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Aug 2018 · 278
The Place Between
Ivy Anna Aug 2018
I live my life in the place between

Sometimes in this world
Sometimes in a dream

As life flows around me
I drift in the stream

I live my life in the place between
just seems how it is these days
May 2018 · 203
Ivy Anna May 2018

I went to the old place today
It had been a home
But is no longer mine
Funny to see the old places
And things that don't change
Over time

We leave pieces of us
Wherever we go
Some can be seen
Others not so
Yet are sometimes remembered
In dream

I no longer live in the land of my birth
I really don't miss it I say
And yet in the nighttime
I sometimes return
Reliving the forgotten days

Now it seems
That another old place becomes new
It is a return
But still not the same
Things left behind
Will stir once again
But this time 'tis I that have changed

Is there ever a place that we can call home
Can such a thing even be found
Or must we still wander
This maze of our heart
Until we return to the ground
May 2018 · 463
Your Heart
Ivy Anna May 2018
What you are
In your Heart

Can not
Be defined

Do not even try

Build a cage
You see

Would you cage infinity?
May 2018 · 221
Flint & Steel
Ivy Anna May 2018
The Fire has died
The Flame has departed
And the Stones grow cold

The Ashes remain
To be Stirred with a stick
Scorched at the tip
That remembers the flame

Stir through the Ashes now
Seek for a spark
Just one bit of warmth
That may still remain

Flint is hard
And Steel is cold
Yet together a spark may be made
Tinder is
A tender heart
The breath of life
That rekindles the flame
Apr 2018 · 196
Fire and Flood
Ivy Anna Apr 2018
When the flood has subsided
We see the debris
When the emptiness fills us
With pain
And we wonder why we
Were not washed to the sea
When our whole world imploded
With rain

When the fire has passed
And we stand in the ash
Of what we had built
In conceit
When everything's gone
But the wind's empty song
And the ashes that lay
At our feet

When everything's changed
And we seek but in vain
For the world we had known
In the past
Yet we still take the trouble
To sift through the rubble
Till the emptiness
Takes us at last

Yet why we still stand
In this desolate land
Is the question that
That torments the mind
Is there still hope for life
And a flicker of light
Although one cannot
Turn back the time

Where do we start
Do we stay in the dark
Must we stand
In this darkness alone
Or can it yet be
Though we still cannot see
That a candle is burning
At home
Apr 2018 · 186
These Days
Ivy Anna Apr 2018
It seems that these days
Of all that I read
I only believe
The po-e-ter-y

I have grown so tired
Of lies and the tweets
And all the extravagant

With a-cu-si-a-tions
And spinning the web
Truth lies in a prison
And reason is dead

I don't want to hear it
I'm sorry to say
Just keep all your *******
For some other day

I mean that…
These days…
Of all that I read…
I can only believe…
The poetry
Apr 2018 · 674
If A Thing Should Fall
Ivy Anna Apr 2018
If a thing should fall
It's not the end
We roll it up
And start again
When the sun sets
In the west
We turn to the east
And hope for the best
As through a glass
The sand will drop
Less and less
Until it stop
But when it comes
To the final grain
The glass is turned
And starts again

There is an end
And it will come
But not until
These days are done
And when we think
This is the end
Will just begin.
This is an older one but good to keep in mind at times
Mar 2018 · 175
Earth Girl
Ivy Anna Mar 2018
I am
The Earth Girl
Toes in the dirt

***** fingers
***** toes

I am
The Earth Woman
Feet rooted in Earth

Looking up
Smiling to the Sky
Feb 2018 · 169
Ivy Anna Feb 2018
In the parking lot now
I turn off the engine
And sit

Smoothing the skirt over my legs
I look down

Toenails a lovely coral shade
Setting off the subdued greens and browns
Of this skirt

Hand on the door now
I cannot open it
I stay in the car seat

I did not wear my mask

How strange…

I come here nearly every day
But always in my mask

I had hoped
Things might change…

But drive home again

My mask and I go way back
It helps me feel like one of the boys
Sometimes it's hard
Feb 2018 · 182
Sorry for the Mess
Ivy Anna Feb 2018
Sitting alone with a pen
While the darkness
And night closes in

***** on ice once again
Self medication
Has it's limitation

But then…

What's in a word
Or a glass
For that matter
As I sit on my ***
Contemplating the scatter
Of thoughts in my head

Sometimes I think…
I'd rather be dead

But the stink
When they broke down the door
Was so bad
That they puked on the floor

I'm sorry for the mess
This one is a bit dark… but sometimes it gets like that
Feb 2018 · 173
Ivy Anna Feb 2018
I wish I wish
I had some word
A wondrous thought to share
But when I search inside my head
I find that there's nothing there

Pretensions of Profound-full-ness
Are all around I see
And when there's no more to be said
Someone will have to speak

This struggle for the last word
Is just a waste of breath
(Forgive me if I hold my ears
You're boring me to death)

But if you can't be silent
At least take some time to think
For diarrhea of the brain
Can really cause a stink
I didn't mean to be negative here - I think I may have had politics in mind.
Feb 2018 · 163
Ivy Anna Feb 2018
I fear…
This obsession of mine
Can not be ignored
Though it torments the mind
And more

They're swifter than thought
With their strings
And their things
It has all been for naught

These tangles…
They twist and they bind
The hands and the feet
It's the voice from behind
That speaks

And I turn
Once again
Feb 2018 · 153
Wake Up
Ivy Anna Feb 2018
I woke up this morning
And lay in my bed
To gather
The scatter
Of thoughts in my head

To wonder how this day
Was going to be

And how I would deal with the things that I see

And one thought it caught me
As quiet I lay

Your whole life was leading
Up to this day

The good times and bad times
The darkness and sun

Were all preparation
For facing this one

Last year was just practice
And yesterday too

To give one the wisdom
To know what to do

Today is what matters
We just have to see

That now is
The portal
To eternity
Feb 2018 · 365
Ivy Anna Feb 2018
I make my porridge
Of oats and wheat
With sometimes a taste
Of something sweet
I stir the ***
As it sits on the heat
No microwave for me

I cook it slow
For I have the time
Why should I hurry
The whole day is mine
A bowl of hot porridge
For breakfast is fine
To sit by the window and eat
Jan 2018 · 150
Your Heart
Ivy Anna Jan 2018
What you are
In your Heart

Can not
Be defined

Do not even try

Build a cage
You see

Would you cage infinity?
Jan 2018 · 151
Flying low
Ivy Anna Jan 2018
Feet up  Flying low
Between the sky and the earth
The speed is the rush
Jan 2018 · 137
Ivy Anna Jan 2018
What is it I'm missing
What fits in this hole
The pieces you gave me don't fit
They're all looking silly
Here in my hands
They're all just a pile of…

Stuff that won't work.

Must I look in a closet
Or under the floor
Has something eluded
And slipped through the door
I hold what's been given
But need something more
I don't want a checklist
I won't keep a score
It's just that I'm waiting…
And sore

And tired when pieces don't fit.

Your promise was worthless
'Twas just empty talking
Don't want no excuses
No dark raven squawking

Why do you repeat all these lies?

You want to believe them so much
That you think I should still be
Contented with such.

But my eyes

See the story

Listen to the sound
Below the earth
As she cries
In the morning giving birth

The sky above…

Rains tears of joy
And love
Jan 2018 · 159
Ivy Anna Jan 2018
I be a book that you
Write in

The same way I writing
In you

Writing each other's

As we go through this life
In this world

As the story be read in
A mirror

Which eyes be seeing
The page

And so I be left with
The question

Is this really my story
Or yours?
Jan 2018 · 208
Ivy Anna Jan 2018
This house I've built

A mystery
To me

Tho' I've handled each plank
And fashioned each beam
With my own hands
According to plans
I did not understand

So many rooms
As I wander these halls
In search of a door
Jan 2018 · 155
Beyond the mist
Ivy Anna Jan 2018
Beyond the mist waits the dark forest
The unknown there lying in wait

And every step takes me further away
From the places that I have made

And every step now takes me closer
To the places that I fear and dread

And before me is flowing a river
Swift and yet quiet as death

Yet what lies beyond that cold river
Is the thing that I'm longing to see

And what lies beyond that dark river
Is the thing that I'm destined to be
Jan 2018 · 166
Ivy Anna Jan 2018
You have chosen a different path
And I cannot follow
Though I would
As I stand behind
And watch you walk away

Did I look aside
And loose the way
The path now overgrown with thorns
I can not find my way

The light
Is leaving
It seems to follow you
And I cannot follow

You do not look back
Jan 2018 · 177
Tell Me
Ivy Anna Jan 2018
Tell me…

What kind of song
Can wait so long
To be heard

A song from the heart
That's been there from the start
Out of sight

To be freed from the past
Now to sing at last
Like a bird

To flirt and to fly
To sing to the sky
At twilight
Jan 2018 · 271
Ivy Anna Jan 2018
This little Animal that I inhabit…
It is not Me

This little Animal that I inhabit…
can be a source of
Great Pleasure
or Pain

But still…
It is not Me

Oh my Mother…
When will I return
to You?
Dec 2017 · 171
Ivy Anna Dec 2017
I wake in the predawn
Peeking from under the comforter

The room is dark and cold
Breath steaming unseen in the chill stillness

Under these feathers is my nest
A fledgling still
I hug the pillow
Curl into a ball

And savor the pleasure
Simply being warm
Dec 2017 · 280
Timid Wonderment
Ivy Anna Dec 2017
Timid Wonderment

When the door has finally opened
The lid at last is cracked
The dim light
Now bright
To the unaccustomed eyes

Fearfully compelled
Impossible to hide
In this darkness
Any longer

Shielded eyes
Trembling fingers
Halting steps

Face now lifting
In Timid Wonderment

— The End —