The world is ours.
My devilment & your kindness.
Many took us for granted yet here are,
Still standing.
Now together.
Jan 2022 · 78
Grey Jan 2022
‘Have a little faith in me’ plays softly in the background as we dance under our night sky.
The clock strikes 12, fireworks all throughout the city welcome in a new year.
As we share our first New Years kiss together,
This moment frozen in time with full realization that we would never have to feel the same hurt from those who we were with just a year before.
No more false I love yous, no more half effort.
No worry of jealousy or anger, immaturity.
The beautiful moment signifying something new, safe and free.
Today we play ‘Have a Little Faith In Me’ and I love seeing you smiling,
It’s full of hope and excitement.
Making snow angels in the backyard or snowboarding at the resort.
Snow ball fights and sledding.
Gaming all night or binge watching Greys Anatomy,
Marvel vs DC comparisons, taking our pups Daeny and Brady on hikes.
Life is good finally
Finally we can be who we are,
With no one to hold us back from becoming who we are meant to be.
Grey Jan 2022
Seeing each other again across the dance floor of a wedding.
Ironically the wedding was at the country club,
Surrounded by our friends and family.
Without realizing we might’ve run into each other here of all places,
I sulked in a corner taking advantage of a free bar.
Faintly I heard a familiar laugh,
That joyous laugh where you’re smiling with the little nose crunch
Months had gone by a whole year went by without hearing that laugh and the second I heard it over those speakers booming,
I immediately leaped searching thinking it was just familiarity.
And that’s when I saw you, in that black dress that flowed almost as if it was mimicking a downstream current.
And your smile, brightened that entire room.
You were talking to my mother, the both of you standing there was amazing.
I had sweaty palms and the suddenly that tux I was wearing was choking me,
In a good way.
That glass of whiskey helped steel my nerves when you turned and saw me.
The dance floor, it’s what separated us for that moment.
It was like time froze, for that one beautiful moment of us seeing each other again.
And you just ran, the fastest I’d ever seen anyone run in heels.
I ran to catch you and hold you.
Just like that dance partner.
Like two kids again laughing the night away,
Even told you about my time as a wedding coordinator and planned who wedding with colors my ex wanted.
That’s when we wanted air, walked the golf course.
Decided to play a little golf, competitive against each other of course.
And walked over to the gazebo…
Talking about the regrets we made that night,
How we should’ve just made our pasta dinner and wine for just us.
Curled up on the terrible futon couch watching marvel movies.
Instead we gave toxic people a chance to be better,
I told you about how I fell out of the truck trying to run as fast as I could but 3 of us needed to drink more alcohol than needed to try to be civil.
After that I couldn’t help but stare in awe of how beautiful you were.
And without hesitation, I kissed you and you kissed me.
Now here we are, I’m writing about seeing you again.
And you’re listening to my endless rabble about Spiderman theories.
And together we’re conquering the world.
Jan 2022 · 68
Grey Jan 2022
Losing your identity because the one you love and that “loves” you takes a bigger toll than you think.
At first Della presented herself as supportive,
Come to find out once again silenced.
I put my head down hoping to lessen the vibes in the room.
Never really got to speak my mind, share my views.
Always met with the disregard,
The instantaneous change of subject.
Luckily now I am able to speak freely,
Now I am with someone who is interested and open to learning more.
Trust me I talk a lot especially when I’m excited :)
It’s refreshing to be able to be proud of who I am and where I come from without the belittling by someone who said they love me
Grey Jan 2022
Surprised to see you at my door as I am embraced,
The feeling of safety and absolute love.
A gentle smile as you make the joke about your “spider sense”
Sensing I wasn’t okay.
We sit by our fire and watching our Disney movies on the projector.
Cold crisp air broken by the warmth of each other and that crackling fire.
For a while I couldn’t stand fires, not after that Saturday morning…
“Your counselor called. Said you were off so I came back home.”
“Home? I thought North Dakota was home, for both of us.”
“My home is you, where you are.”
“How’s Liam?”
“Growing baby boy, definitely misses the all nighter gaming noises. He can’t sleep throughout the night unless I put one of your stream videos on.”
Campfire crackles as the winter moon lights our night sky.
It’s warmer here than we’re use to, so stargazing happens every night.
Learning the constellations.
It’s refreshing to know I don’t have to choose between the one I love and my family who isn’t perfect yet loves me all the same.
Smoke cigarettes and laugh throughout the nights.
Together we enjoy the moments that fleetingly pass by yet are frozen forever and stored in memory.
It’s interesting how far we’ve come,
Almost predestined with my fathers and your mothers side so close before.
Who knew?
Jan 2022 · 90
Grey Jan 2022
Fire, the burnt rubber smell and the reek of gasoline.
Suddenly I’m back in the burning car.
This time the seatbelt is stuck,
No matter what I do I can’t get out.
I can feel my face burning hot as the flames get closer and closer.
Unbearable and immense pain.
The agony and uselessness.
And there she is, Della.
Standing outside that burning car,
Laughing smiling.
“Gotcha this time.”
Then I wake up,
My whole body feels hot and my face is drenched in sweat.
Like the dream was in fact real…
The nightmares differentiate
First it’s the burning car I was in just a week before thanksgiving.
Second it’s running into her house trashed and her cutting herself with the glass from the mirror.
Third it’s a wedding with her,
As she laughs in my face and runs off with someone else.
Fourth it’s the empty dark room as she’s there,
Saying repeatedly every hurtful thing she could.
The only way I can make her stop is by saying I love you,
Then she becomes this happy person.
And brings her family and friends in,
Lies straight to their faces and pretends it’s a healthy relationship or hides it.
Either way these nightmares are getting worse.
They don’t sound as bad as I’m writing on here,
Yet in reality I am tormented…
Domestic Abuse
Emotional Abuse
**** talk about emotional damage
Grey Jan 2022
Smoking cigarettes while the campfire crackled.
“What do you feel when you think about how she hurt you? Because when I think about him, I remember the lies and the half assed love.”
I wrap my arms around you to keep you warm,
“I remember the lies too, the two faced ideology. The need for perfection, how she wanted things her way because my ways were stupid or childish.”
“People really do think it’s okay to just control people don’t they? I remember when I picked you up to go help her… that was scary, what scared me more was how she never saw that you only wanted to help her but she traumatized you from that first night.”
As the flashbacks started, her hand gently caressed mine.
“It’s okay, remember she only has that power or control over you if you give it to her.”
Before I used to think marry the one who you love & it feels right.
Now, because of her, this amazing and thoughtful, smart, kind, wonderful amazing woman,
I say Marry the one who turns back time,
To show it’s okay to be a kid again.
Marry the one who stops Time,
To enjoy the moment with you.
Marry the one who travels through time,
To plan a future with you.
Marry the one who understands and challenges you.
Luckily for me,
There’s one girl who’s able to do just those things and more.
Fate took us on different paths, with a lot of hardship along the way. Yet here we are, found a once again.
Jan 2022 · 62
Grey Jan 2022
Every villain needs their arch in the stories.
After years of constant pain & betrayals,
Now the time has come.
After trying to be the good person that everyone says you can be,
There’s a breaking point.
Time to give them hell,
My life is my own.
And by my side,
The woman who shares the ideology of its us before anyone.
Who shares the experiences of pain.
Together we build a world to call our own.
Shrugging off with a smile as those who use to hold us back try once again to hurt us.
They hold no power,
They are where they are meant to be,
In the past
Jan 2022 · 71
State Lines & Cigarettes
Grey Jan 2022
Our families knew each other long before,
They were kids young and free.
Thanksgiving with my mothers side and your fathers side,
Christmas surrounded with my fathers side and your mothers.
Somehow it seems like it was meant to be,
Met out of random at a interview for Olive Garden.
Instantly connected and became best friends,
Throughout the years we found ourselves with people who never appreciated or saw what we were worth.
Our backgrounds were always a problem,
Yet we connected again not just through our family’s or fate but through our pain.
An understanding no one could fathom.
The breaking point was that night the fighting erupted.
You fought her I argued with him.
At first it felt like betrayal but now that we’re older,
It’s clear.
We didn’t fight or argue them because we loved them it was because we saw the way they treated us.
I hated the way he took you for granted and used you,
You hated her for the same.
It was unfortunate that it all came crashing down that way.
Yet here we are, free from their tightening grips
The condescending tones
The one sided love.
Now that we can breathe freely,
Traveling back and forth between those state lines is easier.
The long road of struggling is over,
Now it’s a time of healing and growth.
Jan 2022 · 61
Grey Jan 2022
Never hurt someone who’s only intention was making you happy.
When they showed up to a house that was broken glass everywhere, after seeing the person they love slamming their head against the floor.
In the end no matter what you do,
The wrong one will only use you for a temporary happiness until they get bored or scared.
And in the end you’re just the idiot who gave their all and ended up more broken than when you met them.
Dec 2021 · 47
Grey Dec 2021
I wish we could’ve met later…
Not when everything was crashing down,
When everything never made sense.
I used these words with someone who didn’t fully understand them.
And I also used these words with her…
The girl who laughs with me all hours of the night,
The girl who cheers me on when I’m playing video games and shows nothing but being proud when I win.
The girl who sings and dances in the snow and the rain because its magical.
The girl who loves watching movies and nonstops talks through them like I do.
The girl who came in when I was at my lowest,
Smiled and showed me it can be okay.
Now we play video games together and kiss each other off to work,
Studying for my ged while you study for college.
We challenge each other but also can be kids at heart.
The universe is harsh and cruel,
Yet somehow the right person comes along after all hope is lost
Dec 2021 · 53
Who knew?
Grey Dec 2021
Who knew,
The little things you do.
Mean so much more than have come before you.
To my surprise,
We got matching red & black shoes.
And you got that red & black hoodie to match mine.
We’d gone our separate ways before,
Yet here you are and I love you all the more.
From best friends to now lovers,
You smile and my heart skips a beat.
Somehow I can’t help but feel that we were always meant to meet that one day walking down those halls
Dec 2021 · 67
Grey Dec 2021
We game
We laugh
We joke & even cry.
Always goofy friends with endless hours talking away and laughing even if the video game frustrates us..
Yet suddenly one day i noticed the change in your voice, it was more nervous high pitched.
We started talking about relationships,
Now we FaceTime before going to bed,
Talking about the what ifs.
We look out for each other,
Noticing when somethings wrong…
I think that maybe this time…
I hope this time,
The universe answered my prayers,
And she’s the one.
Of course we are both worried about the what if we break up and it’s hard to be friends again…
That worry comes to mind yet here she is…
Telling me it’s going to be okay, she’s got my back like I have hers.
Now it’s the plane ride over and she’s in my arms
Gently stroking her hair and she snuggles closer to me,
The one thing we’ve both longed for.
She sets up her PS4 and we game till we want to watch a movie.
“It’s going to be okay, even if it’s a lot to handle sometimes. Life does that, challenges us.”
She falls asleep so soundly and peacefully,
With her nestled in my arms I too drift off.
I love waking up next to her, as she smiles every morning telling me she loves me dearly
Maybe this time the universe is indeed kind,
We both longed for this,
The safety and peace we never had before.
Dec 2021 · 58
Grey Dec 2021
The hardest part….
Was saying those words…
Fists clenched and holding back those burning tears…
“I forgive you…”
And I realized that regardless of how much I was hurt and still hurting, it was time to let go.
Maybe the ones I still love and miss, the ones I care about did and said the things they did because in their minds there was no other way….
They’re human too, maybe they’ve been hurt enough too through out their life…
Those words were spoken aloud and I felt a relief,
Like the pressure dispersed the heaviness evaporated.
It’s not all at once, maybe I’ll have to say “I forgive you” a hundred times a thousand…
Eventually I know…
All the agony, the pain, the hurt the pit in my stomach feeling, the flashbacks, the echoing voices….
It’s all a part of the journey.
I forgive you.
Dec 2021 · 164
Grey Dec 2021
And just like that,
All the bad stuff that ever happened…
I was thankful it did,
Because if it didn’t happen I wouldn’t be who I am today.
Stronger, wiser still comical but always trying to do better.
Nov 2021 · 77
Grey Nov 2021
My soul burned in that fire.
The rest of any happiness,
Any hope.
As the fire growled and roared,
My body  escaped…
But my heart and soul burned in that fire
Nov 2021 · 68
Twisted & Broken
Grey Nov 2021
Truly I must’ve been born with greatness,
Or so I believed.
Now I see…
I shake the very world,
The truth comes to light.
Hated by many because I am not afraid to speak my mind about their silver tongues two faces and back stabbings.
Oh gods,
Pray that I will never become truly a monster
Nov 2021 · 358
Tormented Demented
Grey Nov 2021
Oh the irony of the Gods,
Sending the veiled love to pester my already worn soul.
Love is truly dangerous,
Blinds even the sharpest minds.
Even now torments my much needed rest with dreams.
Her whispers of I love you
Laughing in the background.
Nov 2021 · 91
Grey Nov 2021
As confusing as it sounds,
She left me empty inside.
The bitter reality is that she believes that she had done no wrong.
Yet in the end if two people who loved each other,
They both have the power to hurt one another.
I see the reality, she left me hollow…
I left her heartless…
The worse realization is that i knew when it was the right time to leave.
Yet I stayed because I believed her when she said she loved me.
Nov 2021 · 1.2k
Bittersweet truth
Grey Nov 2021
You never cared for me.
You acted like you did.
In the end you never truly cared.
And that’s okay because now I know,
Love is the most beautiful lie.
Sep 2021 · 82
Grey Sep 2021
You were right Delyla.
I can never be a good person even though I tried.
And I’m also sorry that I didn’t try harder.
Sep 2021 · 61
Grey Sep 2021
I see the demons in the night again,
Itching to torment and fulfill their hateful desires.
Their home lies in the dark quiet hours of the night,
Lately I’ve become more accustomed and welcomed.
Fever and and cold chill down my spine when I wake up from a sound sleep.
Now I no longer wish for sleep,
Only peace.
Eyes yellowed and red, sunken are full of anger and hate.
Yet I’m not afraid,
And I don’t know why.
I don’t even know if they’re dreams anymore or if maybe it’s something else
Sep 2021 · 52
Grey Sep 2021
I tried living a normal life.
Had a best friend who was always there and we talked about everything and hoped dreamed.
Planned traveling the world and going back home.
Everything was perfect.
Until I lost my best friend. My only friend.
Now I have no one.
No lover no best friend
Sep 2021 · 59
Grey Sep 2021
Two options.
Tell her the truth and end it in a nice way, but she’ll come back or you’ll go back. Whole toxic cycle.
Be the bad guy, break her heart so she can actually heal. Push her towards the guy who’s better. So she can be happier.
I just hope I chose right.
Sep 2021 · 62
Grey Sep 2021
It’ll be too late before she realized
That I could’ve done it
Sep 2021 · 85
Grey Sep 2021
I pushed her as far away as I could.
Aug 2021 · 62
Grey Aug 2021
At one time,
I believed I could do great things.
I actually started to dream and hope for better outcomes.
Because she helped me become more.
I know what I am what I always will be.
So I’m going to back,
I mean come on.
It’s not like I deserve being happy anyway,
All that hope those dreams just gone, she took them with her.
All because I didn’t want to lie or hide anymore
Aug 2021 · 53
Grey Aug 2021
I know now that one day I will die,
Sudden and quick.
And I know that in this life I was meant to find you but never call you mine.
I’m too messed up, too damaged and too broken and you’ll always try to save me.
I can’t let you do that…not without losing yourself.
I love you, more than you know and I’ll never stop loving you.
Choose him instead of me,
And hope it was the right choice because I will worry everyday if it was…
Because I can handle that and I don’t want to put your through that…
Aug 2021 · 71
Grey Aug 2021
Creating the perfect wedding was only possible being inspired by you.
The details have you hidden in between and all they could say was it’s perfect.
Aug 2021 · 374
Grey Aug 2021
I know now,
I lived the most I can.
I loved and it wasn’t enough.
I know that she will be okay.
I know that I loved her,
And I know that it’s time.
Aug 2021 · 63
Grey Aug 2021
Sitting in a chair with a coffee in one hand at a breakfast restaurant , the sun was shining and everyone was walking by going about their everyday life.
Just as I was about get to leave I heard your voice,
“hey Josh”
I turned around and saw you there smiling,
Even though I knew something was wrong.
You didn’t need to explain you sat down immediately and we sat there in silence as if we were honoring a loss.
He had broken up with you because we were all supposed to meet to discuss our lives together.
When you’d finally told me, you tried to leave.
And I responded with
“I have loved you from the moment I met you, everyday I wanted to be a part of the world you are in. I was an young and stupid idiot who never could get control of their feelings or emotions, but you I finally saw that it was possible. And that anything is indeed possible. I look at you and you are the strongest and bravest person I know. I’ve loved you when I was able to hold you in my arms. I’ve loved you from afar when you’d left to find yourself again. And I will always love you no matter what.”
She smiled,
“Can we just run away? Can we just go?”
And just like I woke up.
Back to reality where I know I’ll never be able to call her mine again
Aug 2021 · 81
Grey Aug 2021
Jolted up in a cold sweat,
I remember why I try not to sleep.
The dreams are back again, the horrible nightmares.
Seeing her smile, hearing her voice before I wake up in the dream and I get the call.
“She’s gone”
Aug 2021 · 176
Grey Aug 2021
It was dangerous the way he loved her,
Fierce & intensity rising.
He found that even in his cold dark heart there was a warm soft just for her.
The demons of his past would never stop chasing, the sins of his father bloodied his sleeve a deep crimson red.
Left with one option, to keep her safe.
Push her as far away as possible,
And yet still here we are.
Entwined in each other’s lives.
Aug 2021 · 92
Grey Aug 2021
Your first mistake was thinking you could even speak her name.
That’s my world and I’ll still do whatever it takes to make sure she’s happy and safe.
Even from you.
Aug 2021 · 59
Grey Aug 2021
The world accepts my chaotic mind, for they find it beautiful.
Dancing with my demons, no more hiding.
Yet the perfect world turns dark when I’m asked those questions
“Who have you loved?
A girl with golden pocket brown eyes.
The one who saw me as more.
It was always her.
Jul 2021 · 176
Grey Jul 2021
It wasn’t that I wanted to be the one you wanted.
It was that I knew as much as I love you,
I’m no good for you.
I want to run wild & free.
You deserve stability & security.
I could say right person wrong time.
In the end I don’t deserve you.
And that’s okay
Jul 2021 · 270
Grey Jul 2021
Break me again? That’s okay
It’s all good.
It’ll be okay
Break me as much as you want Ill recover
Jul 2021 · 70
Grey Jul 2021
I had good intentions. But I’ll always be the *******.
Even when it hurts it’s okay
Whatever you need
Grey Jun 2021
I missed the way you smiled when you were in the passenger seat as we crossed state lines,
Closer to home your smile brightened more and more.
We woke up to sunrises and iced coffee
Country music playing with the windows rolled down & smoking our cigarettes.
I remember falling in love with you when we took that hike up Bear Butte in South Dakota,
When we reached the top the sun was setting and the lightning from the coming storms were striking as the sky rumbled.
It was our adventure that I found myself loving you more,
When we had to come back to New Mexico us was a hard goodbye because we both knew that the adventure was over and reality would set back in.
That we would probably drift back apart unless we’d tried to remember those moments.
I remember breaking my best friends heart chasing a toxic lover who couldn’t understand my soul like she did.
One day I hope to find you again,
Hopefully someday
Jun 2021 · 75
Grey Jun 2021
Gamer girl meets a gamer boy,
She mains Mirage and I main Octane.
Rather than playing Pubs we run to the firing range and laugh and joke around.
Testing skills against each other,
The best part is that we didn’t even realize that we had gamed all day and with a lot of my friends.
The day went by so fast and even now you wanted to call and talk until you fell asleep.
The phone calls still going and I love hearing your laugh.
Affirmation is mutual and frustration is almost nonexistent
I expected you to get mad and rage quit when we kept losing,
Instead you told me that “it’s okay let’s go again, or we can go to firing range and have fun. Invite your friend?”
It’s the sense of peace and you’d even asked me what my life was like, and not to be afraid to be honest because no one is perfect and it’s okay.
We’d talked about my ex partner that led me to this dark place.
You’d been quiet for a few minutes after,
“I can hear it, the pain in your voice. It makes me sad because all I see is someone who’s amazing. Funny, cute, definitely my first choice as a duo partner from now on. She didn’t deserve you, that’s why it was hard. You loved her fully and she didn’t see that. Put yourself first, and I promise I’ll be here no matter what. You will recover from it, someone who destroys your self love and they let their love destroy you, that isn’t the place to be.
Now let’s go to bed, I can’t wait to game with you tomorrow sleepyhead”
Never did I expect that someone would be so understanding and caring.
Until her.
And when I didn’t see it coming, when I accepted that I’m no longer worthy of love.
Now I finally can breathe a little more and sleep sounder.
Jun 2021 · 242
Grey Jun 2021
It was a 10 hour gaming session with her that I kept asking if she was tired and she responded with,
“I love spending time with you”
That’s when I knew that it’s true,
God really sends the one when it’s the right time
Jun 2021 · 88
Grey Jun 2021
You thought I was in a relationship already?
Oh if only you knew what was really going on
But okay since I’m claimed by you
Who’s the ****** ?
May 2021 · 75
Grey May 2021
Honestly I didn’t plan for this to happen but I’m glad you’re here.
I met you last summer after I’d gone through the worst breakup I’ve ever had.
And here you are again,
It can’t be anything more than coincidence right?
Never thought I’d find you again. Or you find me.
Guess I gotta move to England sometime haha
May 2021 · 96
Grey May 2021
Words fall short,
There’s no other way of saying that a broken souls love is meaningless to the her.
The conversation of my emotions turns into an argument
I’m never heard
And the twist is she always says it’s just me with the problem
May 2021 · 99
Grey May 2021
I broke my best friends heart, chasing a lover that couldn’t understand my soul
May 2021 · 69
Grey May 2021
I’m self aware & mentally ill
I am overwhelmed by the emotions I’ve suppressed for so long
Being in my relationship with this amazing woman who only asks for love and to not be taken for granted has opened my eyes to everything I’ve blocked and tucked away
My counselor says that I was misdiagnosed, I do have ADHD and also Autism.
I’ve masked my innocence and my loving nature with the benefits of my first diagnosis.
I’ve learned to become a narcissist,
I’ve learned to become what I’ve always tried to protect myself from
And my relationship is suffering as the result of my defensive mode
I am now overwhelmed with the emotions that I’ve constantly called my weakness when they are my strengths as I learn to control them
I hope everyday she sees how much I’ve put into this daily fight
The hardest part of my everyday routine is waking up and feeling everything at once
The heartbreaking part is when my response to protect myself from being hurt is reacting in anger and seeing her hurting
I yelled rather than taking time to calm myself
I went silent before I communicated that I can’t process the battering ram of emotions that crush my chest
My counselor told me that I can do this,
My girlfriend says she loves me and I see that she is patient and also that she could leave because her happiness is what’s important
I can do this.
I am not a bad person.
I am not a narcissist
I am not a bad person.
I am good enough
I can win this fight
I can learn to love me again
I can be free to be happy again
I am going to be okay
I will win this battle against my mental illness
I will learn hope to cope and become a better person
I can and I will
May 2021 · 215
Grey May 2021
My reactions are overreactions
My sadness is overcome and protected by anger
I am not in control and I am trying to learn how to control them
I am not the demons in my head
I am not the monster
I can be better
I can be in control.
I don’t want to be this way anymore
I don’t want to be the one screaming and begging for help inside
While angrily yelling outside and pushing everyone away
Please be patient with me...
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