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108 · Aug 2020
GENIE Aug 2020
You promised we'll be together forever
How come you gone so soon
104 · Apr 2021
Bring It On
GENIE Apr 2021
The last blow had me sprawling and gasping
The pain seemed drawn from eternity to everlasting
Deep from my soul, it stings
More devastating than any mood swings
Rest brother Rest The ground says
Rise brother rise the air says
Fly brother fly the sky says
Any last words life says
Before the next wave of uncertain days
I would've listened to the ground
But that's against my adventurer's ways
I've come too far for any restful stays
Any last words, life again says
As I rise from the ashes of the fiery days
Bring it on my soul says
You can't stop me from seeing the brighter days
Which lays beyond the sky
The fiery days shed my excesses
Stripped my excuses.
Bring it on my body says
You can't stop me from exploring space.
Here's to brighter days ahead
103 · Jun 2020
GENIE Jun 2020
I don't do colors
I do brother
So I see them traitors
Brother killing brother
It boils my very blood
When we all got one color
RED the color of God
103 · Mar 2021
GENIE Mar 2021
Here come the storms
Ripping me one by one
Making open my worms
Fears long conquered and gone
Here comes the storms
Ripping me off in tiny devastating bits
Weakening my very gums
The fabrics that binds courage to my wits
Here comes the storms
And when I thought it couldn't get worse
The night fell in all its darkest forms
The sun feared to leave its dorms
Courage lost its life force
Pain took a different course
And when I was sure it can never get worse
I faced man's greatest loss
The loss of hope in oneself
Here comes the storms
I hope they'll be scared of me
Cos finally I lost myself...
99 · May 2020
Dear Rachel III
GENIE May 2020
.............Dear Rachel,...............
                     I thought it would be punishment coming back for you, but its horror to live without you..............................
99 · Jun 2020
GENIE Jun 2020
I sometimes envy the dead,
I most times envy the unborn
97 · Feb 2020
Found myself
GENIE Feb 2020
I have found myself
But the self I found
Even i myself
Am profoundly Astound
And of this astounding self
I am infinitely proud
Surprise yourself everyday
The world will never get a chance at you again
96 · May 2020
Eternally Grateful.
GENIE May 2020
Have you ever wished insanity,
Only to get upgraded sanity
Have you ever wished death,
Only to get super health
Have you ever wished to be buried,
Only on love's wing to be carried
Have you ever looked forward to the devil
Only to look back to see God
God is always faithful,
For this I'm eternally grateful.
I practically wished myself these,
But God had other plans
96 · Aug 2020
Poets are gods
GENIE Aug 2020
If God created the world by the word
Who then says poets aint gods
In our own world made by our own words.
Poets RULE.
96 · Jun 2020
L. I. F. E (I
GENIE Jun 2020
To me, life simply means
You lived either way yesterday
Live your fullest TODAY
96 · Jun 2020
GENIE Jun 2020
They will always be abundant,
They will always be scarce,
So don't feel bad if they say you're different,
It simply means you're Scarce.
GENIE Jul 2020
I did it,
They asked for an explanation,
I explained.
They didnt believe.
I did it again,
They asked me to explain again
I kept silent
They believed.
The silence sounds convincing.
95 · Feb 2020
Longing for love
GENIE Feb 2020
I have resisted love
To the point of immortality
Now my defences dissolve
I found love,
I found mortality
Though I enjoyed the cold
Of immortality
I found a longing for mortality
Though all it promises is hurt,
I'm longing for love
90 · May 2020
GENIE May 2020
I won't break again
I've lived so long with pain
I learnt to seek it's gain
Scars my skin may stain
I won't break again
I've broken before,
More than once for sure
I've crawled on all four
I've found pain's cure
I won't break again
Life has dealt harshly
I'd have sold my soul gladly
No more will I break again
I have been beaten yes, broken
Left to die in the wild open
I learnt to evolve, become molten
Mouth sealed,mind open
I won't break again
I've been battered not shattered
Shattered not tattered
Backstabbed, gutted, guttered
Living became all that mattered
Never will I break again
I won't break again
Not cos I'm immune to pain
I stroke the lion's mane
Smiling though I'm deep in pain
Smiling though I feel insane
They God's love retain
And in that I find gain
89 · Feb 2020
GENIE Feb 2020
I was stupid to have cried when you were laughing
Not of wickedness,but ignorance
I was stupid to nurture this aching,
But it felt good at the time
I was stupid to have hoped you would love me
When I knew your heart lies beyond
I was stupid to have held to you when you hurt me,
But it felt good at the time
I was stupid to have believed my own lies
I place no fault on you
I won't be stupid anymore
I've been too stupid for one lifetime
dedicated to the one who gave me true pleasure and true pain
But its all gone now
89 · Jun 2020
And God said
GENIE Jun 2020
Scripture lesson:
And God said let there be you, and behold, there was you
And behold you were a poet
And God looked down on heaven and smiled,
And saw that you were good
Even your flaws
88 · May 2020
GENIE May 2020
I long for my pencil, I long to draw again
I long to draw my pain
I long to exercise my brain
I long for my pencil
My friend in strange times
When shades replace rhymes,
And line, words.
When I seek to shade my pain
Something's cannot be described by words
Some battles are not won by swords
When these things seek to burst my brain,
I seek my pencil
86 · Feb 2020
Eternally hungover
GENIE Feb 2020
You made me high with you
And left me to Waterloo
I thought this love was true
You'd forever be my boo
I was wrong at this too
I'm high,I know not what I do
I knew I was taking too much of you
Like a faithful addict,I wanted more of you
Like a priest loves his voodoo
Despite its dangers and taboo
I found me craving you
Just as you came out of the blue,
You left,and left no clue
I knew you'd go,yet I took no cue
And as alcohol leaves pain in its wake
You left disaster in your wake
I tried to drown in the lake
But I couldn't for hope's sake
Even though I knew it was fake
I won't see you again whatever path I take
Loving you was a **** mistake
If chanced to my destiny remake
I'll gladly repeat the **** mistake
Love they say last for ever
A true lover mourns for ever
T'was stupid talk before you came over
Now,I'm eternally hungover
I'm in pain,I'm in pain
Yet what matters most is that I see you again
And if I don't see you again
I'll gladly be eternally hungover
Straight from my heart
To the one girl who broke my heart without even knowing it
86 · Jun 2020
Letter to God
GENIE Jun 2020
Dear God,
                  The world is cold, God please do something about the heat, or we'll all die of pneumonia.
                  Love you dad
85 · May 2020
Dear Rachel
GENIE May 2020
Dear Rachel,
         The hell you gave me in form of love,is the very Flame that purified my vulnerable soul.
                          Love,, Genie
84 · May 2020
Dear Rachel II
GENIE May 2020
Dear Rachel,
           I know you not too well,we've only had a few days,
of pain
and hell.
I've fallen and lost my ways
Years down, I stand again
and stand well,
ready to move on
But I only want to move on with you.
82 · Sep 2020
My Horrible Nightmare
GENIE Sep 2020
Howd you add perfect beauty to a horrible nightmare
Howd you make your greatest  fears
give others hope?
81 · May 2020
Anonymity and Respect
GENIE May 2020
To be well unknown is to be well respected,
To be known is to be respected
To be absolutely unknown is to be without regard or respect,
To be absolutely known commands no respect
81 · May 2020
Dear Rachel V
GENIE May 2020
Dear Rachel,
  ............................I saw you in the arms of another, and I felt angry.................................................... simply smiled and I felt happy......................................whats wrong with me dear Rachael
81 · Jun 2020
The death paradox
GENIE Jun 2020
To die is to live
To die is to become one's true self,
A living soul, Immortal
To die is to understand pain
To die is to embrace pain
To die is to evolve
To die is to never die again
If Jesus hadn't died
How would he have resurrected???
81 · May 2020
GENIE May 2020
The storms arose and rains poured
And I ran to shelter someplace
I wouldn't have ran if it didn't rain so sore
And I found me in a better place.
Sometimes, troubles are really blessings in disguise
79 · Feb 2020
One more step
GENIE Feb 2020
~~you had it rough
So what?
You made it through
Life had been tough
So what?
You remained,true?
It's getting rougher
So what?
You'll get tougher
You will remain?
I'll bet my life on it
One more step
You will get there
You will ride the eye of the storm
Where it sources power
And there you will find peace
Just one more step~~
One more step can make all the difference
Oneore step might be all you need
78 · Feb 2020
Freelance poem
GENIE Feb 2020
I'd love to join your group
For this century's soup
Prepared for great minds
Such in this group one finds

Ain't here to show skills
But give you thrills
Just gimme a chance
I won't prank your plans

Didn't come by you by accident
This request is not an incident
That you think upon this
Gives my soul bliss

I bring from a far land
A potent magic wand
I bring to all&sundry
The bliss of poetry
So let me in this group
Serve this delicious soup
Meant for great minds
Such as here one finds
Just flexing
78 · Aug 2020
Love oh love (I)
GENIE Aug 2020
Love oh love
Love true love
Of this game i am sick
This game of hide and seek
Hide from me no more,
Take me by surprise
Let me seek no more
Lest unbelief arise
Love oh love
Love true love
I dont care how
Just find me now.
77 · Jun 2020
Lover (I
GENIE Jun 2020
The sun asked to be my lover
The moon threatened to leave
The stars all knew better
No matter how much I need a lover,
I'll never betray a friend
Still, my heart aches for a lover
73 · Feb 2020
GENIE Feb 2020
In their dark
The stars shine
So why can't you shine in your own darkness
In your darkness lies the secret to your light
In your problems lie your solutions
So shine!!!shine!!!shine!!!
You don't have a choice,
No stories,
I don't care what you've been through
No apologies
It won't change what you've been through
Just shine
Let the suns rule their day
Be the star that rules your night
And when you grow bigger than the sun
You'll make your night day again
But first you must shine
Cos dead stars don't make suns
So 🌞🌞🌞
You choose to remain in the dark,
You choose to shine
72 · May 2020
Darkness II
GENIE May 2020
I salute you o darkness father of night and light
I salute you o night, Savior from burning light
If light is as friendly as said
Why do we cry at night,
The shame we faced in daylight
There is no shame in darkness
If darkness is as cruel as said,
Why do we seek solace in darkness
When the days rage with craziness
If light is as friendly as said
Why do we wet our night pillows
With tears of deep sorrows
Why do we express ourselves at night,
As we truly are,weak,though strong
What we do in day light
Is mostly show-off
What we do at night
Is the real stuff
Search yourself and you will see,
You trust the darkness more than the light
71 · Jun 2020
GENIE Jun 2020
I looked in the mirror and saw a stranger
Rugged, Handsome, reeking of danger
Not the Vulnerable boy everyones uses
An adventurer who chooses his truces
I looked the mirror and i saw a stranger
Whose words and acts of thunder
Made even mama awe and wonder
70 · May 2020
GENIE May 2020
Once upon a time
God created a very weak little boy
He then made a failure of a man out of the weak little boy
He made a true warrior out of the failure of a man
No true warrior is ever weak, man or woman,
Out of the warrior emerged somethingelse
Somethingelse is working and improving
Evolution is near and impending
Watch out,expect nothing less than something much more
70 · May 2020
GENIE May 2020
Don't bother knowing me if you don't love me,
You'll only know the bad part of me
Don't bother loving me if you don't know me,
You'll only be sad with me
70 · Aug 2020
GENIE Aug 2020
Love oh love
Love unpredictable love
What is this game you play
Why shock me this way
How do i sing this song
My God you're too young
Yet your words so strong
You said you felt it since long
And kept quiet all along
But you're way too young
How do i play this game
Which may my image defame
How do you say no
When deep within you know
This is no fake show
Love o love
Love unpredictable love
Help me out i pray
Cos i want you to stay
When someone unbelievably younger says unbelievably crazy things to you about You........🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘
69 · May 2020
Risk and Reach
GENIE May 2020
If you're not ready to take the risk called crazy,
You're not ready to make the reach called genius
....................................words of somethingelse....................
69 · May 2020
GENIE May 2020
Dear friends
If tears is the antidote to pain
What is the antidote to love?
68 · Jun 2020
Fear Not
GENIE Jun 2020
Fear not my dearest ones
For out of the ashes of the corona
Will rise a new world order
Where words replace guns
But beware my dearest ones
Words do more damage than guns
66 · May 2020
GENIE May 2020
You expected the worst from me,
So did i
You never expected such progress
Neither did I
66 · Feb 2020
GENIE Feb 2020
Life plays its games
Life always plays its games
Life will always play its games
The rules have changed
It's still life's games,
We have changed the rules
Its still life's conditions
We have changed our perceptions
Strong problems of life and love
Made our minds to evolve
When life breaks us,we change rules
Break yourself first
So as to
Change the rules
Don't take life too seriously,
Even life doesn't
How do I know?
The funny things life throws in our way
How do you explain laughter even in times of deep pain
If seriousness was all life was after
So hurt is still life's game
But we have changed the rules
We learn, we get better
Defeat is still life's condition
But we get up and evolve
We changed our perception
Falling is a chance to look at the sun from a new angle
Failure is a chance to see success from another perspective
So it's still life's games
But we have changed the rules
So I won't ask twice
Are you one of us?
Are you a RULE CHANGER??????
Learn the rules
Break yourself
Don't break the rules
Change the rules
Rule breaking breaks games
Rule changing remakes systems
65 · Jun 2020
7 wise men
GENIE Jun 2020
I got 7 wise men,
Locked up in my den
Whatver comes my way
They always got something to say
Let me tell you thier names
Whatever comes your way
Ask this men
Ask them all
Not leaving one
Ask them over again
They always have something to say
You know them but do you really consciously engage them,
All of them?
64 · Jun 2020
Dear death
GENIE Jun 2020
As I lay in your cold arms I have one last wish
Don't let her know I laid my life for her
Cos she'd throw it back at me,
And with lots of curses
64 · May 2020
Written future
GENIE May 2020
The pens of our past
Writes the words of our future
In the books of our present
64 · Jun 2020
GENIE Jun 2020
We all could've sworn he had changed
Clean shaven,hair made,nails cut
He no longer look savaged or deranged
Yet he kneels on a man,
And rapes a woman
His civilization brings global warming
Instant disasters without warning
He preaches freedom
Yet enslaves with wisdom
Outside,he's no longer savage,
But inside is pure hate and rage
Man for all his advancement is still man
New looks,Same old beast.
64 · Jun 2020
Dear God(II)
GENIE Jun 2020
You set the world know fire
Yet people die of cold
Great power you unfold
Greatest Messiah,
If you will sentence is to cold hell,
Pls do it with a loving hug
We need your mercy dearest father
Now,more than ever.
Ain't we all tired of the corona??
GENIE Jun 2020
My dearest angel called Rachel,
I let you go with lots of ***** n drugs
                     Tags of a resilient soul
Drifting to cold Pluto,the cloud nine
Knowing you can never be mine
           Seeking solace,to be made whole
...Yet the slightest whisper of my name on your lips,
.....I'll be there like I never left......................................................
62 · May 2020
GENIE May 2020
I came to war,not to settle a score
I thirst more souls, give me more
I am death knocking a stranger's door
Only I didn't expect finding you, worse, leaving you
You were the death of me, you were the life of me
A life far away from where you stay
To roam the earth and be the death
Increase the distance leave nothing to chance
I found you too soon on a dark afternoon
That you were my death is as sure as death
That you were my wife,as sure as life
But not anymore, I love you no more
Just felt like writing something
61 · May 2020
GENIE May 2020
The wine that intoxicates a poet
Are words served in cups called books
Served by stewards called poets.

 is served......... Drink as you deem fit................
Wine is served, drink as you deem fit
60 · May 2020
It's a free world
GENIE May 2020
It's a free world so make the best use of it
They are free words, use as you deem fit
Abuse me
Mock me
Scandalize me
Doubt me
It all don't matter
But don't try to stop me
Cos I will burn you,
And I will change you
Of course for the better
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