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Relations are hard to maintain often with the best you do
still do spare even a stranger sweet words one or two
there is no levy on sweet dealings no price heavy to pay
when you greet the unfamiliar you only make your day.

There's no meekness in being good
all strangers we are at this place
blessed are those who wish they could
make each face manifest happiness.

You may have seen rise of many a wall
gaping void in seeming closeness
you would do well not to turn cynical
but try to make the world a better place.

Even your best efforts would not ensure
no blood leaves a stain on your hand
but if you can bring even one ache a cure
you justify your place on this land.
I put me up for sale

Counting on your help

Praying I don’t fail

To advertise myself!

Up for sale, advertising myself?

Yea, exactly what I do

Not for the gain of power or pelf

*For reaching the heart of you!
when does the sun seem too far
when a few steps and you could be there
yet you see it from the shadow of nightmare.

a few steps and you could be there,
but the sun is moving west
on you the shadows rest
gone is the hand of love and tender care.

your eyes why they gather dewy mist
you were left to be sunned in the east
but when shadows closed in, wind brought a chill,
couldn't shift you to west all your will.

you are stilled now in the sun's shadow zone
a burden to the ones you thought your own
moving at their will, living on alms of care
watching the sun's motion from wheelchair.
drank a pinot noir,
Rascal, they called it,
from Willamette Valley,

drank it at The Quarter,
a charming establishment
on Hudson Street,
in the cobblestoned West Village.

I love a good name
as much as
I love a good Pinot,
and to scribe about
the city I love
where I was born,
schooled and fooled in,
by many a woman.

The city where I named
and raised my children.

Will probably die in
this city, and when
I am long forgot,
my name never uttered,


as my designated
will think of me
whenever someone says,
he was such a rascal
Posted a long time ago and fell between the tables...resubmitted for your reconsideration
When I run on the road of potholes
Beat the signal to go to other side
I feel the worth of my tattered soles
Thank good luck for being on my side.

You needn’t shed a tear
You needn’t mind it dear
Though came the new year
Didn’t buy a new pair.

I tell you through my tears
I’m not a miser
But through all my years
Have grown wiser!

It has run all concrete length
Sun’s heat and soaking rain
But still is left with strength
To sprint on all terrain!

You needn’t tell me dear
It brings me lump of tear
That its death is overdue
It’s time to get a new!

I tell you a fact of truth
My holed mate looks uncouth
Looks wretched in broken sole
But it's a living faithful soul.
I seek a meaning long

When her glances are short.
10 word breather to tease her.
One red streak
if were smudged lipstick
that landed on his cheek
when came his way a kiss!

If only did this kiss
stumble on his way
left remnant of a bliss
a memorable day!

He wouldn't erase them
but wish away a wash
preserve as a gem
the loud speaking hush!

He would keep this unspent
not let the mark grow thin
to remind him the moment
the kiss came flying in!

But the streak on his cheek
brightly glowing red
would heal in a week
was made with a blade!
 Feb 2014 Fiona Crouch
Just GS
When everything in life goes wrong
I write and soon the pain is gone
It will return – when hurt’s your muse
You fall insane and sink, it’s true
Tempered mind assigned to yesteryear
Ventures blind - when tomorrow's feared
If I recite my dream last night
Record it for it’s never quite
The same although it reoccurs
Love-lost’s eyes alive in sight
Answers why, might all be right
Still I’m torn and so I fight
Spill my soul – in ink, my life
My favorite poem
is the next one, yet to be,
that I shall write....

Once, I wrote:
a flawless poem
if such there were,
will always be,
the next one^

When asked again,
I still thus answer

For everything I have ever writ,
even if the imperfection,
the clarity, not the pristine perfect
I sought

Digging mining refining...
this process endless,
a life long condition of being

It is therefore and ironically godlike,
unchangingly immutable,
this, the divine spark within me,
my nizotz,
unceasingly immutable
in search of the flawless poem,
my favorite-yet-to-be, to be

my favorite poem
is the next one I shall write....
and the one there after,
until the flawless one is either created
or found, bound, full formed


until the inkwell empty,
the mind black blot dimmed,
the eyes yellowed-weakened,
the lips, white parched beyond repair,

whichever comes last,
the last poem, perforce, must suffice.


^ see my banner

Nitzotzot (Lit. "sparks"). In Kabbalistic-Chassidic terminology refers to the sparks of holiness or Godliness inherent in all of creation. When something is used in its Divinely intended context, its sparks are said to be ‘liberated’ and re-absorbed into their Source, thus contributing to the establishment of the Divine dwelling on earth which is the ultimate purpose of creation.
some poems i wish i had never written
some i treasure in my vault
with some like narcissus i'm love smitten
without a speck of fault!

some poems of mine are too badly done
some seem to me flawless
some too dark for the clouds hid the sun
bereft of sunshine's grace!

some poems i wish i could write again
a few that are dear to my mind
some are thorny bleed me in pain
leave a trail of sadness behind!

whatever they are the poems are mine
and once fired from the gun
i have to own each word each line
once shot cannot be undone!
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