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58 · Sep 2020
Fires of love
Mandee Grames Sep 2020
The sky cries outside the window
Mimicking my reflection
I sit crying in the soft glow
Isolated by my own conviction

It hurts to hear them singing
It pains me to see them dance
I pine for it yet detest it,
The sweet perfume of romance

Because up on that happy hill
Live the happy few
Who do their happy dances
And sing their happy ballads
All because of love

And I want it
But I loathe it
It makes me seethe and cringe
O I need it!
But how I despise it
And how the fires of love do singe
47 · Sep 2020
Mandee Grames Sep 2020
I sit
I think
But I can’t explain

Nobody knows why anymore
Quite frankly no one cares

We are minuscule flakes
As important as the number hairs
On the top of your head

I think we cared once
However long ago that was
Nobody remembers why anymore
And I don’t want to care

But I do
I do

Beauty is dying
Love decaying
To be honest I can’t remember
The last time I heard someone saying
‘I love you’
Without the other one paying
The price for love

I think love used to be free
No one suffers uncompensated anymore
And that’s just the way it is

We’ve just gone numb
As if society had been given a high grade drug
One that replaces our thoughts with nothingness
A washing of the mind

I think it’s wearing off of mine
Yet I’m trapped alone in my freedom
It’s foolish
But I hope theirs will fade away in time

— The End —