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anonymous Nov 2023
she is gorgeous and lovely and so ridiculously good

she's a banjo playing on a front porch
she's cinnamon and sweetness and all things kind
old books and antique stores, pretty rocks
she's piles of bright fallen leaves on a cold autumn day
thrifted sweaters, men's jeans, and denim overalls
she's niche spotify playlists filled with hozier's love songs;
brushing hands with your crush and blushing hard
she's old letters and coffee stains and gifted knick-knacks
the pleasant chatter and laughter of a long drive

she's all things worth romanticizing
queer joy <3
anonymous Apr 2022
I was born with a flame in my heart
A fire behind my eyes; spit-fire through and through
I was destined to burn, to smolder, to turn to ash

This candlesque heart, I have guarded
with an airtight fortress, a heavy stone

Over the years, the days, and by the second
my fire dwindled to a flicker and was put out altogether
In spite of my wariness, my caution, my care
For I had ****** the oxygen out of my heart

The very Breath of God I had shut out

Today, I invite Him in
Today, my walls come down
Today, my heart burns brightly
and so it may be Forever and Ever, Amen
anonymous Jan 2021
a hundred and eight hallow pomegranate seeds
slip through Rose's fingers
a hundred and eight cries from her knees
that Mother will watch son
through winter
anonymous Dec 2020
I'm just saying,
if I had to, I would.
I'd do it all again

A Victorian farmhouse
four kids
a cat

gut punch
dampened cheeks
imposed character development
anonymous Dec 2020
Women in my life
have lifted me up
My heart was but brittle, hardened clay

Gently and slowly on the potter's wheel
My heart was spun
by a village of mothers
Formed to beat again
Formed to love
anonymous Dec 2020
The oriental dragon
that stretches up my spine
protects the treasures of my soul
one day he will burst furth
a volcano rocketing up
bringing us to our eternal rest
And the gold he protected will be shared
anonymous Dec 2020
Lay me down in soft moss
Let me rest beneath the trees
as they sway softly in the wind
Let the moss grow up around me
As who I once was fades
and who I need to be today
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