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 Jul 2019 William
Neville Johnson
It’s not about me anymore but the pact we made
We’re in this together
I’m not gonna lose her
No way
I’ve got my faults
But I get better every day
She knows I do
Sometimes we pray
That it will all work out
Sometimes we say
Nothing can come between us
Not tomorrow nor today
It’s all about us
And the pact we made
 Jul 2019 William
rose hopkins
Everything's so still.

Looked at through a cobweb
on a fresh September dawn
bedecked with shining dewdrops
on the rose bush on the lawn,
while below me in the valley
a swathe of thick white mist
snakes along the river
waiting to be kissed
by the first long rays
of the sun's embrace
peeping o'er the hill.

Everything's so still.
 Jul 2019 William
rose hopkins
A lone kestrel circles slowly overhead
as she scans the ground below.
The soughing wind gently scatters
Autumn's leaves
in a rush of bright colour,
as fingers of sunlight
through the trees.

I close my eyes
breathing deeply.
I hear the wind
and the kestrel.
I open my eyes
and see the colour
where the sunlight falls
and the kestrel's drop
straight as an arrow.
 Jul 2019 William
rose hopkins
When I was young  and time was infinite
I was spontaneous,impulsive, impatient.
Now I am older
and life is precious
and timeless becomes time
with an end in sight.
Love becomes more visible.
I am adventurous,
pensive and patient,
riding the next dream
into a timeless future.
 Jul 2019 William
Raj Bhandari
I Don't know, yet, the art of living,
I am crushed under dart of living!
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