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Edward Sep 2019
May you always be bless, and your life touch.
May you always feel others pain and love them.
May all of your hurt, always be used in your poems.
So that others may be healed by your poems here.
May your own pain be healed now and forevermore.
May your love always be in every single poem you write.
Also may the readers always see your love in them all.
May you always be bless, by seeing others healed too.
May your life be used as a testimony of Christ healing.
Edward Oct 2019
Bless you all, May his Protection always cover you.
May his Love always keep you warm and filled too.
May you always get filled with his Great wisdom.
May we all meet to have lunch someday as well.
May my prayers for you always keep you blessed.
May our friendship only keep growing stronger.
May you have great adventures and be always safe.
May you always stay loved and feel God's love too.
For you all are Loved and very Special as well too.
Edward Sep 2019
May Christ love, carry you throughout today
May his peace, keep you calm ever single day.
May his wisdom, always fill your mind too.
May his Holy Spirit, always give you words.
Making your poems, more powerful than you know.
May your life, bring great meaning to so many.
May your life , always reveal Christ within you.
May you always, be blessed and love by all know you.
May I always, see you on Hellopoetry as well thank you.
Edward Sep 2019
May you always, be Blessed and Loved.
May you always , be Blessed and Cared for.
May you always,  stay close to loved ones too.
May you always,  know what love feels like too.
May you always,  help others and they help you.
May your heart , always be feel with love too.
May you always, see and Bless others here on hp.
With the Beautiful words, that Christ place in your heart.
For you are truly an amazing and beautiful Soul.
Edward May 2020
May you all have long life with peace.
May you be loved by everyone you know.
May you have many miracles on the earth.
May you have see the places that hurt you.
Become healed , and be no more pain you feel.
May you have many treasures waiting in heaven.
May you have many that love you in your family.
May you have many joyous moments with them.
That you will remember in all of your days here.
Edward May 2020
May your, hearts be pure and you be loved.
May your, life be an example of God's love.
May your, life be blessed and use by the Lord.
May your, be inspiring to everyone you meet.
May your, family and friends feel bless by you.
May your,  heart always give the Lord's love to all.
May your, be a testimony of Christ faithfulness too.
Edward Sep 2019
May your heart always be as beautiful as a golden sunrise.
May your love always flow like like a cool refreshing river.
May your life be filled with many adventures right here too.
May your Beautiful soul, always cling to the Good Lord too.
May your friends and family always bless you every single day.
May nothing ever separate you from our Loving Savior God.
May one day we all meet right here and celebrate with lunch.
May we all meet in the next life as well and always celebrate.
Edward Dec 2019
May your life always touch others right here.
May your heart always connect with others.
May Christ always fill you with truth warmth.
May Christ always fill your heart with Love.
With Great and overwhelming Unconditional Love.
May your life, always stay calm right here too.
Even while your world is being turn upside down.
May your struggles become easier with God's help.
May Christ always bless and comfort you Love you all.
Edward Feb 2020
May your day, be filled with Wonder too.
May your day, be bless with plenty of food,
May your day, be filled with celebration.
May your day, be filled with thankfulness.
May your day, be lead by God in every way.
May your day, be a beautiful, Glorious, day.
May your day, be blessed every single day.
Edward Feb 2020
May your Journey, cross path with many.
May your Journey, keep inspiring others.
May your Journey, keep encouraging others.
May your Journey, always be filled with light.
May your Journey, always be filled with love.
May your Journey, always have the ripple effect.
Inspiring everyone that you meet to inspire others.
May your Journey, always be fill with beauty too.
May your Journey, always be filled with Hope'
That comes from the Christ our living Savior God.
Edward May 2020
May your life, be filled with great surpises here.
May your life, be filled with awesome adventures.
May your life, be filled with wonderful memories.
May your life , be filled with awe and wonder here.
May your life, be filled with great love and friendships.
May your life, be filled with great and awesome Joy.
May your life, always have many reasons to live on.
Edward Jan 2020
May your life, be filled with Great Wonder.
May your life, touch many through God today.
May your life always inspire others that you meet.
May your life, reveal Jesus  faithfulness to many.
May your life, be full and long in years on the earth.
May your life, be filled with adventures and Love.
May your life, be used to bring healing to all in your life.
May your life, give true Praise to our Lord and Savior.
May your life, be a true testimony of Christ love for you.
Edward Jan 2020
Your write,s are Beautiful and inspiring here.
May your writes, inspire many to change here.
May your poems, always go viral everywhere.
May your poems, bring great and wonderful healing.
May your writings ,be use to encourage others.
May your writings , always touch others lives.
May your writings , always help others to grow.
May your writings, always bring many to Christ.
May your writings, keep you feed and clothed.
Edward Mar 2020
May you stand, firm in times of trials and times of desperation.
May you stand, while everything else is falling around you.
May you stand, even while under the attack by other people.
May you stand, for something good always Bless you all.
May you stand, in times where the world need God's light.
May you stand, for love and peace in this dark world too.
May you stand, because you are beautiful in Gods eyes.
Edward May 2020
I pray that you shall always stay protected.
From this evil virus that is killing many.
I know that each of you are really needed.
To write your beautiful poetry right here.
Weather encouraging or struggling here.
I want you to know something I been shown.
That when you are struggling here on the earth.
God is using your poems such as much as others.
So just keep persevering and trusting our Savior.
Edward Feb 2020
Mostly I fail, but only when I succeed here on the earth.
I realize that it was never my doing but you God.
Mostly I struggle in this world but when I am being calm.
It was never by my own doing , but through your Spirit.
For through all of the hardships that we go through here.
It is because either your Glory shall come out of it here.
Or mostly because we did something out of your will here.
But when our lives are completely line up with your will its perfect.
Thus allowing your blessings to freely fall upon me here.
Edward Apr 2020
You were filled with Great wisdom Ben.
I thank you for your birthday wish 10 days ago.
I pray that all is well with you right now Bro.
You as well as others here are inspiring to me.
I love to read your amazing poetry here on HP.
I need to go watch some christian movies now.
But I just wanted to say that you are an Awesome Bro.
Edward Feb 2020
My soul, explodes with each of your Miracles here.
My heart, explodes with each filling of your Love.
My life, overwhelms with each moment of your time.
My time, over-joy with each moment of your time.
My Savior, you are always with me every single day.
My Lord, to you I owe everything that made me-me.
My God, you are my Joy my very first and only Love.
Edward Mar 2020
My heart breaks, that some people care more for money.
Than they care, for people lives this is very heartbreaking.
My heartbreaks, for how this country become so divided.
My heartbreaks, that people have become so evil here.
My heartbreaks, that this here world became so corrupted.
My heartbreaks, that these days we can not even get along.
My heartbreaks, because I know how much God must be hurting.
For he created us to love one another not hate each other here.
I love you all in Christ and am praying that we all will change .
Our evil and evil selfish ways and we need to love one another.
God says how can you love me and hate your neighbor here.
Edward Feb 2020
My heart breaks, for those whom lives without Hope.
My heart breaks, for those whom pain never ever ends.
My heart breaks, for those whom heart has been crushed.
My heart breaks, for those whom has no place to lay down.
My heart breaks, for the child whom has lost their parent.
My heart breaks, for the parent whom lost an child also.
My heart breaks, for those whom are waiting around to die.
I feel your pain , you are in my prayers I love you with God's love.
My heart breaks ,for you  wishing that there was something I could
My heart breaks, all that I can do is pray and put it in God's hand.
Edward Sep 2019
My family of Poets, I love your beautiful works.
You are My family of Poets and Writers too.
You are My Family at Hello poetry site as well.
I just want you to know that I love you all too.
My brothers, and sisters Poets at Hello Poetry.
The site that brings healing to each of Us there.
The site of the Greatest Poets that live today.
Edward May 2020
Where does my next breath  comes from.
It comes from the Lord Jesus my Savior.
My Creator , the Creator of the Heavens.
The Creator of the earth and all mankind.
Wihout his blessings , we would all be cursed.
So where does my next step comes from.
Jesus the Creator of the heavens and the earth.
Edward Oct 2019
My Prayer, is for you all to love deeply and unconditional.
My Prayer, is for you to think with an unconditional Love.
To treat everyone, as you would treat your best friend too.
To know when ,you make an mistake and own up to it.
For you ,don't have to broadcast it , just say you sorry to God.
Unless he, is telling you to make amends with that person.
My Prayer, is that some day we shall celebrate together too.
My Prayer, is that your life shall be filled with Love, and Miracles.
Edward Mar 2020
My prayers, is that in everything that you do.
You shall see, God in it and you never forget.
My prayer , that you shall never come to doubt.
In your relationship, with the Mighty Creator.
My prayer, for you all to stay Blessed and Loved.
My prayer , for you to stay strong and needy.
My prayer ,for you is that you stay depending on Him.
My prayer, for you is that you always stand firm.
Edward Sep 2019
My son, hear my pleas from heaven above me.
My heart is broken that you left at a young age.
May the Lord guiding you in heaven right now.
May he be looking out now for all of those.
That you love with an perfect love my son.
May your wife and children get extra blessings.
May he be protecting them with much tenderness.
May his light always shine on all that he loves.
Edward Oct 2019
My soul cries out for your presence here.
My broken life cries out for your presence
My life cries out for your presence as well.
Cause I desperately want to see your face.
For in your presence shall I become healed.
So that all shall know that you are God too.
My hurting heart cries out for your presence.
Every single part of me cries out for your presence.
Edward Sep 2019
I want all to know that Jesus does save us.
When I was 14 , I was hit by an truck in Iowa.
When I was 22 or 23 I jump off a train and cut my head.
They had to operate on me and stitch my head.
It was right by my brain , but God save me again.
Then ten years ago I was hit by an suv in flordia.
Moving 40 miles an hour praise the Lord for he is good.
Also an fork truck stop, on my foot  I only felt the pressure
God is really truly an God that saves and stays with Us.
Edward Jul 2020
Never fear man, more than you fear God.
Never fear man , more than you fear God.
For to put mans desires over the Good Lord.
Is the very worst thing that anyone could do.
Once you gain the true Fear of God here.
You then will know just much you should fear God.
Never fear man, more than you fear God.
Never fear man, more than you fear God.
Edward Oct 2019
Never forget, whom you are an Warrior.
Never Forget , you are Healed my Friend.
Never Forget, you are not ugly nor gross.
But you were created to be Beautiful/handsome.
Never Forget, that you are an Mighty Over-comer.
Never Forget, that you were made to Bless others.
Never Forget, that you are really truly Special.
Edward Mar 2020
Never give up, there is always light at the end of the tunnel.
Never give up, things shall get better for you soon each of you.
Never give up you have an great purpose to help others here.
For there is an reason, that it is dark now it is God using your light.
To shine to draw many to him through you being his vessel here.
Just keep trusting him to keep leading you by the hand toward him.
For the Good and Faithful Lord shall never give up on you Friend.
So just keep getting right back up and doing your best to over-come.
One day soon you shall win this here battle that you are in right now.
Edward Jan 2020
Life may be tough, but never give up here.
There are people that really do need you.
To stay strong, so they too will not give up.
For in each life , there are people place there.
For in real life no man is an island here on earth.
God has place people in all of our lives on the earth.
In heaven or the new earth we all have people in it.
So as long as you live you shall be use to bless others.
Through your struggles and how you shall overcome them.
Edward Jan 2020
Never give up on finishing your Journey here never.
Just stop for an quick moment and Pray to God above.
To strengthen you , so that you shall not let him down.
Ask him to lighten your heavy burden that weighs you down.
So that you will become refresh and be able to keep going.
For the important thing is to finish the race and to be used by God.
To help those that in your path to keep moving toward finish line.
To be used by God even in the hardest of struggles here on the earth.
Because it is not suppose to be on our strength overcoming here.
But the strength that directly comes from God the Father himself.
Edward Jun 2020
Never give up , no matter how dark it gets.
Never let go ,of God  for he shall carry you.
Never give up just keep trusting your God.
Never let go,  just keep hanging onto him.
Never walk away , for God loves you much.
Never ever give, up on this here life you live.
For can use any and all these situations here.
Edward Jan 2020
Never give up on your Hopes and Dreams here.
Listen to that still small voice thats belong to God.
Which guides you on the road of your Journey.
Trust in the Lord Jesus, for he is always good to Us.
Never doubt his Goodness nor his trust-worthy either.
But give your complete heart to him always friends.
Like I always say never give up and keep trusting him.
For those two things always go hand in hand here.
For if you really trust him then you will never give up.
Edward Oct 2019
From the ashes, new life has arrived.
For the old man now is dead forever.
The new man whom stands strong.
Because of the Holy Spirit within Us.
This is my prayer, that everyone sees.
The Miracle of the New Men and Women.
That every Poet shall grasp the truth of this.
Thus wanting to become the New People.
Edward Mar 2020
I want to be open to God like Nicodemus was to Jesus.
Where I am always open to what Jesus speaks to me.
I know that he only learn at night away from the rest.
Because he feared the other leaders and Pharisees then.
But at Jesus death, Him and Joseph took Jesus body boldly.
To the cave to place as a tomb for it to always remain there.
I just want to always remain open to God's will in my life.
No matter where I am in location as well as life here too.
Even though my desire is to back in Iowa I shall remain.
Because God has reveal to me to stay here anyway right now.
Edward Nov 2019
You are Perfect you, Special, and Awesome.
You are more than your last mistake here.
God created you to shine brighter than the sun.
For this is how truly Special that you truly are.
No one could ever take your place in your purpose.
For only you were created to fulfill that purpose.
It was because the purpose is connected to your gifts.
You each are truly talented, and Loved by Jesus.
Nobody shall ever take your place I love you in Christ.
Edward Jun 2020
No matter what, my life is nothing God.
Unless you O Lord is in it as well as well.
For you are my only Hope in life here.
No matter what, no matter what is going on.
Whether my world is really falling apart.
Or my life is always going smoothly here.
You are still needed here with me O Lord.
I oh Lord so desperately always need you.
For only through you do I genuinely have true life.
I O Lord am only speaking the truth Jesus my God.
Edward Jan 2020
Life seems tough and Blessings seem few at times.
But Christ has a plan and it seems that the battle here.
Is never really won , after each successful battle won.
A new one a rises to always take it place here on the earth,
But this is Christ redefining his people into better self.
Working , molding Us into your beautiful perfect self.
So in order to be truly blessed and becoming an blessing.
We need to become obediently obeying you Holy Savior.
Thus then you shall surely truly bless Us your people.
Edward Oct 2019
Sorry my stomach is bothering me will try to get back on tomorrow before church.
Edward Aug 2020
my neck and back been really hurting sorry
Edward Sep 2019
If any of you want to follow my collection feel free and add poems to them if you like.
Edward Sep 2019
I read a sign yesterday that quote.
That even in your failing you are not a failure.
The only time you become a failure is after you give up.
Edward Feb 2021
My neck is feeling better than it has in at least a year .
Love you I am back in Iowa now.
I will try to come back here again tomorrow night.
Edward Dec 2019
I  am so sorry I am going through something.
I shall tell you all about it soon this is a promise.
Once I return hopefully love you all.
Edward Nov 2020
keep me in your prayers love you all.
Edward Nov 2020
I have not been on for a while .
I have a crushed disc pressing against my spine.
Once that is taken care of I shall return.
Edward Nov 2020
I forget to tell you why I need prayer .
A crushed disc is pressing against my spine.
I will go talk to the doctor about surgery.
On the 15 of December then   hopefully ..
The first part of January I will have surgery.
Then in February I shall be well enough.
To start writing regularly once more again.
Love you all very much and God bless you.
Edward Dec 2019
If you want to contact me in my absence.
My Facebook is Edward Starr wonderman poems.
My email is
Thank you all very much, love you all God bless you all.
Edward Mar 2020
Praying for you all  to be healed too.
You are really important to me family.
Your poems has help me to grow a lot.
Into a better man and a better christian.
Thank you all for your love and support.
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