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41 · May 2020
GENIE May 2020
I came to war,not to settle a score
I thirst more souls, give me more
I am death knocking a stranger's door
Only I didn't expect finding you, worse, leaving you
You were the death of me, you were the life of me
A life far away from where you stay
To roam the earth and be the death
Increase the distance leave nothing to chance
I found you too soon on a dark afternoon
That you were my death is as sure as death
That you were my wife,as sure as life
But not anymore, I love you no more
Just felt like writing something
38 · May 2020
GENIE May 2020
I loved again,
I lived again,
I died again.
I'll live again, if only to die again
If I die times again,
You'll never understand my pain
So I'm dead again,
For you again.
Will you live again, if only to die again
38 · Feb 2020
GENIE Feb 2020
I am not on your way of success,
why stand on my way if progress
Be who you wanna be no stress
Lemme be who I wanna be fearless
Hate me for who I am,id care-less
Still I'll be there for you in times of distress
38 · May 2020
GENIE May 2020
Why won't I be strong,
When I'm a product of pain
Why won't I be true,
Do you know what I've been through?
If life was for only the strong,
Why are the weak always around
If all to life was the sky,
Why were we planted aground
The most neglected are often the most favored
If I lie, just look around
Lions are considered strong,
Dragons considered virile
Ants next to nothin
Yet more ants in a colony
Than all the lion in the world
No dragon at all
Don't get down when you're not always strongest
Life may not be it's nicest
Just know you're favored,
If I lie, why are you alive,
If you're not important,
You wouldn't even exist.
37 · May 2020
GENIE May 2020
It'sme, the me you expected the worst of,
Its me, are you surprised????
Well, so was I!!!!!!
I'm surprised at me
37 · Feb 2020
Love n danger
GENIE Feb 2020
Of what use is a love that keeps you safe and sound
Of what use is a life no adventures abound
What is love with no anchor to hold ground
When mighty winds it's fragile  vessel toss around
The purest love in Christ is found
Who for love, his blood spilled to the ground
37 · May 2020
GENIE May 2020
Don't fail me now darkness,
Save me from Light's threatening blindness
Dankness I need your touch
The heat of the day is too much
Darkness don't you fail me now,
Please don't fail me now
34 · May 2020
GENIE May 2020
When you're here I can't breathe
When you're there I can't feel
When you're here I've got will
When you're there I can only seethe
Can't live without you
Can't live with you either
What to do without you?
Tap into my anger feeder
What to do with you?
I swear I wish I knew?
ain't that unfair??????
34 · Feb 2020
Not hurting you(2)
GENIE Feb 2020
The woman:
I am a woman,
a tempest in my right
You are a man a hurricane in your right
I ask not to love me,
Just take me
I am ripe and full of passion
You have passion written all over you
I know you want me,
You make no effort to hide it
But to take me,
You lament of not to hurt me
My imaginations gives me the torture your touch only can ease
Let me handle the pain
Of not seeing again
Let me handle the hurt
That you love me not
But if you can't grant this simple request,
Maybe you're not afraid of hurting me,
You're afraid of hurting yourself.
I'm definitely not hurting you
34 · Feb 2020
Just me
GENIE Feb 2020
I woke up this morning,
To an empty bed,in a dark room
Though its hotly sunning
I feel dark and doom
Oh no,not again
I feel sudden pain
So its been a dream all along
Yet the scent of you still strong,
You are a lifetime away,
And though I find a way,
You'll still won't be there
Though I trek the universe,
I'll still wake to a nightmare
And though the universe
Showers me with love and care
So long as you're not there,
It still will be a dark scare
Cos without you there,
It still will be a dark room,
It still will be doom,
It still will be JUST ME
33 · May 2020
The lord is my shepherd
GENIE May 2020
The lord is my shepherd,
I lack nothing
Though I be the black sheep of the herd,
I fear nothing.
Judgement, death, punishment,nothing
For God is my shepherd, I fear nothing.
33 · Feb 2020
No stories
GENIE Feb 2020
If you ain't in ma shoes you can't judge how I walk
If you can't fill ma void
Why judge ma darkness
If you can't forgive ma sins
Then you can't condemn ma soul
If you can't create my path,
You can't decide ma destination
You are free to say your opinion
I am free to make my decision
So if you say I'm rude,
I'll say I'm free
No stories,no apologies
Maybe in my next life,
But definitely not in this one
31 · May 2020
GENIE May 2020
Dont give in to that angel when he tells you to leave me
I may be a devil but you know me better
Don't give in to that angel, it's your soul he's after,
Don't give in,you're safer with me
The devil you know,.........
31 · May 2020
Title and Attitude
GENIE May 2020
You don't rule because you are king,
You are king because you rule
It's not about titles, it's about attitude.
Attitude are, where titles are not
31 · May 2020
GENIE May 2020
Her eyes hold the beauty of a dawning morning
Her smile the intensity of the sun
Her face the innocence of the moon
Her smile the infinity if the universe
She is Mother, And she is mine.
30 · Feb 2020
Path of sorrows
GENIE Feb 2020
Though I walk this path of sorrows
I lose perspective of sadness
Sorrows are the thorns and throes
How I view them is called sadness
Or happiness
How I react is called laziness
Or craziness
How I improveΒ Β Is called evolution or destruction
As I walk this path of sorrows,
I realize
It's life's duty to fire these arrows
It's my body's duty to feel pain
But to let that pain stop me
Or get me to gain,
That is solely up to me
If I don't make myself happy?,
Who will?
As I walk this path of roses
I realize
Even roses have thorn
And thorns create sorrows
Make yourself happy cos no one else will
In life sorrows abound
How you let it affect you is your sole choice
Nobody is to blame for the sadness you feel
30 · May 2020
GENIE May 2020
Sometimes we forget that which we truly are,mortals
Most times we never achieve our true potential as immortals
Faith is the only portal that transforms mortals to immortals
30 · Feb 2020
Motivated to be
GENIE Feb 2020
What is the essence of life if it's not happy
If you don't find a way to be happy,
You'll find a way to **** yourself
What is the essence of love if not sacrifice
Of what use is your edifice
If you can't give a bit of yourself
What is the essence of relationship
But trust
Even enemies trust each other
To hurt each other
What is the essence of beauty not appreciated
You're beauty understated
If you don't appreciate yourself,
Who will?
What is the essence of nature without beauty
Darkness is beautiful
So are you
What is the essence of life without you
If you weren't important,
You wouldn't be selected
If you weren't selected,
you wouldn't be
If you ain't meant to be,
You can't make yourself to be
So,because you are,
You can be,
And when you lack strength to be,
Let grace make you be,
A million ***** swam,
You didn't just be by mistake
The universe wanted you to be
Grace wanted you to be
A million ***** swam,but you were chosen to be
A million eggs drowned
Yet you came to be
So if you ain't,
It isn't because you can't,
Its because you didn't
Its because you were only interested in being,
You weren't motivated to being
So don't just be interested to be
Be motivated to be
Because I am i can be
I am the essence of life
Life is meaningless without me
Others may be interested to be, I am motivated to be
29 · May 2020
GENIE May 2020
Why wail for the unfortunate one
Why wail the unlucky one
Has it not been revealed to you that,
The one who loves you will never go,
Such is the lucky one
Such is the fortunate one
Why wail then,the unfortunate one
Why wail what you don't have,
Not supposed to have
Never had
Why not seek what I need to have
Your better half
What you're supposed to have
They are your ex
And x means end,terminate
The chosen one never goes
So why wail them if they choose to go,
28 · May 2020
GENIE May 2020
If one heart Without the other is an incomplete heart
If one heart without the other is a broken heart
If one heart without the other is a fallen heart
If one heart without the other is a sunken heart
If one heart without the other is a pain trained heart
If one heart finds no heart
If one heart gives no heart it's only heart
If no heart throws one heart's heart
Into no heart's pit of no heart
Will one heart live without a heart, will one heart again find heart
Help me out wise poets, for I'm no smart
25 · May 2020
GENIE May 2020
U don't know me, I don't know me either
Dont call me friend, call me brother
Don't love a friend, some hurts never heal
Dont love a stranger,your heart they will steal
Love yourself,love God, love poems
Love flowers, love music, love birds
Love your enemies,those who hit you with rod
Love the devil, he brings you closer to God

— The End —