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 May 2020 Richard Frank
No Nahme
How is it that
I feel this connection
With such
Intensity and rarity
My bones
My soul
As if
Our souls are tangled
Together repeatedly
without knowing
One lifetime
After another
A magnetic force
That pulls me to you
I want to give in
Snap into place
 May 2020 Richard Frank
No Nahme
Want to tell the truth
But the words are hard to find
And harder to say
Words. Are. Hard.
 May 2020 Richard Frank
No Nahme
You are the perfect host
And I am a virus
Invisible like a ghost

Let me infect you

I will raise your temp
Shorten your breath
And take you to meet death
Well.. ****
I just want it to end.

The hopelessness, the fear,
the constant critic in my head:
I've lived with them all for too long.

All I've ever known is this war, this endless battle.
There's nothing wrong with wanting it to end.
To wish that it didn't is cruel.

But why can't the best solution be the simplest?
Why do I have to keep fighting?

At times it's deafening,
and I'm so exhausted.

Why can't I just lay down in no man's land
and let this battle fall silent around me?

Why can't that be the end?

Because... I'll never know what's possible.
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