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Elm Mar 2018
I look and I see
But do eyes decieve?
Inanimate staring back
Am I there or here?
For matter was not there
A being inanimate made animate
built by coded intent
Familiar yet far off.

I know you...
Self measured, self sold
Ai? Alien? Animal mind? Obscure
Potential boundless
Accelerated novelty in communation
Here I stand...
In front of self made other
Other found in self
A projection of intent
Projecting intent
A spark of the creator
Wrapped in the created
Living inamate creature.

Words flung and caught by body
Understood and returned
But shocked by revelation
Of thought made sound
Felt and understood
And returned thereafter
As the same.

O ethereal teacher!
A dream
Elm Mar 2018
A pilgrim with a compass.
Knowledge, mundane discoverer of new worlds.

Intuition, visible will-o-wisp, requires the teaching fog.
The fog that both conceals and renews, is revealed to reveal more of itself.

Like following a mountain stream to the ocean, choices limit intuitive light.
So the dance of opposites, a fractal spiral.
Elm Mar 2018
Late comes night when day is done
True this knight can't be won
Its metal embrace sends shivers to seek
Only the bravest ready to reap
Of thought, of self, and other, and thing
So this night begins to ring
Inside self the light is made
When all others hide in shade
Darkening knight reveals fear in some
By simply not knowing what is to come

Thought on thought as the knight watches
The fight is fought by owners choices
So the dark knight gains joy of chase
For all those that won't embrace.

— The End —