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48 · Jan 2020
I Love You All
Edward Jan 2020
I Love you all, with Christ Love abundantly.
I Love you all, and you have given me much.
To think about, with all of your beautiful poems.
I Love you all , you have given me Great healing.
I Love you all,  and see Christ within your heart.
I appreciate you for whom you are a Precious Friend.
I appreciate everything that each of you all do here.
I appreciate all of your Beautiful and Precious words.
48 · Mar 2020
Edward Mar 2020
Daddy -God
My heart break for each victim of the corona-virus here on the earth.
Help them all in their time of need here Lord-God right now please.
Touch each  single person that lives on the earth right now Lord.
Bless them, minster to them and do an healing too within them too.
Love upon each single person that gets the corona-virus on the earth.
Bring people to minster to every -one of them here that needs you.
That does not know you as a personnel-Savior God Lord Jesus.
Father and bring one of your people to all that knows you not.
I pray this now Loving Father in the Name of your Son Lord Jesus Amen.
48 · Apr 2020
Times Are Changing
Edward Apr 2020
Time is changing, this world is growing dark.
Time is changing , my heart is truly breaking .
Time is changing , too many people are dying.
Time is changing, my heart is really breaking.
Time is changing, I fall to my knees praying.
Time is changing, only Christ can rescue Us now.
Time is changing , only you Lord are our Hope.
Time is changing , rescue Us O Holy Savior.
Lord God you are our only Hope save Us please.
48 · Mar 2020
May Every Day
Edward Mar 2020
May every day you make an difference here.
May everyone that you know on this planet.
Life has been changed for the better through you.
I know that through your beautiful poetry mine has.
May your life be blessed , because of your poetry.
May your heart always be full of love always friends.
May your words always touch and bless all that see them.
48 · Apr 2020
Live Right
Edward Apr 2020
Live right , love unconditional, and forgive.
Live right, stay in the Good Lord will here.
Live right, treat others as your-self in every way.
Live right, stay  calm , try to avoid disagreements.
Live right, share your wisdom on how to Live life.
Live right, Love deeply and forgive freely also.
Live right, never give up on others stay connected.
48 · May 2020
May You Have
Edward May 2020
May you all have long life with peace.
May you be loved by everyone you know.
May you have many miracles on the earth.
May you have see the places that hurt you.
Become healed , and be no more pain you feel.
May you have many treasures waiting in heaven.
May you have many that love you in your family.
May you have many joyous moments with them.
That you will remember in all of your days here.
48 · Feb 2020
Edward Feb 2020
Sometimes, we have to accept that we are a mess a real mess.
Sometimes, we have to accept that we can not do this alone
Sometimes, we have to place this in God's hand and pray.
Sometimes, we just have to hope for the best to come out of it.
Knowing, that only Jesus can fix the messes we make here.
Sometimes, life is unfair and our life  is not the life that we want.
Only then, will we become desperate enough for God to fix Us.
Once we,  become humble and know that only he can fix Us.
48 · Mar 2020
Edward Mar 2020
This world is becoming more darker here.
With each passing moment, here I fear today.
That even after the Coronavirus is gone from here.
Things shall never be the same for any of Us here.
My prayer is reach out to this dark world of ours.
Open their eyes show them yourself more clearly.
Because if this world is making me more worried.
I am more than sure that those without your Hope.
Are really startling to worry about their future here.
I Pray this Father in your Son Jesus Holy Name Amen.
47 · Feb 2020
Love Is
Edward Feb 2020
Love is Pure, Love is Helpful, Love is Truth.
Love is eternal, Love is Mercy, Love is Protecting.
Love is Christ, His Love is Healing and Salvation.
46 · Oct 2019
Edward Oct 2019
I may be poor, but I have an creator creating.
Oh he creates everything that I ever need.
For it was and is he whom created everything.
Cause he is not only mine Savior but God also.
I may be poor compare to many other people.
But I have an Creator creating my life before me.
He speak every single thing that I ever needed.
So that I do not need wealth for he is my Creator.
I may never get married tis true but I don't care.
Cause I have an Creator whom creates you and I.
It is he not I that knows what each of us need.
So give up on believing it is you creating things.
46 · Jan 2020
Thank You All
Edward Jan 2020
You are all Special, you are all kind and Loved.
You are in my prayers to be Healed and Blessed.
I pray to God always for you Wonderful Poets.
I want you all , Protected in everything you do.
For one day I would love to meet you all here.
To see you all over coffee and an Awesome lunch.
For it would really Bless me to know you personally.
To call you my Wonderful , Awesome Friends.
For I really think that each of you are truly special.
46 · May 2020
Edward May 2020
Remember this one thing  my I say my friend.
That each of us are on a journey here on the earth.
This journey is not always pleasant nor fun either.
Sometimes there is hurt , and struggles and dark days.
Sometimes the pain is very deep indeed my friends.
Sometimes the struggling last along time in our lives.
But in the end it can be very beautiful and joyous also.
Sometimes the most painful life here friend are Gods faverite.
Are the ones that lead many to God and are very beautiful.
46 · Feb 2020
One Day
Edward Feb 2020
One day, it would be my honor here.
To get to know each of you better.
One day, it would be great to see you.
To have a meal together in a restaurant.
To break bread and drink some soda too.
One day, it shall be great to eat in Heaven .
Together  at a wonderful banquet meal then.
To see our Savior and God face to face there.
46 · Jan 2020
May Your Life
Edward Jan 2020
May your life, be filled with Great Wonder.
May your life, touch many through God today.
May your life always inspire others that you meet.
May your life, reveal Jesus  faithfulness to many.
May your life, be full and long in years on the earth.
May your life, be filled with adventures and Love.
May your life, be used to bring healing to all in your life.
May your life, give true Praise to our Lord and Savior.
May your life, be a true testimony of Christ love for you.
46 · Apr 2020
Though I Might
Edward Apr 2020
Though I might suffer here in the darken places.
I know that you will deliver me from it someday.
Though I might struggle to live when I  hate life.
Still I know that in order to go home to heaven.
I know that I must complete the the mission here.
That you have place for me to finish here on the earth.
Though I might not always succeed in the task before me.
I know that you have seen all of my successes and failures.
That you have already finish saving me here on the earth.
45 · Jan 2020
God's Truth
Edward Jan 2020
For Jesus came so people sin can become forgiven.
He died so that truth can become reveal to the masses.
For it is his truth , that is really true not the evil ones.
He would have came , even if there was only one sins..
That would be forgiven in this here great universe of ours.
For he came and then die rising up gain to reveal truth.
The only way to see this here truth is to believe in him.
His love for us is as well reveal to us through his truth.
For if he did not love us, he would not had sent his son.
To die on the wooden tree for us so trust in th Lord God.
45 · Mar 2020
I Been Delivered
Edward Mar 2020
I when I was a teenager I so despately try to die.
I felt unloved because I never had an girl-friend.
But until the past five years I realize I was loved.
Just not the romantic kinda of love that I got.
So yes I deeply understand the pain people feel.
It breaks my heart to see people suffering also.
I done some drugs, and ***** to escape my pain.
But Christ has delivered me from drugs and *****.
He can deliver you from this pain, drugs , and ***** too.
45 · Feb 2020
Please God
Edward Feb 2020
So many dying in this world today.
Death is getting worst by the moment.
All that I can do is keep praying for all.
That the ones that I see are protected.
That all that I know shall keep living.
For it really breaks my heart to see this.
Father please protect people on this site.
People on Facebook, and in person that I know.
Please Lord protect them all every day please.
45 · Feb 2020
Live Life
Edward Feb 2020
Live life, knowing that you have a Great purpose.
Live life, as if every minute counts which it does.
Live life, because there might be someone watching.
Live life, because you might be making a difference.
Live life, because people need to see God's Hope.
Live life, so that when you finish this here race.
Jesus may say well done my child well done child.
Live life, so that others will see and not give up.
45 · Mar 2020
Edward Mar 2020
Sometimes, I hurt and want to die.
Sometimes,  I feel overwhelming Great.
Sometimes, I feel like I already lost everything.
Sometimes, I feel strong like Superman maybe.
Sometimes, I feel more weaker than anything.
Sometimes , it come straight anything period.
Sometimes I feel tired and just want to sleep.
Sometimes I am feeling in between in everything
45 · Mar 2020
You're In My Heart
Edward Mar 2020
Fear not trusting the Lord is the first step.
Trust him with an full heart and love him first.
You are all amazing, wonderful people too.
You are all that comes here in my prayers.
I want everyone of you to here to know.
That each and everyone of you on this site.
That Jesus and I really do love you unconditional.
Just want you to know that I am praying your protection.
From this here evil corona-virus that going around.
I want you to know this to give you some courage.
45 · Mar 2020
God Is Not Concern
Edward Mar 2020
God is not concern with your brokenness.
God is after your heart more than anything.
God is not concern with your past life here.
God is really after your obedience also here.
God is not concern with your family either.
God is after your life now and in the future.
God is not concern with you being rich or poor.
God is more concern with how you treat others.
45 · Feb 2020
May You
Edward Feb 2020
May you learn to Love even the unlovables.
May you lead many into the Kingdom of God.
May when you wake the first thing you do is pray.
For those that needs the guidance from our God.'
May you always run to our Awesome Savior.
May God always give you your heart desires.
45 · Mar 2020
There Is
Edward Mar 2020
There is power, in obediently doing God's will.
There is power, in loving those that really hate you.
There is power, in quit sinning for when we obey.
God shall use that to bring strongholds down for us.
For God uses this to show others his existence here.
There is one way to reveal Christ within us here.
That is to be within his will and doing his work here.
There is Power in obeying the King that we serve.
So whatever you do never give up on serving God.
44 · Feb 2020
I Am Tired
Edward Feb 2020
I am tired, of being afraid of failing you Lord.
I am tired, of fighting your will for my life here.
I am tire , of seeing good people hurting here.
Because they had something bad happen to them.
I am tire ,of staying alone because of my fears.
I am tire, of always being tire and hurting too.
I am tire, of hurting God and struggling here.
I am tire, this life is hard indeed still we will win.
Because we have God's strength to get us through.
44 · Feb 2020
Whatever Is Going On
Edward Feb 2020
Whatever you might be going through.
Promise me that you shall not give up.
That your life is too valuable and Precious.
That your life is too Precious for you to throw away.
Keep giving of yourself by keep living your life.
Show the world that no matter how bad today is.
That you have a chance to have your life change.
God loves you whatever you do ask him to help.
Ask him to strengthen you today please Ok.
44 · Feb 2020
I Love You Lord
Edward Feb 2020
I love you Lord, you are everything that I need right here.
I love you Lord, there is none other that is good except you.
I love you Lord, without you my life would have been wasted.
I love you Lord, if not for you I would have stayed selfish also.
I love you Lord, in the storms of time or in the Great summer time.
I love you Lord, even times of pain and hardships here on the earth,
I love you Lord, even times of calmness and love a plenty here.
I love you Lord, for who you are and for your Loving-Kindness too.
I love you Lord, for you loved me first you are my Great Creator.
44 · Feb 2020
Edward Feb 2020
Write , helping others to see Hope.
Write, of your struggles here also.
Write , of your Sorrows and Pain.
Write, to encourage others here too.
Write , to help pull yourself out .
Of the situation that you are in now.
Write, because you love to write here.
Write , because you need to write here.
Whatever tnhe reason that you do write.
44 · Feb 2020
You Gave Me Life
Edward Feb 2020
You gave me life, where death was all around.
You gave me life, while I was yet your enemy.
You gave me life, when I did everything wrong.
You gave me life, and changed the dept of my heart.
There is none other that construct good out of evil.
There is none that can take something that is dead.
Transforming it into life and making it whole again.
Only you Jesus can bring the dead back to life again.
Only you Jesus can bring new life to myself again.
Only you Jesus deserve every ouch of all my Praise.
For only you Jesus who walk this earth is my Savior God.
44 · May 2020
God Never Gives Up On You
Edward May 2020
God never gives up on you  until you are gone.
so as long as you are breathing know this Friend.
You may be struggling and feeling lost here too.
But God shall never give up, on you  he loves you.
If you are struggling with drugs, gambling  or beer.
God shall never give up on you he just waits for you.
To hate your addiction or drug worst than anything else.
Then he shall give you that much needed extra strength.
To overcome that thingb that holds you as a hurting prisoner.
44 · May 2020
Edward May 2020
Fellow Poets know this trust only God to be your helper.
For men and women shall fail you for we are only people.
We are far from being perfect here only Christ is perfect.
Only Christ, Holy Spirit , and the Father are Perfect in all things.
So never put your complete trust in any flesh and blood human.
For if you do then you shall always be disappointed and frustrated.
But if you see us for whom we are humans with many weakness.
Then you shall never be disappointed and you never be unforgiving.
But always trusting the Lord your God only because he is perfect.
44 · Feb 2020
Jesus My God
Edward Feb 2020
I struggle my whole life of being Faithful to God.
I spent most of my adult life of following Gods word.
Chasing women I wanted to have that kind of love.
Where it is Soul- kind of love  that lots of people have.
The kind of love that you feel you can not live without.
But then I met a woman that made me feel that way.
But then I realize that this kind of love goes against God.
For it should always be him that comes first for Us.
Now I am struggling to make an life honoring Jesus.
For he should always be my first love everywhere I go.
44 · Feb 2020
Thank You All
Edward Feb 2020
Thank you all , for all of the Joy you give to me.
Thank you all, for all of the Beautiful Poetry too.
Thank you all, for everything that you write here.
Thank you all, for using your gifts to help others.'
Thank you all, for allowing God to really use you.
Thank you all, for your heart reveals great love here.
Thank you all,for sharing such Great Masterpieces.
Thank you all, for all of the times you touch my heart.
Thank you all, for always blessing Us through your Poetry.
44 · May 2020
If My People
Edward May 2020
If my people, shall love both believers and the Lost.
If my people ,shall forgive all of those that hurt them.
If my people, live just like the Lord our Christ lives.
If my people,  walk as our Role- model Savior walks.
If my people, break bread with those whom sins here.
If my people , would share Christ with everyone too.
Then Christ church would change this world we live in.
Then people would see the true God and the change here.
Then the lost would want the very same God that we have.
44 · Feb 2020
The Lord
Edward Feb 2020
The Lord, my Lord and My God.
Lord my God, use me to reveal you.
To those, that know you not here.
For you, always want to save the lost.
So teach me, always how to be open.
To your voice, no matter where I am at.
For only then, shall the Lost be rescued.
43 · Feb 2020
I Am Going To
Edward Feb 2020
I am going to be strong, even though I feel weak right now.
I am going to stand tall even though I feel like I am falling.
I am going to keep Living even though I feel like I am dying.
I am going to  swim, even though I feel like I am drowning.
Cause Lord I at times am feeling like there nothing to stand for.
At times I feel like I am so weak and ready to give up here.
At times I feel like I am falling into an deep well right here.
At times I feel like if I die everyone would be better off.
But I know that God way is always the very best way.
That I need to quit feeling sorry for myself as well here.
For its not about feeling but about Action in this Life.
It is always best to do the action to let others know that you care.
43 · Mar 2020
My Prayers
Edward Mar 2020
My prayers, is that in everything that you do.
You shall see, God in it and you never forget.
My prayer , that you shall never come to doubt.
In your relationship, with the Mighty Creator.
My prayer, for you all to stay Blessed and Loved.
My prayer , for you to stay strong and needy.
My prayer ,for you is that you stay depending on Him.
My prayer, for you is that you always stand firm.
43 · Mar 2020
There Is A Struggle
Edward Mar 2020
There is an Struggle in each of our minds now.
To either Speak Life which is good to do here.
Or Speak evil aka which is death into others life.
But it is not just others but our own lives as well.
For we sow whatever we speak into others lives.
Cause we always have an choice on what we do.
So even though there is an struggle going on now.
We always can cry out to God to help each of us.
To change our hearts and then to heal our minds.
43 · Feb 2020
Life Is Too Short
Edward Feb 2020
Life is too short , to give up on it for any reason.
Life is too short, so keep living no matter what.
Life is too short, and you are too important also.
Life is too short,  let no one make you want to die.
Life is too short, ask God to heal you and to help you.
Life is too short, for you to want to throw it all away.
Life is too short, so just keep trusting in the Good Lord.
43 · Mar 2020
Love Others
Edward Mar 2020
Love others, including those that hate you much.
Let God use you in all situations on the earth here.
So that the non-believers see what just happened.
Then they seeing what Christ has done through you.
Shall see God within you shall want Jesus as well.
Thus the Christ is using you to draw them unto him.
Being obedient to God is greater than all sacrifices.
Help others to see God whenever that you can do.
For then you shall be doing the work God gave you.
For the 2nd Commandment is to love others as we love our-self.
43 · Feb 2020
Edward Feb 2020
Father God
I pray for your healing touch to reach out to them.
To be able to go to the cancer hospitals everywhere.
For you to reach out to all of those poor kids with cancer.
Then heal all of those adults with cancer as well.
To with your Love to heal each of the children.
Then go out and bring that person to the hurting.
To bring healing as you have in secret accepting no credit.
For every-one of them that you heal through them.
For it is the true way that someone you really sent.
Would act , they would be doing this healing in secret.
43 · Mar 2020
Things May Be Dark Now
Edward Mar 2020
Things may be dark now, but fear not Give not up.
The God of the Heavens, is the Lord God Jesus.
Evil may dwell, on this here earth but fear not Friend.
Whatever you are going through, at this very moment.
Shall end, and when it does He shall really bless you.
Beyond your wildest dreams, and you shall be glad.
That you never given up on this here life that you living.
Things may be dark, at this moment but light shall prevail.
When this here Light start to shine you shall be over-joyed.
43 · Jan 2020
You Have
Edward Jan 2020
You are an eternal Being, and stronger than you know.
You have , the strength of an Warrior dwelling in you.
You have, the poer to move mountains within you too.
You have, the Spirit of God living within you Family.
Once you pass away , your Spirit still contected with God.
For once you, become born-again God moves in with you.
You have Great power through God when you really need it.
For God is always on your side, he will keep you protected.
42 · Feb 2020
I Know
Edward Feb 2020
I know that deep in my heart that I am nothing.
I know that deep within my heart I am nothing.
I know that my life has been an waste of life.
I know that only because of you being in it.
That my life has became something wonderful.
That only because of the Love from and for others.
That our lives can be use to change this here world.
For it is not what we do that change but what God does.
For no one can change anything without Gods help.
42 · Jan 2020
Love Shares
Edward Jan 2020
There are many, different types of Love here in the phyiscal world of ours.
Fathery Love, Mothery, Romantic , Brothery, Sisterly, also Unconditional.
Love shares, moments with one another  yet  all the types foundation here.
Is the very same , when you love someone you want to spend time together.
To share special moments with one another, to have memories together.
To build up, an bond with each other and strengthen that bond together.
For when you do have an bond, then you start to feel closer to the other .
You want the very best for that other person with all of your heart too.
Just like I want my bond with the Christ to be the strongest bond of all.
42 · May 2020
You Are
Edward May 2020
You are  an inspiration to many.
Your life fills many with Hope.
Because Jesus has rescue you.
For he has saved your life here.
Revealing himself to others here.
Through what he is doing in your life.
After all his Spirit does dwell in you.
Doing many miracles in your life.
42 · Feb 2020
Help Freely
Edward Feb 2020
Live life with an hunger to help others.
Love all whom come into your life here.
With a hunger to do to them here always.
For you never know whom you are helping.
The bible says that you might be entertaining Angels.
So never be afraid to help those that you meet.
You might get the best blessing on the earth today.
42 · May 2020
Edward May 2020
Oh Lord how hard this life is.
Why do you allow your people..
To hurt, struggle, and suffer here.
Things are not getting any better.
But things are getting far worst.
Heal and protect your people here.
Protect Us and deliver Us from evil.
Help Us to have your peace here on the earth.
I pray this O Lord in Jesus Mighty Name Amen.
42 · Feb 2020
Please Remember
Edward Feb 2020
Please remember, trust God with your heart.
Please remember, that he is always faithful.
Please remember, to always obey his word.
Please remember , if you ever need prayer.
Then message me with your prayer too.
Please remember, always love others too.
Please remember, that you are loved by God and I.
41 · Mar 2020
Just Breathe
Edward Mar 2020
Just breath, remember we are not in the world's hands.
Just breath, but we are in God almighty wonderful hands.
Just breath, and calm yourself down right now please family.
Just breath, for Christ truly loves you and has a plan for you.
Just breath, for you are truly an amazing writer right here.
Just breath, today shall become an fantastic day for you too.
Just breath, and listen to God's voice and trust in him alone.
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