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Emily Starr Nov 2023
I cried for joy
That wasn't mine
I found the tears
In love sublimed
Emily Starr Sep 2023
When a good soul
Writes the Lovely
It is lovely

But a dark heart
Tells of Beauty
And it's Wonder
Emily Starr Nov 2023
Black sticky balm
Percussions drum
It's flaming calm

Sweet icy chips
Sharp notes *****
Metallic lit

Red velvet voice
Seductress nice
What relished vice
Emily Starr Sep 2023
I'm in the murky place
Between two warring worlds
Blind to the beauty blurred
By swirling milky words

I see your catacombs
Cemented single minds
Feel crumbling rockiness
As cracks create the ground
Emily Starr Jul 2023
Winter's sky
In green July
Quite the con-
trasting delight
Emily Starr Nov 2023
No need to ******
Came a willing lamb
Snap your unused lures
And paint my empty wool
Emily Starr Nov 2023
Imagine you a bird
That dared to fly the dark
Just to see the sun
Before it's fated spark
Emily Starr Sep 2023
One for wonder
And one for dust
One inspires
The other tires
One is nearer
Yet less dearer
All are timeless
None to stay
Emily Starr Nov 2023
Beaten and bruised
My lovely muse
Emily Starr Mar 2021
Why's a spirit to be feared
But a soul once held so dear
Do they stand with empty hands
All their memories turned to sand

Is peril in nothing to lose
In abundance feel accused
Will they damage what is yours
Because what was went before

What if reminisce is to see
Watching life begin and be
But to live a little more
Hearing your laugh through a door

Suppose a blessing they will give
Hoping that this love relives
Wonder if a sweeter smile
Crosses their face on the mile
Emily Starr Nov 2023
When snow falls
The world slows
And doesn't shun
The reminisce
Emily Starr Jul 2023
Let there be noise
Explosions bled
Great cocophony
Inside my head

Drown the voice
Blissful hush!
Timorous absence
Muffled drums

For fear! It's pause...
Unpresent thoughts
They're rushing back
They crush and clot
Emily Starr Dec 2023
I spilled my guts
Filleted the heart

Spun my brain
And killed the lark

You turned away
"How Obscene"
Emily Starr Dec 2023
Every body's
Because before
We weren't
And now
We're everything
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