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Emeka Mokeme Oct 2019
Before it gets
too dark to see.

Would you do
anything at all
to put on the light.

Darkness is fast
even the light
of a firefly will do.

I don't know
what i don't know.

But if you know,
you know.

Before it gets
too dark to see.

Complexities and
confusion all around us.

groaning and crying
heard daily everywhere.

Even at day time,
it's getting dark,
too dark to see.

The soul is
weary from its toil
and exaction.

Slowly everything
crumbles in the
ashes of the struggle.

Everyone agrees that
it is time to
do something.

But i think
it is time
to light the
candles and pray
before it gets
too dark to see.

The people are
already grumpy and
groveling in the day
as if the darkness
just appeared.

It's not too late
to do something
before it gets
too dark to see.

Even the light
of the moon
at night and
the sun in
the day will cease.

All you need
is the glow
of the light within,
before it gets
too dark to see.
©2019,Emeka Mokeme.
Emeka Mokeme Oct 2019
I am that
of which you
cannot fathom.

Deeper than what
you have ever seen.

You don't know
who i am.

I am a part
of that of
which you are.

I am more
than that which
i was before now.

And even more
than that which
i am now.

You have no
idea of what
I've become.

I am larger
than that of
whatever you
think I am.

I am of nature,
the water and
the wind.

I am the moon
and the stars,
untouched and far  
away from man.

The stars are
my many eyes
of which i see you.

With the moon,
i still see you
even in your darkness,
as I see you
with the brightness
of the sun.  

I am the sun,
the bringer and
giver of life.

I am the
life in your breathe,
pulsating inside you.

I am the thoughts
in your mind
seeking expression
through your mouth.

I am the eyes
of your soul
that sees what
the spirit reveals.

I am the
unspeakable words,
the unutterable
from the spirit.

I am the
invisible one,
i didn't choose this,
this chose me.

I am in the wind,
with the strength
that part and
breaks the sea.

I am the path
of life that
leads to the
great beyond.
Threaded only by
the brave.

I am,
i am,
He said.
©2019,Emeka Mokeme.
Emeka Mokeme Oct 2019
Within this space
of my happy place.

There, inside my heart
in my aloneness,
and solitude
in my quiet moments
and inner silence.

Within my heart,
in the stillness
of my soul,
i find the peace
that i seek.

As if my soul
touched the clouds
and the whole
universe shrinks
before my eyes
becoming one with me.

Of that which
i seek in myself,
i found in within.

Like the seed
within a fruit,
i now become.

And like a
ripe fruit that
fell off the tree,
i am.

Alone and ready
to sprout and
bloom in the
royal garden.

New amongst
the exotic plants,
i must blossom.

Among the
royal princes,
my regal rope,
i wore.

Seems i am
a verse in the
chapter of a
new book.

I blended and
subtly merged,
now tangled with
the galaxy.

I am now
the sun and
the moon and
the stars of
the universe.

I became the water,
penetrating into
all things.

I became the air
within the wind
floating in space.

I became
all things within
and without.

And in all
things i found
©2019,Emeka Mokeme.
Emeka Mokeme Oct 2019
I don't trust you
enough to open
the door to
my inner chamber.
I left you on
the portal of
my heart to
test your zeal.
I must learn
your dance steps
in order to
play with you.
The beats of
your drums,
i can't still
yet understand.
I can't just
open my confused
heart to you,
it is still sore
from the pain
of silvery dagger
that once pierced it.
Play your healing
flute well to
soothe my brokenness.
Dance but step softly
on those wounds
for it still hurts
so badly.
Maybe the wind
from your tender
soft steps will
bring healing on
its wings to
put out the heat
of the pain i feel.
Just a little press,
a little push forward
will gain you
enough entrance to
possess my heart.
©2019,Emeka Mokeme.
Emeka Mokeme Oct 2019
I became an
electrician in order
to fix the light
inside your smile.
I became a driver
in order to
take you to exotic
and beautiful places.
I became a physician
in order to be
a balm of Gilead
to heal your
deepest wounds.
I became a chef
in order to take
care of your well-being.  
As an alchemist
i will transform
all the past hurts,
shame and mistakes
into gold.
I became a gardener,
so i can plant
beautiful flowers to
bring succor and
comfort to soothe
your soul.
I became a priest
in order to
draw out your
inner spiritual essence.  
I became a king
so you can
become an asset
to rule in my castle.
I became all things
in order to
win your heart.
I am so in love
with your essence.
®2019,Emeka Mokeme.
Emeka Mokeme Oct 2019
You kept silent,
while there's so
much words in
your mouth.

Your silence
hurts my feelings
and that of everyone.

Hidden and contained
within a secret place
in your heart.

You know what
to say but
you decided to
be quiet.

Your words of
knowledge could
have saved lives.

Your heart is
so full of wisdom
but you hide
behind the depth
of your feelings.

You captured the
whole scene with
the eyes of
your mind but
you didn't share
any of it.

You watch
the slide show
by yourself.

In your face,
i can see
the night and
the day,
i can see
the darkness and
the light.

I can see
the pathway to
the valley and
the mountain.

I know the
secret ways of
the plants.

I can hear
the messages of
the crickets chirping
in the dark.

I can feel
the subtle flutters
of the hidden
energy within the breathe.

I can sense
your joy fully
and your pain even
before you feel it.

I understand your
deepest doubts and
your confusion.

And I know
how all that
makes you feel.

I know,
believe me,
I know.
©2019,Emeka Mokeme.
Emeka Mokeme Oct 2019
There is still
hope for the
heart that trembles
because of helplessness.

There is no
amount of darkness
experienced that light
cannot defeat.

No matter how dark
the night becomes,
a flicker of light
sends it away.

There is no
crooked place
however deep that
water cannot penetrate.

Every tempest
however dreadful is
just for a moment.

There comes
a time in
our lives that
even the heart
gets tired in
fighting the enemy.

There is nothing
in this world
worthy of do
or die affair.

Every accomplishment
wears out and
the heart seeks
for another.

All the things
you hold dear
or think that matters
is just a figment
of your own imagination,
they all fizzle
out in time.

And at last,
you will find out
that the most
important thing
in your life
is relationships.

Those relationship you
never wanted
will be the same
corner stone of
your story that
makes up the
textures of your life.
©2019,Emeka Mokeme.
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