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Feb 2022 · 232
Eola Feb 2022
Tik prie butelio, kuris pusiau išgertas guli netoli sofos
Tik prieblandos šviesoj, kuri užtemdyta griozdiškos muzikos
Tik ten mes visi tampame gražūs, mieli, mylimi
Tik ten suvokus santykių temperalumą yra sunkiau nei ryte
Jan 2022 · 315
Eola Jan 2022
Kaip žalia ir gražu pavasario vidury
Aš stoviu ant pienės rusvo žiedo
O tu tik krioki, tik vartai akis
Bandai sugriebti mano rankas liesas

Tačiau atskris mano fėja ne už ilgo
Ir keliausim abu į gražų rytojų
Nebesustabdysi manęs mirties šūkiais
Nebeatimsi mano būsimo rojaus
Sep 2021 · 314
A game
Eola Sep 2021
Little boys with guns and roses
Little boys with tons of doses
Chatting by the willow tree
Mothers are crying into their tea

But what if I took thee
And showed you their gun machine
Would you still be in a dream?
Or finally hear their scream?
Sep 2021 · 232
My old watch
Eola Sep 2021
My watch is ticking
It doesn't go anywhere tho
The screen keeps breaking...
Sep 2021 · 207
Eola Sep 2021
papūga tauškia
papūga žybsi
papūga čirškia
papūga, tuoj mirsi
papūga, nepamiršk pasikrauti
papūga, primink mano gimtadienį
papūga, kur tu dingai
oi, aš gi apie telefoną parašyt norėjau...
Sep 2021 · 300
Eola Sep 2021
Palanga - labai gražus miestas
Čia yra ir Basanavičiaus gatvė, ir jūra, ir molas
O vakarais Saulė skandina save nuogą
O minios tik spokso į gamtos pasirodymą

O aš verkiu parkely
Akys pilnos dūmo aštraus
Tačiau jis sklaidosi ir man reikia cigarečių
Man reikia žmogaus, kas priglaus

Pirštai begėdžiai bėga ekranu
Sustoja ties tavimi
Paauglės verksmas užėjo
Tad rašau, kad plyštu per vidurį

O tu, mėnuli, kažkodėl susirūpinai tada
Atėjai šiek tiek balta
Patraukėm link jūros tada
Kaip garvežys, nors vėžys jau buvo plaučiuose

Jis plėtėsi, šildė širdį
Leido kaprizams mirti
Tačiau žudė mane kartu
Suvokiau - patraukti akių negaliu

Smėlis, jau seniai atšalęs, virkdė žvaigždes
Ašaros dangaus skliautu riedėjo
Juokiausi aš, juokeisi tu
Ir staiga - saldi tyla atėjo

Šalta ranka nepaleido ilgam
Vedė link namo vis apsukdama
"Vienas vyno butelys" - tarei lengvai eidama
Buvo mano nemenka kaina

Palanga - labai gražus miestas
Norėčiau čia sugrįžti kažkada
Čia yra ir Basanavičiaus gatvė, ir jūra, ir molas
Ir meilė mano paslėpta
Eola Jun 2021
If I'll have a taste of my mistakes
I'll become addicted
And continue to be friends with you
Without feeling conflicted
Jun 2021 · 177
Eola Jun 2021
-Ar nori pasivaikščioti kartu su manimi miške?

Smaragdo žiežirbom pasipuošusi žolė kutena kojas
O medžiai virš galvos patyliukais apšnekinėja mus
O vis dėl to graži ta srauni upė
Nors ją matau ne pirmus metus

-Ar nori kartu nueiti į kiną?

Takelis eina tiesiai link miesto pakraščio
O naktį veidus apšviečia premjeros reklama
Filmai nauji, jų išleidžiama be galo daug
O pokalbių temos nesikeičia

-Galim į restoraną nueiti kartu?

O sakyk, ar ryžiai nuo mėsos skiriasi?
Tiesa, skonis kitoks ir aroma kita
Tačiau aš sėdžiu su tavimi ir mėgaujuosi kompanija
Kažkaip nepabosta man ši rutina

-Nėra už ką, nes su tavimi esu ir būsiu visada.
Jun 2021 · 122
O kur tie draugai?
Eola Jun 2021
Aš noriu komforto
Noriu tavęs
Noriu karamelinio torto
Noriu baltų kanvų
Noriu pilnų vodkos butelių
Noriu veido kremų

Tačiau aš jų neturiu
Todėl tu ant manęs šauki
Tu išvykai svetur
Tu nebesikalbi
Tu turi kitų draugų
Tau aš pabodau
Ir neįtikau nei kiek
O tave, mano miela drauge,
Žeidžiu kasdien
Jun 2021 · 228
Sudžiuvusi žemuogė
Eola Jun 2021
Gaudynės, šėlionės
Gan paikos svajonės
Pirma meile mano buvai
Tau žemuoges aš nešiojau
O tu jas tik džiovinai
Eola Jun 2021
I'm crazy
I quench my thirst with you
Go outside again this summer
And leave me a corpse after the young autumn dew

I will renounce my name
I will give you everything I can
Poison me with your lips
Love, I believe in you again
Jun 2021 · 232
Fui tie balandėliai
Eola Jun 2021
Aš kvaištu
Trošulį tavimi malšinu
Išeik laukan dar sykį šią vasarą
Ir palik mane lavonu po jauno rudenio rasa

Išsižadėsiu aš vardo
Atiduosiu tau viską, ką galiu
Nunuodyk mane savom lūpom
Meile, aš tavimi tikiu
Jun 2021 · 201
Ot kaimas
Eola Jun 2021
Kas tas Vivaldi?
O ir Maironio aš nepažįstu
Keik mane it kokią nusidėjelę
Vis tiek baisiau nei Faustas nemirsiu

Kaimiete tapau kai pradėjau žiūrėti į literatūra taip
O kas juokingiausia, tai, kad tokia būčiau aprašoma
Man nerūpi, o jiems rūpiu
Jei į inteligentą įsižiūriu
Jam nesvarbu
O jis žvelgia toliau į tuos genijus, tuos vuderkindus gabius
Ot anekdotas
Ot absurdas
Man juokinga, kad net graudu

Tad man nerūpi Vivaldi
Nerūpi Maironis visai
Kas man, kaimietei, iš jų
Jei jie neteikia gyvenimo grožio, o tik aprašo jį tušiniu?
Jun 2021 · 125
Aprūdyjęs korsetas
Eola Jun 2021
Mergaitė išbėgo žaisti laukan
Saulė glostė jos rudus plaukus
Ji pati grožiu nepasižymėjo
O jai tas ir nerūpėjo

Ims ir šoks per ūpelį
Skels antausį beržui bėgdama
O senelė tik linguoja pavėsinėj
Tik supasi palengva

Jos metalinis korsetas dabar guli palėpeje
Pakavotas nuo vaikystės akių nesuterštų
Negadins jis kitos kartos mergaičių
Tik kalės už atimtus jos metus rudyje
Jun 2021 · 130
Eola Jun 2021
Na ir kam tie žodžiai?
Tegu eina po velnių, ant velnių ir su velniais
Gi moku su tavimi kalbėti ir akim, ir šypsena
Žvaigždes nurodau pirštu, už rankos tave vedu keliuku
Na ir kam tie žodžiai?
Jei aš tave turiu...
Eola Jun 2021
"Malonu...Kaip sekasi? Džiugu"
O kas toliau?
Aš nežinau
Pomėgių nežinom, tai sėdim tylom
Bet tada kyla nuostabi įdėją
"Rodyk veidą!"
O kam?
Ar čia vienintelis tavo noras?
Sužinot ar turim bendrą dalyką kaip galva, oda, akys?
Kas čia darosi?
Kodėl taip paviršutiniška?
Eola May 2021
Raudas ir aimanas aidas neša per laukus
Žiauru net laukan išėjus paklausyti
Beržai verkia, uosiai šniurkščioja, o ąžuolai spiegia
Drebulės senai pastipusios

O ašaros vienų - tokios saldžios žmonėms
Tokios saldžios, kad puotose stiklinėm kalena
Ir džiaugiasi šiluma, šie morališkai nusmurgę žmonės
Ir juokias kartu žarijose mediena
Apr 2021 · 116
Eola Apr 2021
If I were to say "I love you"
Would it come true?

Breathe in, resurface once more
Get up! Stand tall...
Flourish and stain my eyesight in pink
My dear goddess, love

Make me want to live again
Make me breathe fire and walk through thunders
Make me grand, make me a giant
I want to feel like that agian

But yet you sleep somewhere else
Somewhere, where I can't find you
It's hard to subsitute
With just mere words

I said "I love you" x times now
And you still weren't there
Apr 2021 · 244
Eola Apr 2021
Tikėjausi kaktuso
Bet pamilau rožę
O kai paaiškėjo, kad ten žydintis kaktusas
Vis dėl to nusivyliau
Apr 2021 · 149
Eola Apr 2021
O ar žinai, kad vanduo tamprus?
Lyg kokia plėvelė įtempta virš pilnos stiklinės
Jis laikosi, jis kyla
Ir galiausiai it ašarom per kraštą pabyra

O kas mums reikalo?
Toliau žvanginkim absurdiško tosto taurėmis
Tegu pylasi emocijos, tegu pylasi alus
Dalinkimės kolektyviai savo bėdomis
Apr 2021 · 107
Auk6yn kojom
Eola Apr 2021
Nusprend=iau apversti klaviat8r1
Daba kai ra6ysiu, tai darysiu tingiai
Teks 6ifroti mano tekst1 per kompiuter5
Nes antraip suprasit sunkiai

Bet kai nor4siu b8ti rai6kesn4
Apversiu visk1 auk6tyn kojomĄ
Lietuvi6kos raid4s taps skai2iaisĄ
O 6auktukai - raid4mĄ
Apr 2021 · 95
Eola Apr 2021
I went to the zoo last weekend
It was quite a nice trip
Sun was shining, the day was warm
Nothing seemed amiss

I slowly blinked whilst I watched moving trees
Sitting in a car lulled me
Or atleast left me in a nice daze

I couldn't hear the shouts
I couldn't hear arguments or trickling tears
I was just sleeping lightly
With headphones covering my ears

Then we arrived - all happy and giddy
A zoo! Elephants, giraffes, seals!
Then finished the whole day
By having a hearty meal

I didn't want to go back
Because I felt the tension creeping in then
Oh well, I couldn't change anything
I guess I would see animals shortly again
Mar 2021 · 126
Eola Mar 2021
I took a walk across the space garden
So many stars twikled brightly
One was so ripe that I couldn't resist
And left a bite in

I gathered others in my basket out of Saturn rings
Then I closed it gently and brougth everything home
Crushed these precious fruits
And scattered stardust across the dark dome

Hope these twinkles will live one more day
And light up the night's sky in the middle of May
For U.
Mar 2021 · 117
A loser moment
Eola Mar 2021
A math test is serious bussiness.
Yes, very serious bussiness it is.
Tasks were handed out,
But there was one problem...I missed!

What did I miss?
My bus to school!
I took the test in my dreams,
Which, to be honest, wasn't very cool.

So I jumped into my pants,
(Olympics athlete could never do that!)
I rushed through my door with bread in my mouth,
Today I shall conquer math!

...Where's the bus?
Oh, right, I missed,
So I ran back inside,
And grabbed my parents.

The trio of us drove in a car,
But because we were sleep deprived,
We didn't notice one crucial detail,
Up until we arrived.

What happened next, you may ask?
I felt like a loser on an unlucky day,
Because we drove to school,
On the morning of Sunday.

Another poem with same title in mind:

Welp, I guess that's that
I felt like I was the only one,
I felt like a joke that fell flat.

I blamed myself a little too hard,
I could say I laughed a little too,
And that left me in a very bitter mood.

I felt like a loser at that moment,
But I decided it will be the last one,
Because I'm still growing :)
Title given by Milda :D
Mar 2021 · 102
Loser moment
Eola Mar 2021
"It's as if the time has stopped" I though
My breath became visible in cold air
Shiver ran up my spine
And I just stood there

Words were gone
Maybe I just couldn't think of some
My mouth was opened with a shock
I realise, back then I must have looked dumb

Then tears trickled down my cheeks
One by one they raced
I lost.
The hope that I had was misplaced

Was I stupid all along?
Didn't I see this incoming predicament?
But there I was standing alone
I was a loser in that moment
Name was given by Milda
Mar 2021 · 132
Doll theatre
Eola Mar 2021
A grandiose scene
And purle curtains framing it with purple sheen

A stage light smiled brigthly
But shone on the doll lightly

Soft bell rippled the air with noise
Giggles were heard from girls and boys

Suddenly, the doll opened her eyes
Batted her eyelashes a few times

"She moved! She was alive!"
Everyone cheered and smiled

Like a newborn fawn
With childlike innocence she charmed

A marionette's fate is to be controlled
Unless to other she's sold

But after a short rest
She'll have to show her best
Mar 2021 · 448
A ring
Eola Mar 2021
Night's breeze kissed my nose,
And as stars were hanging on trees,
I looked down and I saw you,
Waiting for me patiently,
On one knee.
Mar 2021 · 121
Eola Mar 2021
It's not a promise
It's just a thought about a stroll
With you
Along the park
Along the river
While watching night's sky
Mar 2021 · 103
I'm a person
Eola Mar 2021
I crack some nuts
Same goes for my knuckles
I have yet another poem to write about my feelings
It's the only way of speech with which I don't struggle

A bit before last Sunday a realisation hit
You...don't really care, huh?
I gave you my heart, a ******* link to this page
But I guess I just wanted free therapy
Maybe I wanted you to be here

Friendship is not a constant
I became used to fake cliches like "I'm here for you"
No... No!
This isn't right
This is a temporary mood

Don't promise me time
If I won't be a priority
Selfish, I know that
But I just want to break this cycle of trivial friendships

I'm not a topic for you to discuss
I'm not a subject for studies
I'm a person
I feel, I see and I'm aware
So stop it, buddy
Eola Mar 2021

that's it
that's the poem
beautiful as usual, ane?
Mar 2021 · 108
I don't care about you
Eola Mar 2021
I care about what you think of me,
But I don't care about you that much,
Funny how it works, huh?

I don't care so I didn't pick my words
I rhymed with a help of a site
I do care because I wrote this for you
And my feelings are somewhat bright

I don't care because I chose others over you
I do care because I feel anguish
It's true!
So what am I to you?

Please, cut me off.
I know this was coming.
But I still care about you,
So that's why I'm annoying.
Mar 2021 · 180
Eola Mar 2021
LAisv4s n4ra ir jos nebuvo.
Kur instrukcijos egzistavo,
Ten noras =uvo.

Ten palaidojau a6 paskutin3 savo l1stel3
ten a6 nusprend=iau mirti,

A6 palau=iau save,
miriau judesy
Ir atradau laisv3 sapne.

nes a6 skraidau Auk6tai suvokdama,
Laisv4 kai m1stau,
kai la=au taisykles.
Mar 2021 · 125
Eola Mar 2021
Obuolių ir cinamono kvapas šoka ore,
Arbata garuoja, tad skubėk!
Dar atšals patyliukais skonis,
Dar pro langą pabėgs...

Židinys pradės juoktis,
Žarijos pilsis it iš krioklio,
Geltonas pledas, kuris šį šaltą vakarą tau draugas,
Apglėbs ir apsaugos.

Televizorius, elektros prisiryjęs,
Tau "***** dancing" transliuos,
Šaltis, netyčia atklydęs,
Vakaro nesujauks :)
This is for you, mf
Mar 2021 · 241
Kerintys burtai
Eola Mar 2021
Blizgučiais žėri šiąnakt dangus
Kaip tamsa jis apgobs mus
Tačiau tavo šypsena - tokia graži
Ji tempte tempia į sapnus

Kur mes bėgam senamiesčio takais?
Ko taip lekiam išdegusiomis akimis?
Nutempk mane, gražioji mūza, į skersgatvį
Kuždėk svajones, mielus niekus, paslaptis

Mūza! Tu tokia kerinti
Ne, neliesiu aš tavęs!
Neteršiu tavo lūpų savomis
Tačiau tu neklausai manęs...

Kūnas prie kūno
Lūpos šilkinės - tokios godžios!
Paskutinį orą pavogusios, taria mano vardą
Jėgos apleidžia mano kojas

Tegu Vilnius užsičiaupia
Dabar ir per amžius!
Dabar tu mano
O aš tavo
Tikiuosi šiąnakt
Įkyrios akys pamirš mus
Got inspo from a friend :3
Feb 2021 · 125
A wedding
Eola Feb 2021
A toast to the bride
She got up late at noon
With a wicked mosquito entourage
That ****** her soul dry 'till the rise of the moon

A toast to the bride
For putting on her least favourite dress
For putting up with a mere thought
Of laying with him in the same matress

A toast to the bride
With eyes alive no more
She walks proudly towards towards the church
Getting ready to see a coffin behind the door

A toast to the bride
Everyone still alive in the facility celebrates
While she cries for her future
The priest clangs his glass with his fellow mates

A toast to the groom
A toast to the bride
Both are dead
But only one is moving and alive
Eola Feb 2021
A nice commodity.
Just a pile of letters, smashed together.
A heart and feeling behind as a meaning,
Is gone as it usually doesn't matter.

1, 2....13...45?
I lost the count of how many times,
I did it. I murdered it's meaning,
I only left cursive lines.

Give me my "sorrys" and "apologies" back,
I just wish I haven't given them away so soon,
If I knew that after those, which were worth a dime to a penny,
Came little useless sounds, that prolonged doom.
Feb 2021 · 98
The colours of sadness
Eola Feb 2021
The colour of sadness is not dark
On the contrary it's one of the brightest colours ever
Yet everyone perceives it differently
And among people noone ever settles

White just like the clouds that day
That passed over my head
My eyes were red and puffy
And blue tear rolled down my neck

Yellow sun mercilessly burned my face
Trees with last leaves hanging
Laughed at my expense
And waved as I passed their lanes

Happy. Delightful. ******* annoying.
I don't care anymore
For me there's that one colour
What is yours?
Feb 2021 · 119
Another blanket
Eola Feb 2021
It would be fine to hide under a blanket
Warm, sleep inducing, small
My non existant anxiety would be actually gone
And I would be a king of it all

But like in the mornings, a person pulled my blanket away
And left me to deal with another harsh day
Feb 2021 · 103
Eola Feb 2021
I bite my nails to paint the letters red
Calligraphy ******* compare to delicate craft such as this
Fingers, like burning candles, shorten by hours
Everyone has a count of their uses
Long has passed since I touched the paper with passion
Since I carressed it with eyes and poured my potential
Do I even have some left?
Or did the stream end long time ago?
Or I'm just digging at the old river bed?
Feb 2021 · 323
I learned how to count
Eola Feb 2021
I learned how to count
Now I see the hurt it brought me
I obsess over numbers
I count these likes daily
Feb 2021 · 176
Eola Feb 2021
To write is to atone
For the mistake of leaving you alone
Feb 2021 · 115
A confession to you
Eola Feb 2021
Yes, it's for you.

If I write my poem here,
Will you read it?
Will you feel my pain?
Or just beat it?

I'm selfish for being a writer,
I'm so proud that I consider myself one,
But still I hope that you can relate to me,
Atleast a bit...I'm not asking for a lot.

So please, aleast you stay,
And hopefully brighten my day...
Feb 2021 · 251
Woe is me
Eola Feb 2021
Woe is me
The satan of earth
I come bearing gifts of knowledgeable ignorance
And weep with tears by seeing my predictions come true

Woe is me
The one who thought only about himself
And neglected to see the other
The one with a heart vulnerable and ready to be stabbed

Woe is me
Because when others hurt I feel pain too
But I repeat this cycle constantly
Of hurting me
and in turn
It's hilarious how one can be so stupidly selfish but keep getting hurt by it
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