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Anna-Marie Rose Apr 2017
Broken homes
And shattered lives
Sorrow roams thick
In many of our own lives
Some people hearts
Others stay hollow
Anna-Marie Rose Apr 2017
Broken homes
And shattered lives
Sorrow roams thick
In many of our own lives
Some people hearts
Others stay hollow
Anna-Marie Rose Mar 2017
Every night you are cuddling with a shadow
that lies there somewhere in between your
memory and reality...
Every night you are cuddling with a shadow
and there is no one to hold you,to embrace
you,to put their feet between yours..
Every night you are cuddling with a shadow
there is no easing out of this pain,you
will get through it,but I know you will
be forever cuddling with a shadow
Anna-Marie Rose Mar 2017
beauty is a selfless being,
she seldomly sees herself such, wondering what the world must think, she traps herself in her books reading and writing keeps her hooked.

The Beast does paces back and forth in his castle.
He has locked himself in a creature in a cage or if the world seen him they would laugh in his face or be frightened and run away.
He keeps himself hidden.
He wasn't always an ugly Beast.

There was a witch she cursed him
A magical Rose this truth the fact that you must find true love
Before the last petal or he will be be trapped as an ugly beast for all eternity..

He thinks to himself how could it be how will she fall in love with me I'm just an ugly beast she'll be fearful of me and run the other way
Beauty ..
Not finished
Anna-Marie Rose Mar 2017
Abstract shapes displayed on walls
It seems it will consume each person
Lock our voices in a box
You won't find what we look for
Outside in the open
Rather inside someone's heart
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