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I lay here, paralyzed,
under the vibrant evening sky.
Clouds float on by,
this, I've never seen.

Such beauty before me,
I've only heard of in stories.
It's mesmerizing to see,
almost unbelievable.

What's inconceivable to me,
is that we're the only ones here.
There must be more out there,
in each tear in the space time continuum.

Birds fly overhead,
singing songs to the dead.
Some words are better unsaid,
her bed will be empty tonight.

Night slowly approaches,
as darkness encroaches the light,
the sunsets on another day.
Paralyzed, I close my eyes,
as I lay outside my shattered car,
only a few feet away.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
 Feb 2014 Fiona Crouch
Just GS
Maybe it’s me but I can’t seem to see
Past the pouring rain that some seeds seem to need
Impatiently awaiting answers; questions asked inside a dream
Life today is a waiting room full of magazines I’ve seen
At best we get to live free from hurt up in the sky
At worst it’s the hearse that holds the love that we survived
There’s nowhere farther away than 12 feet from my eyes
I tell the dirt it hurts to pray and I hope the preacher lied
Save me I am lost and I don’t know where to look
All the things you gave to me, in turn you took
The love I gave was far stronger than my frame
Hope is all I have still you keep her far away
The man of rusty steel whose super power’s pain
Hard to cope insane in a world so built on change
The lies we tell ourselves day in and day out, I’ll bet
Tell less of who we are than the dreams that we forget
So here’s to loss and life or so it seems
Stitched together night and day with pain from love's requiem
 Feb 2014 Fiona Crouch
Just GS
Sold my soul for nickels
My heart went for a dime
Two bits for my story
Taxed but just with time
Packed a scattered suitcase
Loose leaf - countless lines
A past of seared in burdens
Masked by my design
A silly thing to save
Regrets (the pain in stages)
A single ink stained suit
Buried in the pages
 Feb 2014 Fiona Crouch
Buried inside
Wrenching pain
of Untold truths
and Secrets maintained

Alone in crowds
Invisible to eyes
Can't they hear
My Silent Cries

Tired and weary
Heartache swells
The world ignores
My muted yells

Tears descend
Spirit sighs
Won't anyone hear
My Silent Cries*

©Tina Thompson
 Feb 2014 Fiona Crouch
There's but one indulgence
     One delicacy.
That will ease my hunger
     Please my appetite.

It is a sweetness
     No baker can provide.
A delicious treat
     A most Savory delight.

The aroma visits me daily
     Dismantling all self control.
I can taste it by thought
     But that won't soothe my soul.
These cravings are possessing me
     My mind and body can't rest.
In order to cease my desire
     I must Feast upon your flesh.

© Tina Thompson
 Feb 2014 Fiona Crouch
I am turning this pencil upside down and rubbing vigorously upon a fictional friend.

Pressing tightly to my life's page the images of you disappear and your presence comes to an end.

Blowing away the memories of opportunistic lies, self serving betrayals and make pretend.

The page is now clear.  A new story can be told.  This time however, I will write it in pen.

©Tina Thompson
 Feb 2014 Fiona Crouch
There's no reset button
No ctrl alt delete solution
I am forever changed

I can not hit esc
There's no back out option
My life's been rearranged

Short circuited
By the surge of your touch
I will never be the same

I've been Remanufactured
Reprogrammed and Restored
My heart's logo reads your name.

©Tina Thompson
 Feb 2014 Fiona Crouch
When Peace evades me
     and Hope fades to a memory.

When Frustration and Grief become my only friends
     and Weak and Weary try their best to settle in.

Just as Hatred is knocking at my door...

My knees find their way to the floor
      and I cry out

I NEED YOU LORD, like never before.

© Tina Thompson
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