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Emeka Mokeme Nov 2019
Why are you here,
i still keep
asking myself.

I know you are
not here to give
me some roses.

I know you are
not here to listen
to what i have to say.

I know how
it feels when
you are not wanted.

Is rejection
a part of love,
is it really
a part of life.

It is full
of horrible and
heartrending pain.

The kind of pain
my heart never
deserves or desire.

Like a broken rib
it hurts even more
when you breathe.

Only you can feel
the pain just like  
a sore thumb.

With shame
you hide behind
your skin.

Even with your
clothes on,
you still feel naked.

Confused as the
tortoise taken out
from its first habitat.

He's forever miserable,
because he can't
find its way home.
©2019,Emeka Mokeme.
Emeka Mokeme Nov 2019
Hiding within the air waiting for you to fumble just a little bit in the presence of your beliefs before it strikes is doubt. It is a stranger meddling with your heart.  
©Emeka Mokeme
Personal Glimpses
Emeka Mokeme Nov 2019
Within your struggles
and your breathe,
inside your smile
and your heart.

That which you seek
is also seeking
expression through you.

That which unfolds
before your very face,
is the exact replica
of that which
inhabits you.

The light of the sun
within must reflect
through your being.

For your life
reveals your secret
intent within you.

Without shame or
your ego rising
with pride,
confront yourself with
the light of truth
without doubt.

For the very thing
you fear already
lives in you.

Liberate yourself
from its shackles.

This light of knowing,
from the knowledge
of this truth
will drive the
darkness away as
the luminous presence
of its morning dawns.

In the end,
you are the one
who decides.
©2019,Emeka Mokeme.
Emeka Mokeme Nov 2019
Take it or leave it. You are here just to love. Breath it all in, just breath.
©Emeka Mokeme.
Emeka Mokeme Nov 2019
I am a beautiful gift wrapped in love for you. Don't ever give me back to myself. I am yours.
©Emeka Mokeme.
Personal Glimpses
Emeka Mokeme Oct 2019
A peep into
my heart will
tell you how much
you are loved.

Not a love feigned
or the one
that smolders.

A divine and
pure sweetness
that yield to
a ready heart.

The one ready
to shed a joyous tears.

A love oozing
a pure sweetness
of divine effulgence
and essence of pure love.

That is what
my heart desires.

If your cup
is not yet filled
by this,
you are not alive.

If you missed
its spring as
it passes by,
then you are
indeed dead.

If you don't
deep your self
in the source
of this river,
you won't be
baptize by the spirit.

If you are
not awakened by
the dawn of its morning,
you are not truly happy.

And you who dine
at the same supper,
will never be thirsty
or go hungry.

But let those
who never feel
it's presence yet,
be still allowed to sleep.

When your silence speaks,
then you are indeed
awake to its call.
©2019,Emeka Mokeme.
Emeka Mokeme Oct 2019
Before it gets
too dark to see.

Would you do
anything at all
to put on the light.

Darkness is fast
even the light
of a firefly will do.

I don't know
what i don't know.

But if you know,
you know.

Before it gets
too dark to see.

Complexities and
confusion all around us.

groaning and crying
heard daily everywhere.

Even at day time,
it's getting dark,
too dark to see.

The soul is
weary from its toil
and exaction.

Slowly everything
crumbles in the
ashes of the struggle.

Everyone agrees that
it is time to
do something.

But i think
it is time
to light the
candles and pray
before it gets
too dark to see.

The people are
already grumpy and
groveling in the day
as if the darkness
just appeared.

It's not too late
to do something
before it gets
too dark to see.

Even the light
of the moon
at night and
the sun in
the day will cease.

All you need
is the glow
of the light within,
before it gets
too dark to see.
©2019,Emeka Mokeme.
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