Every wound has a culprit Every scar knows exactly who they are You are mine You hurt You scarred Deeply Inside my heart Then you moved As I bled And bled Into the dead grey night Eventually I made it home Staggering Slowly And lowly Battle weary And exhausted Into my newly very well made Empty And now ridiculously Ambitious Bed.
It’s just another Saturday morn fading into Sunday slipping into Monday cruising into Tuesday delving into Wednesday diving into Thursday dying into Friday crying into Saturday It’s just another Saturday mom
Have you seen me recently? Have you seen me anywhere? Just can’t seem to find myself Anywhere Listen, no pressure no problem But if you happen to see me anywhere anytime please call Seriously you have my number Just call Honestly I am seriously looking for me
The thing with these days is that too many people have too much to say and they say it Endlessly Exhaustingly Inexcusably repeatedly every ****** frigging single day.
somewhere in the the depths of this I saw myself drowning in pain it was a distant and silent view somewhere lost in tomorrow I saw myself desperately reaching for the surface it was exhausting and harrow somewhere in the shadow.of this I see myself swimming desperately swimming desperately searching for the shore
If I could write the word To make you fall in love with me again I would write it today And tomorrow Again I would scream it from the treetops Scrawl it on the walls Again If I could write the word I’d be free as a bird today If I could write the word to make you fall in love With me .........again......
Boys and girls are rushing way too soon into men and women who can’t consume the reality that this world was not made purely and solely for their amusement
I am drowning in your laughter saturated by your love amazed by your joie de vivre enchanted by your dance impressed by your last stance weakened by your glance
I will leave my words here now scattered upon the floor as I have so many times before gather them or discard them reject them or suspect them scorn them or pity them love them or lose them or simply dismiss them as you have done so many times before
Don’t worry I’ve gathered up all your bad bits they were scattered across the floor I liked that you walked away And never looked back did you already know I would,d keep them temporarily in my heart
Hello! Hello! Hello Miss hang on Hello Miss hang on Sorry so sorry hang on I think you dropped this as you disembarked the train I usually wouldn’t have bothered except I think it might be your heart.
I am offering my hand and even now I know it is not enough to save us but still I am offering my hand reach out know this I will lose it before I will deny this