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Emeka Mokeme Dec 2019
Beyond darkness,
there is still light
hidden within.

See you again soon
beyond the twilight.

There is
fatal attraction when
two worlds collides.

She may not know
there's unrequited love
hovering in the cloud.

But i will keep on
doing the right things
until i see you.

Bleakness of life
and love sets in,
then love arrives to rule.

Man is a frailty
but there is
the moon in your heart,
giving out it's subtle light.

The portrait in the
hallway is that of you.

It shines to
make the beauty right.

This is the power
of the words.

When love leave
the heart in ruins,
the soul seek
refuge in prayers.
©2019,Emeka Mokeme.
Emeka Mokeme Dec 2019
Alluring and
delicately softly,
she moves under
the dim lampshade.

Her steps gliding
like that of a
beautiful ballet dancer.

Slim fit and elegant
as if aware
of her own beauty.

She shows off
her dance skills
and her body.

Her perfume fragrance,
perceived afar.

She unfolds
her dance style
bit by bit.

Like that of
a rose petal
slowly unfolding itself.

A beauty to behold,
beautiful in itself.

Captivating and enticing,
and passionately exquisite.

Like the earth moves
around the sun,
the world right now
revolves around her.

For a moment,
the time
just stood still.

She left everyone

Then suddenly,
the music stopped,
and the light came on.

And i knew
i wasn't dreaming.

She stood there,
like the ghost
of a beautiful
little girl smiling.
©2019,Emeka Mokeme.
Emeka Mokeme Nov 2019
I pity you
when you can't
figure out who i am.

I pity you
for your lack
of the knowledge
of me.

You have no idea
who i really am.

Look again beyond
the imagination
of this realm.

This figure
you see is not
what i look like,
it is not
the real me.

I am different,
very unique and
complex you see.

I am a creature
of the light,
divine in nature.

With the
dominant force to
subdue the oppressors
and adversaries.

You can't bear
to look at me,
for my glory
will daze you.

And dazzle your
little mind with
the confusion of
the ignorant.

I pity you
for not knowing
the one in me.

I am more
than you could
ever imagine.

Do you really
think that all
you knew or
even ever see is real.

All are illusions,
a dream of
which someday
you will wake up from.

Right now,
i will fizzle out
of your presence
just for a while.

This moment
is a dream,
a beautiful good dream.
©2019,Emeka Mokeme.
Emeka Mokeme Nov 2019
Beauty is found
everywhere in all
created things in nature.

Even where the
surf searches the
sand for symbols.

Have you ever
found the unknown
lonely footprints left
at a quiet beach.

Even down the
dark places deep
in the ocean where
all kinds of beautiful
exotic creatures known
and unknown plays.

Unperturbed by the
presence or
pressures of man.

Check out the
beauty at plains
of a running brook.

Meandering and flowing
through the meadow
with the hills and
the mountains beyond.

Heard across the street
from a high castle,
the light little footsteps
and the laughter
of a child running
through the quiet path.

Look up in the sky
at night and behold
the handcraft of
the Almighty displaying
gracefully with stunning view.

What can i say
of the animals
in the wild with
the exotic flowers
in their lonely enclave.

Displaying their loveliness
hidden away,
living happily and
quietly in
their habitat.

Have you ever
taken time to see
how the light
of the sun shines.

As if smiling
to greet you
first thing at dawn.

How lovely and
radiantly beautiful all
creation including man
turned out to be.
©2019,Emeka Mokeme.
Emeka Mokeme Nov 2019
By the lonely
corner of this
beautiful forest
i wish to live.

Where nature speaks,
where the solace
from the quietness
and silence of
this exotic place
run free.

Where the fairies
and the elementals
grant wishes.

Where the beauty
of solitude is displayed.

Here undisturbed,
the angels
came to dine.

At this lovely
lonesome moments
i rediscovered
my true self.

This is where
nature gives life
a meaning.

At this instant
in my aloneness
and quiet moments.

Profound revelations
are made,
ushering in a new dawn.

Henceforth let
no man disturb me.

I've found
the true gold,
the philosophers stone
within as promised.
©Emeka Mokeme.
Emeka Mokeme Nov 2019
If I'm allowed to talk,
what will i say of you,
my love.

What can i say
even now,
as words to
describe you escape
my mouth.

But the heart
still holds you up
as if you are water
in a container
to quench a thirsty throat.

A life giving
fresh air in
the heat of the desert.

A warm covering
in a cold weather.

There's no words
to describe you,
no i don't have any.

To describe you
is like describing the air.

You have no color,
you have no taste,
you can't even
be touched or
seen or even stolen.

But yet,
you have eyes
to see,
you have hands
to feel,
you have face unseen,
you have taste unmatched.

Like water,
you chose the heart
you want to dwell in.

You flo ,w anywhere
and wherever you choose.

Talking about you is
to talk about
your essence,
divine and pure sweetness,
excess love and beauty.

You are so
profoundly powerful,
yet perfect and uncommon.
©2019,Emeka Mokeme.
Emeka Mokeme Nov 2019
You are the
most beautiful soul.

Your presence is
like healing itself.

I am so
grateful for the
space you have
created in my world.

Now i can more
easily acknowledge
my capacities.

This beauty was
just a contribution
to me yesterday.

Thank you
for what you
have showed
me today.

It showed me
oodles of stuff
I'd not noticed before.

This is the
beauty that came
with me on my walk.

A glorious adventure
with a blade
of light in my hands.

Today I was
surrounded by delights.

Today I was
gifted umpteen energies
to nurture and excite.

Today I was
rippling with gratitude
and proud of
what life has
accomplished of me.
©2019,Emeka Mokeme.
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