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 May 2014 Satsuki
 May 2014 Satsuki
I bet you taste like candy
And smell like roses
10 words.

© Emily 2014
 May 2014 Satsuki
My heart has been weakened
It has been forever changed
When I look back on things you've said to me
I feel tortured and pained
I don't know what to do
Since I have given my all to you
You took advantage of me
And my willingness to love
I let you in, I opened my heart
Then you sabotage that
And rip it apart
You were my everything
My whole entire universe
Where do I go from here
Now that our love is in reverse
Was it ever real
Did you ever mean it
I have trouble trusting you
I don't think I can believe it
I never wanted it to end
It wasn't supposed to be like this
I'm not the one your heart desires
And your love is something I already miss
But we're broken and it breaks me
So now I just want to be free
Alone and without you
Since you remind me of what we could be
You'll move on and so will I
But I will always wonder why
Why I could never satisfy you
Why choosing him over me is something you'd do
© Emily 2014
 May 2014 Satsuki
 May 2014 Satsuki
I can't stand it when you don't act like an adult
You just assume the worst and revolt
You think you know everything but don't bother to ask
You cop a bad attitude and start acting crass
It's so pathetic how you act like a child
That isn't attractive and it gets me riled
You're always the one to point the finger
It's never your fault and the tension lingers
You love to place the blame on me
You always claim that I am lying
Name calling is what you do best
With you I'm anything but impressed
But maybe you're right, I'm just a *****
And now I think it's time for me to make a switch
Focus on myself rather than on you
I hate to say it but I think we're through
© Emily 2014
 Apr 2014 Satsuki
I'm so done with the worthless arguments
And the childish petty fights
I am finished being blamed for it all
I am not selfish
You have me wrong
I was a fool to think you'd ever be mature
The way you act like a **** on purpose
And your vindictive manner and combative spirit
Is more than a turn off
Hanging around you only brings tension
You were supposed to be my lover
You were supposed to be my best friend
Now you're just my enemy
It's exhausting trying to keep up with you
Everything is wrong, no matter what I do
You twist and turn nothing into something it was never intended to be
I'm sick of being thought of as always angry
It's just getting to be impossible to make you happy
I don't believe I can continue walking in your shadow
With your hurtful and harmful words beating down on me
Day after day
Night after night
Give it a rest already
Not everything is a fight
© Emily 2014
 Apr 2014 Satsuki
My Poetry
 Apr 2014 Satsuki
My thoughts are my own
My creativity is mine to express
I will share with you what I choose
You will not violate me
You will not invade my mind
Do not read my poetry
It is like my diary
If you love me
Respect me
I can't afford a therapist
I'm not comfortable telling everything
To my biased parents
Writing is my release
My poetry is mine
It is the expression
Of my deepest, darkest thoughts
And it is my decision
When I choose to let you know
Everything that I'm thinking
And the feelings I do not show
Do not cross this line again
For next time
I won't tolerate the violation
Just tired of people going out of their way to find my poetry and read it.  

© Emily 2014
 Apr 2014 Satsuki
 Apr 2014 Satsuki
What a mistake I made
Investing my love
Devoting my time
Into someone so incapable of loving another
You don't even love yourself
So depressed, you want to die
It happens to the best of us
But that's no reason to give up
I shouldn't have been selfish
I should have just been the friend you needed
But instead I pursued something more than just friendship
And it's led me to being so hurt and alone
You're much younger than me
You're not really committed to me
I'm such a fool
For almost falling for you
I need to step back now
Before the damage grows
You're not ready for this
You can't give me what I want
I want your all
Every little piece of you
Emotional and physical
But you're not ready for that
And now I must take a step back
I love you and always will
But you're not ready for this
And it's all going downhill
© Naomi 2014
 Apr 2014 Satsuki
When I think about us
And how we always seem to argue
I get sick to my stomach
I can't fight the tears
We push each other's buttons
And anger each other on purpose
That isn't how true love works
And that frightens me more than anything
Where is this coming from
Why are we deteriorating
It feels as though the wind has been knocked out of me
And I am suffocating
I can't imagine my life without you
I want you and your happiness
But all I seem to feel is rejected
I never feel good enough
I never feel a spark when we touch
It's like our love has died
And taken part of my soul with it
© Emily 2014
 Apr 2014 Satsuki
 Apr 2014 Satsuki
Can't you see
That without you
I am empty
A day without you
Is like a year without rain
A terrible drought
Feeling nothing but pain
It's harder to breathe
When you're not around
I wish you would realize
That without you I'm down
You lift my spirits
You take me higher
I want you forever
You're all I desire
Don't let me go
And give me a chance
I was made for you
To give you this romance
See me for who I truly am
And never stop loving me
Let's come together
And embark on this journey
© Emily 2014
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