of all the smiles ever given to me and there’s been a few the best smile was the one you gave to me in ‘94 as you ran to me arms outstretched love unattached straight into my arms with your love for me written all over the man I knew you would eventually be.
We still have a small chance a window, if you will to be the kind of family we always wanted to be that we should be but the clock is ticking and ticking and ticking so loudly it is beginning to silence the decent and real tiny parts of me
Not sure if I could ever drink away the pain or the hurt of your memory the scattering you left behind the tattering of my heart you scattered without care or cause never caring for a minute the meaning of because
There is no safe rock No sane mind There is no easy route do not look behind There is no solid block No ticking clock There is no way forward Do not break the lock
so this is what a final Goodbye feels like the knowledge that there will be no right of reply no thinking it over tomorrow and deciding we were wrong no we said too much no let’s keep in touch no lets fume for a week and have coffee next Friday no let’s talk it out again and say sorry for playing games this is the game that was the game we lost no chance to regain you are gone from this earth so this is what a final goodbye feels like.
Can I fall in love with you again can I turn the last page back again can I take last night back again can I rewrite tomorrow again can I unsay my words again can I play happy ever after again can I remember who we are again can I see you anew again can I be me for you again can I fall in love with you again
somewhere along the line our life got lost I couldn’t find it anywhere although I searched neither could you God knows, I tried you didn’t I gave up but if perchance you find it or even try post it to me you have my address.
We have a little strand of paradise fragile silvery beautiful rare barely ours hardly touch it don’t strain do not breath or it will surely break into tiny fragments of what our paradise was supposed to be
I will lay myself down now Although I am scared I will lay myself down now So you can be heard I will lay myself down now Our souls jointly bared I will lay myself down now Today we are paired
My heart is in my pocket I keep it there It’s almost safe But there are pick pockets Everywhere On every street At ever turn They are quick They are sleek They steal hearts with slight of hand And magic dust Then disappear And leave you heartless And torn battle weary And worn
Tonight I would like to topple the world so we all fell out into the abyss together and we were all scared together no colour no creed in the mist of all that fear I would grab your hand I know I would and I know You would grab mine too
I will pick up the pieces sweep the pain away decorate the hall just as it was before wallpaper over the feelings clean the horror from the ceiling but I can’t promise there will be a speedy healing