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Edward Dec 2019
I  am so sorry I am going through something.
I shall tell you all about it soon this is a promise.
Once I return hopefully love you all.
Edward Nov 2019
My neck is still hurting keep me in your prayers.
Some nights I really struggle to get to sleep.
I have been spending a lot of time in the bible.
Through reading it on the internet love you all.
Edward Nov 2020
I have not been on for a while .
I have a crushed disc pressing against my spine.
Once that is taken care of I shall return.
Edward Nov 2019
My computer is acting up will like your poems once I get back home sworry.
Edward Nov 2019
Nothing really matters here except allowing Jesus to use you.
If you were to die,  tomorrow what would you take with you.
For this world is only an testing ground for our Savior God.
To see where your heart, really is to see if you choose him.
Nothing else matters, except allowing him to use you today.
To save souls, for his kingdom in another realm called heaven.
Will you allow him to use you to to reveal him to them here.
So that he may transform their lives in the here and now today.
Will you chose him to rescue all of those that surround you.
Edward Mar 2020
It breaks my heart that some people.
Consider this to be the end of the world.
It may be an tragic time here on the earth.
But tomorrow shall come once again here.
Yes it shall be an darker time to live in now.
But Christ shall come once more someday.
Making this the world that he had intended it to be.
Edward Feb 2020
Oh Muscatine, how I miss your streets.
Oh Muscatine, how your memories fill my eyes.
With an flood full of tears how my heart breaks.
Oh Muscatine, how I miss the People there.
I truly wishing that I was there right this minute.
Oh Muscatine, how I wish that I was still there.
Working at Hon industries right this here moment.
Oh Muscatine, the beautiful city that I was born in.
I miss you more than you could ever know Muscatine.
Edward Jul 2020
O Lord, hear thy children pleas and answer us.
O Lord, for we see that this world is getting darker.
O Lord, every time that we turn around here O God.
O Lord, something happens that is worst than before.
O Lord, it seems that only painful things happen now.
O Lord, hear our pleas and strengthen us right now.
O Lord,we desperately need your healing love here.
O Lord, so help us to stand firm on this dying world.
Edward Jun 2020
O Lord, rescue those whom are hurting and scared
O Lord, rescue those whom protest innocently too.
O Lord, let people whom are looting repent from it.
O Lord, why is so much evil happening right now.
O Lord, let everyone repent of their sins right now.
O Lord ,O Lord why is so much evil happening here.
Help us to see your truths and get healed today God.
Edward Feb 2020
O Lord, I lift up the Lost to you
Find them at the place they are in now.
Reveal yourself to them at this moment.
O Lord, I lift up the hurting and the broken.
Heal them and restore them right now also.
Lift them up and sooth their sorrows now.
Meet them each at the place they are at now.
Save them from the thing that could destroy them.
Rescue all of those broken in one way or another.
Edward Feb 2020
One day, it would be my honor here.
To get to know each of you better.
One day, it would be great to see you.
To have a meal together in a restaurant.
To break bread and drink some soda too.
One day, it shall be great to eat in Heaven .
Together  at a wonderful banquet meal then.
To see our Savior and God face to face there.
Edward Mar 2020
I wish that I would have one more day with you.
My Dad, and Mom and my Sister Dorothy too.
To see you again, but it will not be here again.
I will have to wait till we are on the new earth.
It still does not stop me from wishing though.
That I wish that I would have one more day...
With my family here on the earth again though.
Wishing that I would be able to see my nephews.
Spend another day with family once again too.
Edward Oct 2019
I love you all, very much ok.
We shall be celebrating too.
But only Christ can save me.
But while we are feasting Poets.
We shall love each other more purer.
Our relationship shall be more loving.
An purer kind of love shall we share.
An more closer relationship shall we gain.
Edward Nov 2019
In today's world with so much hurt and anger.
So much loneliness with rejection and isolation.
So many young adults and children wanting to die.
in this here world everyone is searching for something.
Something to feel good , or something to hope in here.
My prayer is that you chose to find something or someone.
To hope in here and that hope would be in a Savior God.
There is one true Savior, and he is the very reason I still live.
I should have been dead many times , but he keeps saving me.
Edward Apr 2020
Our Battle-scars, here only prove one thing.
That it is not by our Strength that we over-come.
Our Battle- scars are many different types of scars.
Such as disabilities, our weakness, our failures.
Plus any of type of things that reveal it is not Us.
That has done these very things through our own.
Because I always know that the miracles were not mine.
But were done by a Greater one than i could ever be.
It was done by my Great Savior and God Lord Jesus.
Edward Sep 2019
Our  God is faithful to rescue you in times of trouble.
For his Goodness last forever and I can not count.
The times that he has save me from an early death.
One time I touch a live wire by accident in a electric outlet.
But I felt nothing happen it was in an old apartment.
So yes how many times has he rescue me I do not know.
But him the Great and Faithful Creator he knows the times.
Edward Sep 2019
Our God reigns, in times of trouble I run to him .
Our God reigns, so I keep my focus ion him alone.
Our God reigns, so I shall never wander from him.
Our God reigns, and I shall obediently follow him.
Our God reigns, because there is none other like him.
Our God reigns, because he lives and always will live.
Our God reigns, he reigns because he is God alone.
Our God reigns, for he was with Israel and still is.
Our God reigns, and he shall forever reign here too.
Our God reigns, for he is perfect in all of his ways.
Edward Jan 2020
Our Hope is not in whom serves Us , or in whom we are.
Our Hope is or at least should be should be our Creator.
Our country , really needs healing so much Divison here.
No matter which country that you might live in today.
There is so much Devision on both sides of the fence.
My heart really breaks for all of those kids divided here.
Their parents are one side of the wall right here now.
We really need to work together to chnange our situation now.
Right now We are needed to work together to change.
Edward Mar 2020
Our Purpose, is to worship the Creator.
Our Purpose, is to minster to the Lost.
Our Purpose ,is to also use our Gifts.
To Glorified, the Good Lord Our God.
Our Purpose is to Love Others Unconditional.
Our Purpose, is to have an relationship with God.
Our Purpose, is to walk in the ways of God.
Edward Feb 2020
Our God, builds our Salvation through struggles.
Our God, builds our Salvation through pain also.
Our God, builds our Salvation through relationships.
Our God, builds our Salvation through his Hope.
Our God, builds our Salvation through his Freedom.
Our God, builds our Salvation through preaching.
Our God, builds our Salvation through his Truths.
Our God, builds our Salvation through,  memories.
Our God, builds our Salvation through his Holy Spirit.
Edward Mar 2020
When we walk in the Light here on the planet earth.
God's places an hunger within Us for Rightiousness.
We strive for something bigger than Us or our lives.
Because the closer we striver to God and his Kingdom.
The stronger that we become in our convictions too.
We live our lives so that Christ shall be reveal to all.
For we never know in the end whom shall be saved.
Sometimes it is the first hearing about our Savior.
Other times they fight asgainst it then one day they change.
Edward Jan 2020
Faith is seeing something Beautiful that comes out of the ashes.
Of something that right now is dark, dead, and maybe even evil.
We all have something in each of our hands that God is using.
The pen , which is mightier than an sword is what he is using here.
This pen shall be use by God to write poems that he shall be using.
To reveal himself and his love to those whom are open to him.
This may be the beautiful thing that rises from the ashes someday.
I know that there are many warriors here writing poetry for God.
Edward Sep 2019
The evil spirit of darkness and depression.
At times will cause me to sleep too much.
It will make me sad and hurt me as well.
But the Spirit of God helps me to over come.
For it is the Spirit of God that is always in me.
For Christ loves me and place his helper in me.
To become an over-comer and to let others know.
That he loves them and will help them to over-come.
For he is the one that shall help them in their time of need.
Edward Feb 2020
I am not a survivor , but an over comer here.
For a survivor just barely get by in this life.
But an over comer, gets by more than just barley.
My God gives me much more than just barely.
I am by more than just barely I am by far blessed.
I am by far, much more than just surviving too.
For my Savior, has by far blessed me right here.
Edward May 2020
Life here is really hard to succeed, very hard.
But when we have Christ as our Savior here.
Then we can overcome anything set before Us.
For his strength is unlimited and Powerful also.
Even the fallen angels and demons fear his strength.
So listen to his whispers and trust him in all things.
Then when you have overcome you shall see it.
That you by your self are frail and will not succeed.
But when you obey your  God you shall always win.
Edward Sep 2019
This pain becomes so unbearable.
This is the time I have to give it to God,.
For only he can heal me of all of this pain.
Edward Jan 2020
Poetress, and Poets , I thank God for you always.
I see the Love of God and I pray that you are Blessed.
Edward Nov 2020
May your day be bless and thank you.

I pray that your day stays blessed today.

You have a very beautiful name Pia.

I am glad that I had talk to you today.

I pray that your every day gets better.

For you are an sweet nice lady too.

I am thankful that God connected us.
Edward Feb 2020
So many dying in this world today.
Death is getting worst by the moment.
All that I can do is keep praying for all.
That the ones that I see are protected.
That all that I know shall keep living.
For it really breaks my heart to see this.
Father please protect people on this site.
People on Facebook, and in person that I know.
Please Lord protect them all every day please.
Edward Sep 2019
Please Jesus touch their minds, place your words .
So that their poems shall be used by you to heal.
Fill their hearts with both your love and sorrow too.
The sorrow that comes with sadness of hating you.
May their poems convict those whom hate you.
But for those that really love you get really blessed.
May you lift up those that love you here also God.
Touch all of them that comes here to write daily.
Finally heal all whom read their words on here Lord
Edward Feb 2020
Please remember, trust God with your heart.
Please remember, that he is always faithful.
Please remember, to always obey his word.
Please remember , if you ever need prayer.
Then message me with your prayer too.
Please remember, always love others too.
Please remember, that you are loved by God and I.
Edward Jul 2020
Christ salvation sometimes is a process.
Some people hang real tight to his salvation.
While others like myself is a process of change.
For sometime change is a life long process here.
Sins sometimes are in layers that has to be peeled.
Each layer needs to be mold and repented of too.
It not that one enjoy sinning it just a process here.
To transfer an worm into an beautiful butterfly here.
Each layer becomes another time of repented too.
Edward Oct 2019
Glory, Glory, Glory is the One that saves Us.
Praise His Name both in heaven and on the earth.
Blessed be his Worthy most Beautiful Name.
I pray that we all shall be Praising His Name.
Singing most beautiful hymns to Praise him.
May each of you today be blessed and protected.
For being protected in this here age of many being killed.
Is very important the 91 psalms type of protection.
Edward May 2020
Oh Lord how hard this life is.
Why do you allow your people..
To hurt, struggle, and suffer here.
Things are not getting any better.
But things are getting far worst.
Heal and protect your people here.
Protect Us and deliver Us from evil.
Help Us to have your peace here on the earth.
I pray this O Lord in Jesus Mighty Name Amen.
Edward Oct 2019
Asking God to deliver you from what you are going though.
For your life is valuable , God bless every one of you too.
Edward Mar 2020
Daddy -God
My heart break for each victim of the corona-virus here on the earth.
Help them all in their time of need here Lord-God right now please.
Touch each  single person that lives on the earth right now Lord.
Bless them, minster to them and do an healing too within them too.
Love upon each single person that gets the corona-virus on the earth.
Bring people to minster to every -one of them here that needs you.
That does not know you as a personnel-Savior God Lord Jesus.
Father and bring one of your people to all that knows you not.
I pray this now Loving Father in the Name of your Son Lord Jesus Amen.
Edward Sep 2019
I pray that Christ shall heal all of your pain.
Thus enriching your poetry with Great healing.
I pray that Christ then shall use you all mightily.
To reach out and he shall keep filling your heart.
With love, so you can keep reaching out to more.
With the same love that Christ has loved you with.
Then God shall start to bless others through you.
For first of all, he shall bless each of you here.
With so much more than you could ever handle.
So that people shall know that Christ lives in you.
Edward Sep 2019
I pray that in Christ unending wisdom  that he has.
That he shall bless you with the thing you need most.
Whether it is money, love or whatever else you need.
For our God is the wisest man/ God whom walked here.
So I know that he shall give you the best blessing ever.
I pray an triple blessing upon your life here today too.
That his love for you shall shower you with great blessings.
That his love shall overwhelm you as well today and always.
That he shall make you so desperate for his attention here.
That you shall cling to him with your whole heart here.
Edward Apr 2020
You have only one life on this here world.
So Press on, never give up you are loved.
For your life is very valuable and needed.
You are an Jewel, for you are an inspirer.
Without you there would be less light here.
For your light shines as a beacon here too.
Your beacon lead others to the only true Hope.
For the Christ is using you to draw others here.
So whatever you do never give up here Friend.
Edward Sep 2019
Today is a brand new day, so Rejoice.
So rejoice for you can make a difference.
You Speak life into your situations here.
You speak life , in all that your family life's.
Sing a brand new song here and rejoice too.
For you will make an difference in everything.
So Rejoice, dance and sing an brand new song.
Climb the highest mountains and shout it out.
Rejoice and become an life changer in others lifes.
Edward Sep 2019
Hear the wind,  but can you see it right.
Love is, just like the wind here as well.
You give, it away, but people don't see it.
Faith is, similar as well it can not be seen.
They are ,only seen once it hit the mark.
For until someone, accepts the love you give.
It actions, are not even seen by other people.
So remember ,that just because you don't see God.
Does not mean, that he is not real because he is.
Edward Nov 2019
Remember, God never forget about Us.
Remember, God is always a Faithful God.
Remember, He always comes at the right time.
Remember, His Love is unconditional Love.
Remember , He created you and knows you.
Remember, Christ shall finish the work within you.
Remember, He wants only the very best for you.
Remember, He shall deliver you out of satan traps.
Remember, You are an child of the most high God.
Edward Jan 2020
Life is too short, and valuable to throw away here on the earth Family.
There are too many, people on the here that needs to hear your testimony.
Remember this ,your life does matter, God wants to use you to reveal him.
Remember this , Life here may be hard but you have God Spirit within.
Remember thls , that you are not alone for God is always with you here.
So stay strong , and always Trust in Him for he shall never forsake you.
Remember this, if you are ever to fall then get right back up never give up,
For as long ,as you are trying God shall never you away he loves you .
He wants only the very best for you and his other people on the earth.
Edward Oct 2019
Reveal to them, your loving-kindness is here for them.
Reveal to them, that you only want the best for them.
Reveal to them, that you shall never leave nor forsake them.
Reveal to them, that you hear their cries and shall be here.
Reveal to them, that when they love you with an full heart.
Reveal to them, then they ask in prayer they shall receive.
Reveal to them, that they are your children Father-God.
Reveal to them, that you are always watching out for them.
Edward Oct 2019
God notices you. The fact is he can't take his eyes off of you. However badly you think of yourself, God is crazy about you. God is in love with you. Some of us even fear that someday we'll do something so bad that he won't notice us anymore. Well, let me tell you, God loves you completely. And he knew us at our worst before he ever began to love us at all. And in the love of God there are no degrees, there is only love.
by Rich Mullins.
I Believe it too.
Edward Nov 2019
I know that so many, are tired and want to go home.
But Jesus is not finish with you on this here earth.
So please do not give up but finish this here race.
If not for yourself, then for all those watching you.
So that they shall finish this here race right next to you.
I shall be there right beside you with all of my sufferings.
Because I know that God encourages others through us.
I want them to be right beside me when they finish.
Edward Jun 2020
Right now, this world is a scary place to live.
Right now we have choices to make right here.
Right now, we need to start living a righteous life.
Right now, we need to start trusting God also.
Right now, is the time to start obeying the Lord.
Right now, is the best time to start walking in God truth.
Right now , I shall start walking in faith right here.
Edward Sep 2019
There are two roads for people to take here.
The first one full of Love, Peace, and Joy.
Is the road where you give even when it hurts,.
It is the one that is filled with friends and family.
It is also the one filled with great laughter also.
Sometimes they might be blessed with plenty of money.
This one may not have have plenty of money.
But they always have plenty of Love on this road.
The second road is fill with self , also Loneliness.
This road is filled with hate, cruelty at times here.
It is filled with greed , and selfishness also here.
This road is a long maybe finical rich road.
But rarely does this road has laughter or joy.
As for me I rather have the road of Love to take.
Edward Sep 2019
O Lord search me, inside and out then heal me.

I beg thee , O Lord to search me and to heal me.

Not only I, heal but everyone that reads this too.

For this world is hurting and needs your Healing.

Heal our lands, heal our bodies, heal our children.

Then all shall see you O Lord and let a revival begin.

Thus then bring all nations unto your throne room.

Repenting of their sins, asking you to come into their hearts.

Thus many more including world leaders as well God.
Edward Jul 2020
Please will you shine, even if you don't feel like it now.
Shine, Shine even when you are hurting right now Friend.
Shine, Shine make this whole wide world shine bright.
Shine, Shine allow the Holy Spirit shine from deep in you.
Shine, Shine Glorified the Lord and Savior of this universe.
Shine, Shine lift up your hearts and Glorified your Creator.
Shine, Shine worship the Creator of the Heavens and the earth.
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