Have so many dreams No illusive delusional Cracked pipe thing Entrepreneurship, buying, selling Owning real wealth that Spans and feeds and clothes Generation's on generations On G.E.N.E.R.A.T.I.O.N.Z!!!!!!!!
I juzt need y'all to ovastand Da Goddezz got Thiz Whole Wide world In the reach of Both palming handz *** on gingy run for uz Marathonz race endearmentz Well donez Heaven or dearly departedz H. E. Doublez, Ahhhh Hell!!!
I want to hurt you back Worse than you hurt me I want to hate you back For the hate you have shown me I want to see you dead even at times As you've wished me dead many times Fact is the only reason I can want To hate you, is because at some point Undeserving of my most sacred love Effortlessly willingly without prejudice I onpenly only gave you! Because we both are valid My perceptions of what really happened between you and I Matterss too...
I do but I don't Want to fauq with you You have become Too familiar Too easily accessed Far too Comfortably available That's why I keep finding My way back to you...
You know All I feel, think, say and do There's nothing I can hide from you Just as simple as, there's no where Too far to run, walk, sprint, stroll Pace myself, tuck and or roll To get far far away from me...
She was called a Legend! Today she is 4ft 6in and only 11 Genuine affection and patience The manner in which she cares Has been noticed so many times So many people say and have said Kind words about all of my Gems! But! Today I had to bow All the way down. He pointed to Her on the way out, and said. L!E!G!E!N!D!!! You just don't see That anymore, and ALL I could do To hold back the tears from The thought of when I was advised I still had time to have an abortion Was smile at the fakt that for me Loving life is ever the only option!!! Today I fell in love all over again A statement made to my godmother A drugged up emotional ball of yuck After giving birth, a beautiful brisk Novemba fall day. Way back when...
Tried to live up To expectations Of myself more than once More than twice even more Times than thrice never delusional Stupidity"$ not synonymous with nice My kindness has been taken as though There's more weakness than just in my Joints! Joining stronger ligaments Seen, unseen, knowingly unknown Tried to live down To expectations of others Unable to un hear thoughts unheard Every single spoken and unspoken Wordy unworthy word!