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For The Masked Sleepyz
"What are you to do when you are stuck between the end of the world and the rest of it?"  

standing in a haze
lost in  a maze
put on a spot
left in a big risky blot
at a loss for words?
feeling behind a threat of swords?
no right actions conceived?
careful, lest we be deceived...
there's this tiny beam of light
it is nowhere in sight
shyly shining inside our mind
not to be shoved behind
a soft warning, a small voice
possibly, our best choice...
a teacher once talked about,
of this... an exit, a way out,
of that...a  dreaded spot,
and this... a circled blot...
From paths with haze
amidst an enormous maze
to get us through life's perils, puzzles, so real
glad we were given, this gift of gut feel...


Copyright 2014
Rosaliai Rosario A. Bayan
I am not sure if this short write will help....just read your poem, re read, and this came up...
Watch their belly
their dying eyes
know all my talks of wisdom
are my escapes in disguise!

If I had littlest shame
and a belief in the claim
I'm humane

I would not have let them stray
but killed them with the bullet's spray!

If I can't help them live
if their numbers I don't contain
if letting them be there is no gain
why not **** the stray with the bullet's spray?

I move around with a bowl of rice
small hand small bowl teeming mouth
in the blind belief
if I try

*some of them may still not die!
Out of Liquor
and out of time.
It's 2 AM on
thats not a

Outside my window
racoons climb through
the fig tree feasting
like untamed
royalty on
the heavy hanging

I rifle through
the cabinets
in search of a
The cabinets are
bare and I know
but the madness
says there's more.

There's a deep
red stain on
the scuffed and
peeling linoleum floor.
It's as red as
that flapping flag
of anarchy.
It's blood and
I know it
but I choose to
ignore it.

The bars have
all closed and I can
hear my neighbor
has brought the
party home
next door.

I despise the sun
but times like
these I beg the
Gods for it's
For with the
awakening of
another day
brings the opening of the
liquor store
and my continuance
in the way of the
hardened soul.

My mornings began
just as empty as
my bottles
from the night before
and I see no
real reason to
stop it all
If I knew
the Truth
indeed the

Then maybe
I'd be able
to live in the
out side
my head.

But until
and for now
I've taken
refuge within.

the only lies
are my
The spells I cast
have been achieved
by others.

Leave me to
my dullest needle.
This sting only
numbs the pain.

Candle light improves
my perception.
Silhouettes live out
their time in all

Time carries itself
upon the
wings of memories.

I only try and make
sense to me.

Loving and Leaving
are old reissued
beginnings in
my world.
Freedoms momentarily,
forever has never
been longer than
a year.

She promised me
almost everything,
and yet the
Dragon won my

I did not look
up as she walked
herself out.

I watched time
watching me
and made
no effort
to change it.
They lay
on their

Roaches and mice
have the run
of the floor.

Stale vented
air fills the small
concrete inclosure.

The smells
and the time
they've learned
to ignore.

Some think
about what
lead them
to this and
how they can

Some curse
for getting
caught and
can't wait to
try and
pull it off
To be Loved
is mostly
temporary and at
times a lie.

But to be missed
to be remembered
lasts as long as
a memory
and is about as
real as it's ever
going to get..
Our breathing quickens as we touch,
Kisses mingle in perfect harmony,
Wet and deep and lingering.

I stroke your warm nakedness
And shudder in disbelief.
Tracing the lines and curves,
Of your form, one more perfect,
Softer than the next.
And I shutter still more.

Tasting then each other’s
Ultimate intimacy,
The salty-sweet nectar
of human love exchanged.
Tongues and wet warm mouths
moving as if they are possessed,
Having minds of their own.  
Our mutual excitement pushing
us both to nearly explode!

You whispering words of love
That deepen my desire even more.
We are actually panting now,
I can feel the intense beating
Of the heart within your Chest
And it matches that of my own.

Our bodies’ moving ever closer,
Deeper to the object,
Of our collective desire,
My head spinning,
Dizzy in response to this,
Our compelling growing excitement,
As we franticly rhythmically dance,
In Loves penetrating embrace.

The loving complete,
Our passions spent,
We lay exhausted,
Wrapped in each other’s arms,
Both of us clinging as if unwilling,
Or perhaps even afraid to let go.
For all that have loved and been loved,
Even time and age can not erase
our desire and ability to love.
Blurred and fast they race
the intangible senses on my walkway
dragging me through a maze of madness
my perceived traverse of each day!

As I try to feel them in their fullness
save each as a precious find
they melt away in their secluded recess
leaving me to ***** in my mind!

I search bewitched in their spell
if can find a trace of their tint
but only see upon the trail
their inscrutable footprint!

Thus I traverse each day
seeking to unravel the maze
of my indecipherable walkway
obscured in yet ungrasped haze!
It's only today
and yesterday seems never was
believed its promise to stay
never thought it was so treacherous!

It's only today
and yesterday seems like a tale
that was blown way
in today's howling gale!

It's only today
and yesterday had never been
just an imagined way
never walked ever unseen!

It's only today
and yesterday was never born
somehow lost its way
in the womb of today's morn!
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