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Spear Dec 2019
that night when you stayed over
And showed me the scars
I carefully took your arms
And kissed your wrists
To show you the love you needed
I opened my arms and hugged you
I told you about my woes
And how I used to do the same
the next day we took a long walk down the road
I listened to you talk
and each time you cut i'll do it again
I'll calmly roll up your sleeves and kiss you wrist
because I know I'll get through to you by **** that
Spear Dec 2019
One second I'm drowning
And the next I'm floating on water
Sometimes I don't care and sometimes I care to much
I had a friend who was allergic to bananas
Its been 2 years since we stopped talking
But I still won't touch bananas
I sit there at night staring at my phone wondering if I should text the girl I like
But i force my self to walk away because i don't want to be over bearing
Sometimes i won't message people for days because i don't care
Because i'm always the one who text them first
I'm constantly saying i'm fine when I'm not
I'm constanlty fighting with my self on if I'm being anoying
  Dec 2019 Spear
William Shakespeare
Take, O take those lips away,
  That so sweetly were forsworn;
And those eyes, the break of day,
  Lights that do mislead the morn!
But my kisses bring again,
              Bring again;
Seals of love, but seal’d in vain,
              Seal’d in vain!
Spear Dec 2019
At first glance
You might think I'm some sweat girl who's always smiling
But once you get to know me you might think she's sweet and silly
But after a year of knowing me you probably began to realize I'm a sweat ****** who's over protective
After a little over a year you realize I'm kinda an *** at times and I don't take **** from anyone
Sometimes I can be cold and won't give a ****.
So don't base how someone will be at first glance actually get to know them
Spear Dec 2019
I never knew what it was like to have a brother
Until I meet my best friend
He likes to say he's my brother from another mother
And he practically is
We talk to each other about everything
But we don't judge each other
We have a bond like the brothers and sisters do in movies
Except ours is stronger
We've been through thick and thin
And when were together its like he's the sun and I’m the moon
We work together to get things done
He's the person I'd call to help me hide a body
He's my person
Spear Dec 2019
To the girl I think likes me
Why do you have to be so cute
From your cute little nose
To when your on your tippy toes
The way you call me out of nowhere to ask me whats a good movie to watch when your with your friends
To the way you tried to ask me on a date to which i said yes
It makes me feel important
But now I'm starting to worry because I'm beginning to think you forgot that we never set the date so we could go on our date
But maybe it's just my anxiety getting to me
I wonder if you think something happened to me since my phone broke
And the good morning and good night text I'd send you stopped
But don't worry as soon as I get a new phone I'll send you a message first
Because I don't want you to worry
So just keep smiling and don't worry
'Cause I'm going to find a way
Spear Dec 2019
I have a very christan friend who I've  known for 3 years now
and I have yet to tell him I like girls and boys
because he likes me but ive finally decided to tell him as soon as possible
but if he tries to freaking preach to me about how its wrong
I'm going to block him
there will be no second chance
he's just going to have to **** it up and deal with it
because he has no say i am me and i'm not going to hide anymore
boo-hoo i'm going to hell- i already know that
I've spent 4 years fighting my mom about me liking girl and she doesn't care now
so yeah i'm not going to hide
and no i won't feel bad if i have to block him
because I've put up with him for 3 years now and he's an *** so who cares
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