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Aug 2019 · 216
migayle ocuaman Aug 2019
if you delay me justice
you have denied me justice
Aug 2019 · 137
Fields of the Fallen
migayle ocuaman Aug 2019
"The guns thundered endlessly,
Pitting holes all over the ground;
Yet that was a few years ago
And now this grassy hill utters no sound

"That is akin to the terror
That once sounded here long ago
As soldiers on both sides
Died in trying to defeat the foe.

"Yet in this grassy, peaceful land
Where red poppies dance in the breeze,
Once, men were cruelly butchered
So that other nations might be free.

"Upon this green hill
Where birds twitter in the trees,
Once cacophony reigned
And there was never a moment of peace.

"Then the ground shook
With the rumbles of artillery
While men charged again and again
Only to be slaughtered brutally.

"This place, then, was not green
But an ugly, muddy color
While men's blood poured out
As in their death throes they suffered.

"Pain! Death! And all for what?
What reason is there in this gory?
Many of them might have asked,
Gone from them dreams of glory

"As they only tried to stay alive
In this hell-wrought ruin
That in their worse dreams never imagined
Could be this terrible destruction.

"Silence, here, it never was
Nor was peace to be found
In this place accursed by all
Where endlessly was heard the sounds

"Of men dying, bleeding in agony
As the gun thundered incessantly
And their victims' screams rent the air,
A hellish combination frightening.

"Now, there is no noise
That is akin to the terror raged then
As they fought and died
To set free captive nations.

"Here, the sun shines warmly
And the poppies dance in the breeze
As no sound disturbs the sacred silence
Save the birds up in the trees.

"If you look out, you will see
There, on the plain where so many died,
Which is now grown over with grass
Thousands of white crosses lie;

"The only thing remaining
As a reminder of what happened here
Where men fought and died
In endless agony of fear.

"Yet if one is very still,
One can hear them crying out;
In the silence of their deaths,
One might still hear them shout:

"'Have we died unsung, unhonoured?
Our graves here lie unnumbered.
Did we give our all, our lives even,
For a fruitless war fought in vain?'

"Though wars may come again,
And it is certain they will,
No, they did not die in vain.
We shall always remember this sacred hill

"That marks their final resting place,
A peaceful cemetery
Instead of a war-torn plain.
That all will remember eternally."
Aug 2019 · 42
migayle ocuaman Aug 2019
when you're lost in the moment a spell that is a kiss
on an evening that is peaceful and lovely such as this
a dream that will fade come morning and fall apart
should our eager lips touch it's love shouts my heart
Aug 2019 · 172
migayle ocuaman Aug 2019
red is your heart
a rose that never age
clear is the water that flows
from my soul that pours to you
to choose such a fair rose
from the garden you grow
I will tend to you as you to me
that this love will blossom forever
Aug 2019 · 53
migayle ocuaman Aug 2019
May your glass be ever full,
May the roof over your head be always strong,
And may you be in heaven half an hour before the devil knows
Aug 2019 · 62
migayle ocuaman Aug 2019
Here's to cheating, stealing and drinking.
For if you cheat, may you cheat death.
And if you steal, may you steal a maiden's heart,
and if you drink, MAY YOU DRINK WITH ME!
migayle ocuaman Aug 2019
do the flowers still bloom where you live
do the green fields give the calm relief to forgive
you were a sweetheart who left a love at bay
you have left nothing but fond memory that day
sweet youth still naive filled with grand dreams
when all she loved and hoped for seems
oh faithful heart are you forever nineteen

how the sun shines from under the clouds
a warm breeze that makes the trees dance
waltzing, drifting, dreaming, far from the crowds
i wonder if you stayed would you had a better chance
what remains are this photos behind a glass pane
the sorrow, the suffering, the glory, the shame
oh faithful heart are you forever nineteen

your laughter and glee still echoes to me
from the grave you rest you are but free
faithful is the love your memory enshrined
of a young sweetheart you left behind
among the brave unknown fallen soldiers
you lay upon this field shoulder to shoulder
oh faithful heart you are forever nineteen

you who answered and believed in the call
young and rash you were with countless others
a generation that was butchered and ****** to fall
the killing and dying among his fellow brothers
nameless white crosses silently they stand
here in this graveyard it's still no man's land
oh faithful heart you are forever nineteen
Aug 2019 · 54
migayle ocuaman Aug 2019
any kind of tyranny
against our democracy
will only lead to anarchy
a revolution in our century
it shall ring out in history
against corruptions insanity
Aug 2019 · 57
migayle ocuaman Aug 2019
as the dawn breaks the dusk
and clears the mist down bellow
as the sun rises, its warm rays touches
the cold shadows of the night fades
bright is the day that rouses me
a warm glint greets my wake
the valley now alive once again
Aug 2019 · 58
migayle ocuaman Aug 2019
my people are like sheep
they herd around with no goal
nor do they have dreams to achieve

they allow themselves to be victims
with no voice, with no action but fear
allowing the reign of a unjust systems
Aug 2019 · 62
migayle ocuaman Aug 2019
my people are deep in sleep
they are numb to the cold
yet they dream of liberty and peace
only when they are but asleep
they sleep under a house
that is slowly crumbling
believing only in a dream
but living the nightmare as they sleep

they are silent they are motionless
they are just near to death
but they still breathe they still sleep
as the house starts to fall
and the ship starts to sink
Aug 2019 · 65
migayle ocuaman Aug 2019
slumber can't keep us in its bounds too long
mornings like this brings hope for the day
enjoying the dawns rising light and warmth
not trying to reason or think about this
just surrendering to instinct
understanding my true self among the silhouettes
that wanders in the corridors of my busy mind
yet moments like this never last too long
Aug 2019 · 68
migayle ocuaman Aug 2019
when the time comes
and i start to drift
and my eyes start to close
i will dream about you
Jul 2019 · 78
migayle ocuaman Jul 2019
She finally found her roots
She found them again
She finally found her roots
She found them within

She finally found her roots
Etched deep within her skin
Echoes of her past
She found them again

You finally found your roots
Your core soul and being
You finally found your roots
You found them again
Jul 2019 · 70
migayle ocuaman Jul 2019
Every war is different yet every war is the same,
Men are pawns whose lives are but just a game,
To seek glory and honour amidst the slaughter,
Here the rich profits behind such safe walls,
Hearing the of cruel echoes of this laughter,
Joined by the field of battle to which dreamers now fall,
Such is the faith of those who march with pride and shame,
To those who have fallen by such carnage and unjust death,
I raise a toast to you and a voice for the silent may you rest in eternity.
Jul 2019 · 87
migayle ocuaman Jul 2019
Here I say farewell my dear friend
For its off for me to walk and go once again
The call of death that whistle the end
Above the field where no man has conquered but only lay the dead
Fear not my friend nor shed a tear in my dread
Yesteryear's youth that blossom the seasons golden past
Keep within me those gay memories of spring
For the dark storms and fierce fire shall consume me and my comrades
Light a candle in my door step will please
So if I may fall in this foreign field and my body swallowed by the soil
My soul may find its way back to the motherlands shore.
Jul 2019 · 159
migayle ocuaman Jul 2019
Fading leaves
Of autumn's bliss
Now enters spring
A new dyed wing
Colors of May
are light as day
Thinking of you
And what shall I do
Maybe it's time
To say goodbye
Or maybe it's time
To stay put for a while
Connected hearts
Doing their parts
Making leaving you
Painfully so hard
So as the wings of May
I'll be here to stay
Waiting for you to be
Till the answer comes to me
Jul 2019 · 79
migayle ocuaman Jul 2019
Hearts lost in the dead of night
Turning blue in the cold weather
Blue hearts in the dead of night
But worry not, for the night is not forever
Jul 2019 · 73
migayle ocuaman Jul 2019
A heart of trust
Comes with faith in one
For breaking one's trust
Comes with harsh consequences

A heart of harmony
With balance within me
Like the trees in the forest
And the singing birds outside

A heart of peace
With nothing to worry
But can peace exist in this world
In today's perilous terms

A heart of loyalty
Never leaving one's side
Staying true no matter what
Even on the verge of quitting

A heart of love
To care for each other
With a heart so pure
With no trace of hate.
Jul 2019 · 84
migayle ocuaman Jul 2019
War does not determine who is right... only who is left

War is a deep whole of despair
Trying to find the answer
Of what's right and wrong
But when nothing is right
Then what is left.

Where should I go
To the right where nothing is left
To the left where nothing is right
Up where everything Is down
Or down where everything is up

If there is nothing left to the right
Then it would be pointless going there
Go left, fight to make things right

To the middle,
To save what is left
And to judge what is right

If the reason why I fight is behind me, I go forward to protect it

If the reason why I fight is in front of me,
I rush forward to save it

Walk backwards so you can see
What we have loved won and lost

Forward into the horizon
Where there is still hope of a better future

Close your eyes. Embrace that moment,
And dissolve into everything at once.
Be in all directions at once

Become part of all that is up down left right.
Around front behind above and below
Flow in and out and through it all
Only then can we find peace

But we are all just stuck in one circle
So choose whether to go to any direction
If it’s up or down left or right
It doesn't even matter does it?

In the end were just going the same way... Don't we?
In a mad world with endless and pointless roads ahead
Jul 2019 · 80
migayle ocuaman Jul 2019
Amidst twirling dresses of dazzling silk,
A glimpse of tender grace flickers through frenzy,
A priceless smile swept away in merriment,
To be pondered wondrously as motions flow,
And drift and spin and circle another,
A union of unions floating past stars aligned,

Our worlds collide in glorious sparks,
Reality's gift of pure ecstasy,
Treasured moments with touch you feel,
Whizzing by in delightful zeal,

But fortune fading outlasts wishful thinking,
Fast approaching an end to the bliss,
An end to the night's romantic fever,
An end to the fire without a trace,
An end to endless drifting through space.
Jul 2019 · 90
migayle ocuaman Jul 2019
Upon the vandalized wall speaks an aged truth.
Where their scars break old meaning to fill untempered law.
Hold bound by promised taste of their life, yield their fruit.
Their temptation to attain an enlightened mind, whether clawed or naught.
Jul 2019 · 79
migayle ocuaman Jul 2019
Back when people believe in dragons,
Guardians of the heavens beautiful sky,
Thunder and lighting that flash and roar,
The bulwark against monsters and demons,
That is what they were,

Until people slowly stopped believing in them,
And suddenly they simply forgot,
No funerals nor mourns but silence,
Now they are just fading ink and paper,
What a wondrous glorious fantasy,
That dies in our waking reality.

Monsters were there to attack us...
They the dragons protected us...
We did nothing but watch...
Jul 2019 · 164
migayle ocuaman Jul 2019
This world beautiful and addicting traps me
with the eternal smell of roses in the air,
the forever sunny skies,
the beautiful grassy fields;
but one thing is missing
the imperfections,
love, heartbreak, sadness
I stay forever trapped in this beautiful lonely world.
Jul 2019 · 51
migayle ocuaman Jul 2019
We live in such a beautiful world and yet... we regret it.
We create our own little world to keep us hidden from reality.
Our own reality against the world's reality is very different.
We do this to hide the horrifying truth that this beautiful world of ours bear.
Jul 2019 · 50
migayle ocuaman Jul 2019
What be made from flesh and bone?
Fallen ray like mindless drone.
Where body of built, be turned to rot,
By silent men of puppeteer's plot.
When to act and never from string?
To rise, and smell, the fragrance of spring.
How such life be was, to a stagnant of tale?
Blinded and used, manipulated and pale.
Jul 2019 · 89
migayle ocuaman Jul 2019
If you don't know pain
You won't know life
If you don't know sadness
You won't know happiness
If you don't know darkness
You won't know light.
Jul 2019 · 71
migayle ocuaman Jul 2019
we may be bonded to our chains
but our voices shall not be silence
we shall scream till all our finally free
Jul 2019 · 107
migayle ocuaman Jul 2019
this men who are myopic in vision,
narrow minded in their thoughts,
have begun to make incisions for division
who with greed for power still plots,

they who are full of spite,
they who abuse such prosperity,
to scorn at our tranquility in the night,
using their given rank as authority,

those who corrupt and continue to corrupt,
censuring the emotions of the people,
Our true feelings shall bound to erupt.

hearts they have afflicted and subjugated,
have now planted the seeds of discord,
from these seed shall grow a twisted tree,
it shall bear poisoned fruit and rotten in scent,
they shall reap from it a death of a future generation,
and that field shall be the ruin of the nation.
Jul 2019 · 96
migayle ocuaman Jul 2019
Their eyes are so devoid of emotion,
they idle look and go through the motion...
Jul 2019 · 102
migayle ocuaman Jul 2019
I didn’t know what to do
So, I waited for you
While Everything Burns
I'll wait a life time for your return
Jul 2019 · 81
migayle ocuaman Jul 2019
Proud of my tears I was
They would never come
Now on bed I lay
With my eyes holding some

I was always proud
My heart was ever strong
Now in pieces it lay
I was always wrong

I wished for you to depart first
You wouldn't bear the separation scar
Now I want you back
From the land that lies a far

If I had a wish to make
Your face I wish to see
I promise I wouldn't tease
Unlike the old stupid me

Heaven is now a better place
That God blessed with you
Remember the people I loved
You were among the very few
Jul 2019 · 123
migayle ocuaman Jul 2019
Goodbye for now my little rose,
For here I sleep and never oppose.
Your radiant smile and cheery cheek,
That melt my heart and coldly meek.
Yet days alone were not enough,
For simple wish be here and gruff.
And here I lay upon my tomb,
To never see my lovely bloom.
Jul 2019 · 89
migayle ocuaman Jul 2019
Beauty within you grows,
Like the rivers water flows,
Filling up empty vessels
And giving life to the lands,
Truth is in the palms of your hands
Jul 2019 · 81
migayle ocuaman Jul 2019
Awake me from this nightmare
The demons are ripping me apart
Bring me and take me in your care
And once again heal my heart
I've wandered blinded by rage and hate
Not seeing the way to escape
For that i call your name in the night
Hoping you will answer and show me the light
I'm sorry for what i did in the past
I seek retribution and a way to last
I wish i could change the way i behaved
I wish i could stop being enslaved
I am but a tool in anyone's arms
I need care and love to slay the swarms
Once again i ask in the night
Help me please i don't see the light.
Jul 2019 · 75
migayle ocuaman Jul 2019
And deep in thought like petals white,
Of clearer mind of none to spite.
For what's the most too hold so dear,
Before the stain of blackish fear.
Steel your mind, and widen your gaze,
Speak the truth between the maze.
To yield the self of pain and hate,
To know yourself of futures fate.
Jul 2019 · 69
migayle ocuaman Jul 2019
How heavy and costly the price of freedom,
Where a shepherd must tend his flocks,
and at times, fight off the wolves.

Everyone wants to be a patriot, till it's time act upon it,
to separate the wheat from the chaff.

When it's your turn to answer the Call of Duty...

Will you?
Jul 2019 · 78
migayle ocuaman Jul 2019
Take my hand and run with me,
Let's just run and never stop.
I can still remember those warm days we spent together
Running, just running into the sun.
Take my hand and we'll go to town
Let's have a treat, and then down at the lake, we'll wet our feet.
I can still remember those warm days we spent together
With no cares in the world.
I will always remember those days we were together,
Together, together
Before you left us all forever...
Jul 2019 · 76
migayle ocuaman Jul 2019
Here we are at last
The turning of the tides
Where are secrets are revealed
And put all our differences aside

We go up to the light
A sight for all to see
For we will be together
For all eternity

There was a time
Not so long ago
Where we decided,
To take things slow

A crossroads of time
A loss of trust
Leaving was a crime
And a act of lust

But now here,
In this light of day
Now we both know
And there no words we need to say
Jul 2019 · 93
migayle ocuaman Jul 2019
Flittering, fluttering ,dancing in their flight
Glittering like emeralds throughout the night
The dance begins before sunset and goes on by the light of the moon
It is a ritual we hope wont end soon
In may every lighting bugs get excited
To this dance every firefly is invited
The dance begins when they hover in the air
Then one by one turn on their light for flair
Jul 2019 · 64
migayle ocuaman Jul 2019
Welcome to the City of Wind
Welcome to the Sea of Grass
Welcome to the Fields of Wheat
Welcome to the heart of our own

A new generation from an older set in stone
We grind our wheat
We burn the chaff
We bake our bread
We set our clocks for the next season

It would be a lie if I told you it was easy
But here we are and here we'll stay
Day after day
Hour by hour
The paths we tread mark your road

It's bliss the way we run
Forthright and true as the birds of the air
We beasts of the earth
Not for burden but abundance
Freedom found in the rows we sow

So welcome now to the town we love
To the roads we know
To hearth of our home
Your welcome to a seat at out table
To the bread that we break

So please come stay a while

Welcome to Indie Rose
Jul 2019 · 59
migayle ocuaman Jul 2019
To the vanishing point.
To step over bounds.
To pass limits not thought possible.
To escape the wayward path of life.
That is what it means, to achieve dreams.

It is all beyond the Vanishing Point.
So set sail through the raging oceans.
hike that treacherous beaten path.
For all the greats have before.
Where the sky and land meet.
Where two sides are the same.
Jul 2019 · 56
migayle ocuaman Jul 2019
The days pass quickly
The looming nights veil the world in mystery
The moon reveals nothing but a glimmer
Of what is to happen and makes the mind ponder
What is there to wonder and where shall people wander?
Be it alone or together, the night skies slowly turn
The horizon aglow with creeping orange light
Through the Days that shall never be forgotten
Jul 2019 · 115
migayle ocuaman Jul 2019
Despite your small willow frame,
You gracefully took each step,
As a mark of your humble pride,
Your sweet and gentle face held a smile,
That only heavens angels could dare mimic,
Your shimmering blue eyes glistened,
Like two shorelines meeting at the edge of a cliff,
Glimmering blues and teals,
Your Reddened cheeks and the hint of blush,
Yet that sad longing eyes gave away,
Like the winter bitter wind you long to be free of its cold.
Jul 2019 · 32
migayle ocuaman Jul 2019
The mind is a universe,
imagination is infinite.
Its thoughts are diverse,
it has no limit.

The vacant mind is dark,
it can be led astray.
But thoughts can spark,
and show us the way.

Ideas are brightly lit,
they are never sparse.
If I think about it,
my thoughts are stars.
Jul 2019 · 57
migayle ocuaman Jul 2019
Ash and snow rains as the storm emerges untamed.
Honor thy name, thou hour hast came.
Upon the battlefield lay the graves of the fallen.
Once a thriving nation behind a wall, wings of freedom does it call.
Through eyes of innocent as all shall fear,
watch as blood drops from far and near.
Chaos is the world I shear, like a bird in a cage I do not fray.
For we are the hunters and they are the prey,
with wings thou bear on thy back and sword pointed at thee.
Reluctant Heroes that are we, fighting a war that was not meant to be.
As daring as one can be, losing hope and will to live in chaos that dawns upon me
living comfortably in a false reality, how can one call themselves a soldier of humanity,
souls and flesh that are devour, a steady march forward bound as a new horizon towers.
Your sacrifice is not in vain, with this feel of everlasting pain,
I shall fight with thy dying breathe walking a path alone with no gain.
As the air is thick of peddle roses that beseech among the hollow ground wanders
Look through the eyes of sorrow and buried, for thy comrades life was borrowed.
continuing without a rest I shall fight until the battle's won, united we stand alone with
Tears that fall, for a darken soul is created in the wake of vengeance that so ever linger,
these final salute of humanity we give, to those of this The Funeral Honours.
Jul 2019 · 60
migayle ocuaman Jul 2019
will the world remember me when I fall
will they shed a mournful tear or stay silent
will my death and works mean nothing at all
is my life just one out of many in history's hall
Jul 2019 · 75
migayle ocuaman Jul 2019
It's growing like a cancer
corruption in the nation
we need a solution, an answer
to address this grave question

our soul and democracy
our leaders and their hypocrisy
Jul 2019 · 70
migayle ocuaman Jul 2019
To much rhyming
It is as if a bell is chiming
Or the wolves in the night howling
Now stop using such peculiar timing
Listen to these words, or receive a pining
Jul 2019 · 70
migayle ocuaman Jul 2019
In rising movement,
And of simple ecstasy
A morning euphemism occurs
Expressing a greater philosophy

"Spread your wings", she said to the vibrant sea
Dyed pink by the sunrise
Extending her arms to the horizon
She embraced the world, the sea, the sky, the space

Revelations and thoughts shot out into the growing light
An empowered voice infused a moment, a single moment
Until the echoes couldn't be heard,
Already reaching the faded stars.
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