Why is nobody wandering Lonely as a cloud In my world Why is about guts and pain and strain Why are there no host of golden daffodils Hovering Just beneath my cloud?
I think I can walk on water I’m not Moses I know But still Listen I think I can walk on water Fair enough I haven’t tried yet But still Something tells me That at a push I think I could probably Walk on water
Daylight fights to surrender all of it’s precious light Nighttime slowly wins overcoming with all it’s might daylight has to spend each and every night fighting to wake the world up so we can rise and take flight
Don’t try to save me in truth I’m sinking faster than none Don’t try to raise me in truth I’m screaming louder than fun spoiling your fun Don’t try to reach me In truth We’re trying Too hard in truth don’t try to save me in truth our time is undeniably undefinable just about heartbreakingly done .
If I had one wish It would be that someone someday could really see me feel me touch me hear me If I had one wish It would be that someone someday Could really know me love me hold me just once for once If I had one wish It would be that...........
I don’t know whose life I am living here but if you ever come across her do me a favour please tell her to call me I would so like to give it back to her.
this is a beautiful life and my bit in it is divine and way more than I deserve in any currency so why can I not see me and life from the outside and those who are looking in?
no no no I hear you I am listening trust me I am listening intensely but forgive me for asking before we both die of boredom what frigging point are you trying to make?
If I say nothing and you say nothing and we just skim the outskirts of our life if we rise to a sun we’re not brave enough to own and we dance to a tune we’ll never own if we do it everyday it might just be okay if we dance long enough if we dance if we dance convincingly outrageously it may be Yes it may be maybe It may be just about enough
Our land is rich in tears cried from sorrow filled eyes Our land is saturated in deep red blood spilled for human lies and battle cries not worth the lies Our land is sinking deeper and deeper into the abyss Seduced and hypnotised by the serpent’s gentle kiss
I know you said it didn’t matter And I know I said that too I know in grown up lives It shouldn’t matter But somehow that’s not true I know you said we’d laugh about it I think I said that too So why can’t we raise a smile as we sit here Just we two?
Life won’t make you right If anything it will lead you barefoot and ****** into a day you are not yet ready to live It won’t forgive or allow any give It will take you by the hand then suddenly let go disrupt the land destroy your plan Life won’t make you right or alert you to the fight It will push you and push you and keep pushing until eventually reluctantly unsteadily you take flight fly well fly straight fly light.
Yes , okay I failed you and everyone we ever knew according to you yes, okay I failed you does that make me less than you or just a little more dishonesty honest than everyone we ever knew including you?
I knew a girl who played a pink violin So beautifully That the world fell Into time with her uneven tune I knew a girl who played a pink violin So violently That the world stood still And changed their mind I knew a girl who played a pink violin So silently That the whole world listened heard unintentionally Applauded gently then quietly peacefully blissfully Closed their eyes And universally Fell into a Very Easy Deep And beautiful Sleep
I have been diluted by life I started out strong and concentrated But bit by bit I became a weird faint colour of the paint I used to be Okay for decoration for year or two But if you want longevity Or consistency Or value for money Then honestly I’m probably not the paint for you
My words are much too big no one will receive them so they bounce around the room I certainly can’t retrieve them so we sit and smile eat cake have tea Ignore them But they are out there now ******* my big words bouncing around like mad things Lovely honest yet Ignored
I was always a bit square Desperately trying to fit into A very round circle I am still pushing Seems like forever Little square me pushing Exhausted Into this very big Too round circle of life.
I will give you truth because I can It is a light grey white silvery beautiful pearl like pure precious rare colour Don’t make it black Or I will take it back.
I am light I think I was born this way I’ve tried the dark embraced the pain but it doesn’t sit easy in my brain I am light almost breezy I want easy I am light I think I was Probably born this way
If there is anything here at all You want Or desire Take it I am open Like a war wound On the battle floor No one can reach to save me so I will lie here forever exposed on this cold concrete floor
I don’t know the answer I don’t know if I should I know the world will wound you like I knew it always would I want to run ten feet before you Clear the way Slay the scrub But I don’t know which path you’re taking Would you tell me if you could
I am not now who I used to be that girl has died I am not now who I want to be that girl has tried I live here in between who you are and we are I live in the shadow in the shade ashamed Yet unafraid
Daylight makes its entrance through small familiar cracks Today announces it’s arrival uninvited but loudly none the less Reality joins the chorus banality holds up the back Together they defeat me I have no answer back
You don’t have to look like me Or be like me Or think like me You don’t have to dance like me Or laugh like me Or cry like me You don’t have to do anything at all like me To love me Or have me love you back You just have to know like me that differences They paper up the Cracks
Every time you say goodnight you take Just another little tiny bite out of what could have been and surely should have been my total and complete forever hearts Delight