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Soaked him a shower
From the roadside balcony
For him the day’s better hour
Turned bitter agony!

I told you earlier too
You need some homework to do
Else prove yourself the fool
By others’ rule!

To brim to full his misery’s cup
The man next to him was looking up
Just in time moved away
Never believed in the look straight say!

Adding salt to his injury
The riffraff looking carefree
Grinned just in time,
Your shirt is stained with grime!

He looked up too but too late
A born loser since the first failed date
Then stood stunned a while
On her lips played the wickedest smile!

The woman smiling without the slightest regret
With no hint of apology for causing him this fate
Not one consoling sorry for marring his day
But saying on his face *you came on the way!
From gone by years remembered in tears a tale more sweet than sad
Of a stealthy game that brought no shame played by a son with his dad
It's still a secret not told to this date he keeps to his breast the son
Still haunts his thought if he was caught by his dad long since gone.

The dad was old had a heart of gold used to spend money his own
Deemed it fair as long as there wouldn't be a burden on his son
He lived on pension but felt no tension in his frequent buying spree
Got whatever caught his whim’s fancy gifted them to the family.

We don't need as such why spend so much the son would remonstrate
Your extravagance has spoiled all chance for any savings till date
At this age on life's last page I need to spend the last dime
Live in rapport with warmth of comfort till I exhaust my time.

When failed all logic performed one trick the son played out a farce
Many times not once whenever got chance secretly filled up dad's purse
The old man went on to buy for his son ignoring his advice of thrift
The son on his part did what said his heart boosted the old one's spirit.

It was summer was time to go home, the dad took leave of his son
For all the nine months he stayed in the hills lived a monk’s life alone
A few days later over a phone call the dad spoke son when I count
I find in my purse what I carried intact in fact a little more amount.

The son feigned surprise deemed it wise the truth not be told
Lest he came apart his pride felt hurt the man with the heart of gold
He said in humor’s voice it’s cause for rejoice that money spent is grown
To this day the son guards the truth alone never making what happened be known.
 Feb 2014 Fiona Crouch
Just GS
She asked "How can I help you?"
"I'm just looking." he replied.
Strange, these were his sole last words -
- such a fitting little lie.
If you have to go to the beach
Where the blue bends down to the sea
The eyes far the waves outreach
Salt sprays gurgle in glee,

Find the time to take a ride
Miles down the city’s edge
Over the greens of countryside
Past huts with thicket’s hedge!

When you pass the winding stream
See winds on the bloated sail
Hear boatman’s tune of forlorn dream
Catch a village belle with her pail,

Find the time to stop a while
Watch the sun shine her grace
Forget travails of the bumpy miles
Smell the dew on her labored face!

If the white clouds sail the sky
Bewitch you the rustic way
Break your path make a valiant try
Seize that moment of the passing day,

See in her eyes the river’s tale
In her hair the flower’s bloom
Feel in her breath love’s rapturous gale
Her desire’s rainbow plume!

Rue not the time lost on the way
For you paused for the boatman’s song
Viewed her frame molded in clay
As the river brought her along,

Regret not if you are late for the beach
Where the blue bends down to the sea
Think of the chance that brought to your reach
A glimpse of eternity!
All were created,
All exist in this world
For a certain purpose,
Known only to God Almighty...
Even the lowly mushroom
Has a reason  for being.
Here on earth,
We have certain wishes and visions,    
As well as intentions,
To take us to our own successes, farthest from perdition.
But, we also have to fulfill our  missions...
Even in our absence, they will be our arms in extension,
Make sure of a continuation
Like the river that flows endlessly
in the spring, summer, fall through winter...
The water that gives sustenance to life...
It is never easy, but we must make sure of its fruition,
Be up to it,
Be like the sun, which lights every part
Of the universe, extending its brilliance...
Until it is time for the dark
To reign for a few hours...
Be like the moon, as it rules,
Shining, though glumly at times,
Inspiring lovers 'neath its moon glow...
The stars, teasing,
Glittering through the heavens,
Beautifying the night even more.

At this point in our lives...
For a change,
Why don't we help the blind and the old
Cross the street on each long day of their lives...
Listen to those who need to be heard...

We can be a beautiful sunrise
To start the day of those
Who are in the dark...
The warmth bursting forth,
The pulse throbbing,
The heart beating...
That, which gives a sudden spark
To one who is despondent.
Let us be a spring of hope, or a happy feeling,
The lilt....
The reason for a big smile on someone's face,
The reason for a smile to glow
Let us have that desire to be the reason
So that life and love may grow...

Strain our eyes a bit,
Let them see beyond what lies before us,
Don't we want our hands to be the ones that care?
Make sure our palms are wide open
Let us ask more from our ourselves...
To give more..
To do more than the usual...
For the sake of those who have less...
For those who have nothing...

Be the hot soup
For the hungry and the homeless
The roof over their heads
On a cold or rainy evening...
The warm beds, the blankets
So they can make it
Through their remaining nights
Here on earth...

We would be resplendent if we became
The cream to enhance the taste of coffee...
And why not be
The honey that sweetens a cup of
Freshly squeezed lemon juice?

Through all seasons,
Let us have the good sense
To smother the impulse to fight...
Be the voice that would speak of wisdom
To lead us to a road to freedom,
to set us free
From all sorts of battles...
Let us be inspirations,
The spur, to urge us on,
So all may work hand in hand
Towards one direction...
We can be that heavenly reason,
The light from above,
So that PEACE may predominate
Wherever we may stand,
Whatever we may stand for...

With every single stroke of God's hand,
Let us be that wand, the instrument He uses
To bring magic to all His creations
Here on earth...

Let us be a reason...

(November 24, 2013/10:40 PM)



Copyright 2014
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
 Feb 2014 Fiona Crouch
Just GS
Rolling deuces
Bold excuses
Felt the truth
Wrapped in bruises
Round the heart
A day apart
Between what’s seen
And where we are
Cope with me
I hope they stay
Told the pain
Now washed away
Let the rain
Save the day
Lost, forgotten
Thoughts remain -
 Feb 2014 Fiona Crouch
SE Reimer
she is
the gift
that takes
a lifetime
to unwrap
Post script.

happy 10 word Tuesday and even more...
today i celebrate my dear wife's birthday;
happy birthday, my darling!!!
The ones thought lost never go away
find in you a place anchor and stay
on a rainy evening such as this
they come to your mind plant there a wish.

The girl you loved but never got to tie
you thought you lost when the years went by
comes back to you with the dust laden ring
her finger still unwarm on this rainy evening.

As the rain pours in the streetlight's glow
you regret if only you hadn't let her go
wish her to come back by a magic happening
redraft torn pages on this rainy evening.

Your side of the window can't rub off the cold
of the void in you left for her face never old
you madly ask could give anything to find
if on this rainy evening you come once in her mind.
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