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Escape May 2021
Was an easy day
Work all the way
And now that i stop to breathe
I set off the timer
The timer that ticks back to you.
All effort in vain (2)
Escape May 2021
Tonight im nothing but plain, stupid, insane angry.
Escape May 2021
Sleep to dream
Dream to ****
On days like these
I wonder
If I'm choking on medicine
Or if poison's supposed to taste this sweet?
Fresh. It's all coming back fresh today.
Escape May 2021
I found you once,
I'll find you again.
Escape May 2021
Why is it
That these pages
Words and melodies
This fulfillment
And nothingness
This familiar feel
All of it
Comes down to nothing
But you.
Why do they leave me wondering
What if
What if it's you?
Trying to decipher.

And also wondering. Is it the same for you?
Escape May 2021
Happiness, health, and peace
Thats all i wish for you love
Escape May 2021
On my bad days, i miss you more
But on my good days
I miss you most.
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