Grey skies, grey clouds when you came,
I then figuired out I was not okay,
To tell my story in the proper way,
I must tell you I'm a castaway,
I've always been pale,
My hair dark as night,
Left tears on pillows,
When my secrets became too hard to hide.
I know most people,
But never friends,
I keep my feelings,
I won't ever tell,
Not even you so stop keep asking,
To speak the things my world is lacking,
I've been around but you never showed up,
And now I'm afraid that I might feel true love.
Our secret moments,
The thousand times,
Fading lights and,
Drowns in eyes,
And then to wake up from your lies,
A piece of me that always dies,
And all those things I can't avoid,
Endless, lightless, dark, black voids.
All the years that passed me by,
I ask myself, am I still alive?
I've always failed to ease this thirst,
But I want you to know that I loved you first.