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41 · Feb 2020
The Storms
Edward Feb 2020
The storms can not ever control me here on the earth.
For Christ gift to Us, his people is Hope and Strength.
His Strength, which one day shall help Us to Overcome.
Thus being used by him, to draw many more to him  here.
For once people see what he has done in each of our lives.
They too shall want this here Hope and his mighty styrength.
So fear not those storms that you are going through today.
Ask him for more of his strength , if you need it today people.
41 · Mar 2020
Let Us Love One Another
Edward Mar 2020
Let us come together on this day to love.
To learn to love one another as our selves.
Because this is what God wants us to do.
For then he shall use us to reach others.
To draw them unto him as well family.
For we need to keep praying for his will  to be done.
Not our will to be done but his will be done.
41 · Feb 2020
Love Others
Edward Feb 2020
Love others as thyself.
Love others freely here.
Place others before thy self.
Help others when you can.
Thus by doing this here.
God shall abundantly bless you.
Always love everyone you see.
For Christ said love your enemy.
41 · Mar 2020
Edward Mar 2020
May Justice start prevailing  once again.
May People quit being rip off by politians.
Whom only have their own best interst at heart.
May a King David type of ruler come about.
May then people see Jesus in an new light.
May love be pour out among its people.
Where we become a world full of love.
A world full of grace and true Hope also,
41 · Apr 2020
Time Does Not Heal
Edward Apr 2020
Time does not heal, only God heals old wounds.
When you love someone but will always be alone.
Those old wounds shall never fully be healed within. might
You might be able to deal with the wounds much better.
But it still is not and will not be healed until God heals it.
We live in a world that refuse to accept that Jesus is real.
So people make these false assumptions it is better to them.
That they make up false assumptions and take credit from God.
Believe me there is an God and only he can bring true healing .
41 · Mar 2020
We Were Created
Edward Mar 2020
We were Created, to reveal Truth and Love to strangers.
We were Created, to become the Light to reveal darkness.
We were Created, for Strangers here to join Us in  the Light.
We were Created, so that God healing within Us will be seen.
Thus then those whom, live in the darkness here everyday.
Shall come unto the Son, and begged for this here Light too.
We were Created,  more to worship the One that save Us.
We were Created,  to reveal to the Lost that Christ has came.
41 · Feb 2020
If Only
Edward Feb 2020
If only, everything would calm down here.
If only, unconditional Love would always win.
If only, we would meet somewhere and celebrate.
If only, we could live without sinning any longer.
If only, Jesus would come down and bless us.
With his physical presence we would be changed.
If only, love was the most important thing here.
If only , we all could and celebrate Christ love.
41 · Feb 2020
Valentine Day
Edward Feb 2020
As Paul has spoken in the bible 2000 years ago.
That he uses all things to bring Glory to God here.
I too believe that we all may do this as well too.
Using Valentine day to celebrate my Love for God.
For God is my Father as well as my older Brother.
Since I don't have a wife or woman friend  now.
Actually God's Love is the Greatest of Love period.
He sustains me in everything that I receive here.
If not for Jesus, my life would be a waste of time.
40 · Mar 2020
Freedom Lives Within Us
Edward Mar 2020
Freedom lives within Us, and We are Blessed.
For He came here to save ,Us and to restore Us.
Back into His family, and We His People are Blessed.
Freedom lives within Us, and We are Saved by Him.
His Holy Spirit works within Us bringing Freedom .
Restoring Us from addicted behavior that We have.
Freedom lives within Us, and brings Great Healing.
Healing Us from the sin that hold Us prisoner here.
Healing Us from all of this here Pain and Struggles.
40 · Jan 2020
Never Give Up
Edward Jan 2020
Life may be tough, but never give up here.
There are people that really do need you.
To stay strong, so they too will not give up.
For in each life , there are people place there.
For in real life no man is an island here on earth.
God has place people in all of our lives on the earth.
In heaven or the new earth we all have people in it.
So as long as you live you shall be use to bless others.
Through your struggles and how you shall overcome them.
40 · Mar 2020
Father God
Edward Mar 2020
Father God
I am coming to you to protect those whom.
Are reading this here and their families too.
That are reading this here Prayer protect them.
From the coronavirus that is killing people.
Heal your people and keep them pray up.
Deliver them from all deadly sickness here.
Protect their families as well and all that come here.
To HP and facebook as well O Lord Mighty God.
I pray this with all my heart in Jesus Name Amen.
40 · Feb 2020
May Your Day Be
Edward Feb 2020
May your day, be filled with Wonder too.
May your day, be bless with plenty of food,
May your day, be filled with celebration.
May your day, be filled with thankfulness.
May your day, be lead by God in every way.
May your day, be a beautiful, Glorious, day.
May your day, be blessed every single day.
40 · Feb 2020
Learning To Trust Jesus.
Edward Feb 2020
Learning to live a life trusting God with one life.
Has so many  bumps in the road  in the journey we go.
Even though I been at this for a while I still get lost.
I still make mistakes which lead me the wrong way.
But I am not going to give up on Christ my Savior.
Still moving forward, I quit running away from God.
I learn to stay in one place for seven years as well.
Still I am trusting that he has something great for me.
I just have to get through until I get to where it is.
40 · May 2020
I Know
Edward May 2020
I know, that life  keeps getting harder.
I know, that you really do hurt a lot here.
I know , that life is not as simple anymore.
I know, and I really wish that I could help.
But please never give up on this life here.
I know , that struggles here are many and hard.
But keep on pushing forward till you are finished.
This here race is important to finish this race.
I know that it use to be easier this life that we live.
40 · Feb 2020
You Are Love
Edward Feb 2020
Rejoice , Praise the Lord every day.
For you were created for better things.
You have an Beautiful soul ,thank you much.
Your heart is full of Love and Kindness.
You have made all that show up there.
Hearts to be full with your Amazing Love.
You are truly Bless and Love every day here.
40 · Feb 2020
God Bless You
Edward Feb 2020
God bless you all every day.
May he touch your hearts always.
Use each of you in a mighty way.
May God heal every single part of you.
May he heal your heart completely today.
Then may your love for others overflow.
May he always keep protecting you .
May you see that you are a psalms 91 child.
That sees his protective hand of God on you.
39 · Jan 2020
Remember This Family
Edward Jan 2020
Life is too short, and valuable to throw away here on the earth Family.
There are too many, people on the here that needs to hear your testimony.
Remember this ,your life does matter, God wants to use you to reveal him.
Remember this , Life here may be hard but you have God Spirit within.
Remember thls , that you are not alone for God is always with you here.
So stay strong , and always Trust in Him for he shall never forsake you.
Remember this, if you are ever to fall then get right back up never give up,
For as long ,as you are trying God shall never you away he loves you .
He wants only the very best for you and his other people on the earth.
39 · Feb 2020
Jesus Lives
Edward Feb 2020
God lives and he lives within you and I too.
For the Christ has risen to save you and I.
He saw us on the cross while he was dying.
He prayed for us before Judas evil kiss of death.
He went to the cross to save us from eternal death.
Yes he went to death 2000 years ago but he risen up.
So that by rising back up we shall rise up too someday.
38 · Feb 2020
Edward Feb 2020
May your life, be a tribute to the Good Lord.
May your life, be seen with Awe and Wonder.
May people see the true Hope from Jesus in it.
May your life, touch many others daily here.
May your life, be a testimony of Gods Love.
May your life, reveal the Christ to everyone
May your life, always reveal His love to others.
38 · Feb 2020
I Lay Down
Edward Feb 2020
I lay down everything that I know.
I lay down everything that I own.
I lay down everything that you gave me.
I lay down everything for you Lord God.
For it was you that created me long ago.
For I have nothing , without your help.
For I know that I am nothing without you.
You knew my life even in the worst times.
So I will lay down everything that makes me.
37 · Feb 2020
Life Mixed With Pain
Edward Feb 2020
Fruits of life are mixed with Sufferings. right here.
For the good things from God is mixed with some Pain.
For it is through the Pain and Suffering that we are built .
Our Character are built through the Hurt that we feel here.
But there are Good things that happening to Us as well.
Such as we see God in those times that we are suffering.
These are the times that he shows us that he is with us.
It is not done from him for in our sufferings he is hurting too.
For it is done to us through others and the evil one too.
But God allows it to build up our character into Godly People.
37 · Feb 2020
I Am Ready
Edward Feb 2020
I am ready, to change to start living once more.
I am ready, to let go of the isolation that I in.
I am ready,  to walk the street Praisiing God again.
I am ready , to kneel and worship you as well.
I am ready, to be all that you want me to be too.
I am ready, to be there for your other People.
I am ready, to run 100 miles with your help too.
I am ready, to be used by you O Lord my God.
I am ready , to shout and Praise you always Lord.
37 · Jan 2020
Never Give Up 2
Edward Jan 2020
Never give up on your Hopes and Dreams here.
Listen to that still small voice thats belong to God.
Which guides you on the road of your Journey.
Trust in the Lord Jesus, for he is always good to Us.
Never doubt his Goodness nor his trust-worthy either.
But give your complete heart to him always friends.
Like I always say never give up and keep trusting him.
For those two things always go hand in hand here.
For if you really trust him then you will never give up.
36 · May 2020
I Know Life Is Scary
Edward May 2020
I know that life is scary  at this very moment.
I know that you all are very Special warriors.
That God is really using you at this moment.
I want you all to know that there is a connection.
Between we whom are doing our best to follow God.
I want  you to know that I am keeping you in prayer.
Because if you make a mistake then you will need prayer.
Jesus loves you and if you feel that God is calling you.
To change something in your life right now then do it.
If you obediently do it for him then he shall bless you.
36 · Feb 2020
Edward Feb 2020
I have some regrets, I also see this life more clearly.
The good things, that been in here hidden from me.
The times that, in my past that I spend here by myself.
I spend thinking, about my Spiritual Journey here.
The good times, which at times were very good.
The awful times ,which were really awful times.
But each, of the times has been use to mold me.
The bad times ,that I was protected from seeing.
Could have really, change my life to really bad life.
But now I realize, that each decision can have it effect
But only if God, allow it to happen the way it usually does.
But sometimes ,even after we open the door to the devil.
God still says no, and not allow certain things to happen.
36 · Feb 2020
Take One Step At A Time
Edward Feb 2020
Whatever you are feeling today good or bad.
Give it to God, ask him to help you today.
To help you take one step at a time here friend.
No matter how hard it is to keep moving forward.
Still ask him to give you strength enough here.
To take that one step at a time if you need to rest.
Between each step he will understand he loves you.
For it is better to rest between steps and not give up.
For he wants you to finish this here race with him.
36 · May 2020
Edward May 2020
You are  blessing from our Creator.
Whom bless people with your Love.
For others that live on this here earth.
An dying planet filled with dying souls.
But when you know Christ the Lord God.
Like the phoenix that has to die to live again.
We too have to die , so that we may be with God.
Whom reign now in the Great Heavens above.
Edward Feb 2020
It is time for real change to come about here.
For it takes Love for one another right now.
To actually bring around the real change here.
For only through unconditional Love right here.
Shall bring the change that we desperately need.
Love thy neighbor as thy self is needed here now.
For once we are no longer divided in this world.
We then can work toward making an difference here.
In this way one person can make a difference as well.
35 · Jan 2020
How Anger Separate Us
Edward Jan 2020
I at times had more than enough in this here life.
While at other times had just barely enough to get by.
I know what it is like to believe the lies of evil one.
While other times I had enough faith to defeat giants.
I remember how much I had struggle with cigarettes.
Or even before that how I struggle with gambling.
But when I went back to church 16 years ago.
God took drinking and gambling away from me.
God has rescue me throughout my whole life too.
Far more than I had ever did deserve him to do.
The anger that I had at him was wrong for me to feel.
For believing the lie that he didnt love me years ago.
I know that it was the way to keep me from returning.
But six-teen years ago I went back to him my Lord God.
35 · Apr 2020
Edward Apr 2020
My heart cries for the weak here Lord on the earth.
Whom are vulnerable to predators that are everywhere.
Whom preys on those whom are weak and hurting too.
Protect them from evil people that rome the earth here.
I might have an good heart but you have made me strong.
You have built me up,  and made me much stronger spiritual.
It is your strength that I draws on and I will rest on it also.
For your strength has no bound but is always limitless here.
34 · Mar 2020
Edward Mar 2020
Sometimes , we are place in the darkest hours.
To reveal the Light that dwells within us now.
To those that has become lost along the way.
Sometimes , feeling weary, beaten, and bruise.
Here yet not even realizing the truth of the matter.
That we are still standing strong by his power.
Sometimes, we have to take an punch here on earth.
So that the lost shall see how Powerful God is.
Sometimes, we have to get down and ***** here.
So that God can reveal himself to the people around us.
34 · Feb 2020
I Know
Edward Feb 2020
I am here, if you ever need to talk to me.
Cause I know, how hard life can become.
I know how, lonely this life is without others.
But God ,does love you really a lot my Friend.
More than you, will ever know my Friend.
It breaks my heart ,when people get sick.
It breaks my heart ,when bad things happen.
Its me to see people being rejected as well.
Everyone, needs to have others in their lives.
34 · Feb 2020
Your Life Is
Edward Feb 2020
Your Life is, filled with choices and Blessings.
Your  Life is, meant to reveal God to others here.
Your Life was , set before time even startled here.
Your Life is, Beautiful filled with Grace and Mercy.
Your Life is, such an Blessing to each of Us too.
Your Life is a testament of Christ love for Us.
Your Life shall, be use to reveal Christ to the world.
34 · Mar 2020
Edward Mar 2020
The Lord is our God on both earth and the Heavens.
We not just believe, but we truly need him everyday.
He watches over us through hardships and good times.
He blesses whom he choses and curse whom he choses.
Still he shall lead us from darkness to the light side of it all.
He gives good things to everyone that loves him also.
His ways we may not always understand but it is our ways.
Because since we belong to him all of his ways should be ours too.
34 · Feb 2020
Edward Feb 2020
Twelve years ago, I met the woman of my dreams.
But it was really never meant to be between her and I.
I met her through Myspace site she was an Godly woman.
But I know that some of us were always meant to be alone.
There was an powerful attraction between the both of us.
When we were together it was like everything was super.
But there was an overwhelming depression when we were not.
The Good Lord did an powerful thing it still hurts that I am alone.
But at least I am no longer feeling overwhelm about not being with her.
We even knew what the other one was thinking back then  its hurts.
But it has been over 10 years since we were seeing each other in Flordia.
Because of the Lord, I have been getting some what stronger now.
33 · Oct 2019
Your Life Matter
Edward Oct 2019
Your life matters, no matter what is going on.
Your life matters, Jesus really does love you.
Your life matters, if he loves me a spoil brat.
That was what, I use to feel in this life here.
Then he loves, you as well please dont give up.
For your life, truly does matter to our Savior too.
So sometime today, or tonight ask him to save you.
To forgive, your sins and repent from your heart.
33 · Feb 2020
Edward Feb 2020
We follow a God whom saves Us yet we still get scared.
We follow an God that loves everyone that he created.
Yet at times we hate those that we feel are against us.'
These things seem to go against who Our God really is.
The truth we live in a fallen sinful world where we struggle.
Also there are many times we fail to remember who Jesus is.
For he is the Savior that came here to restore Us to our old self.
He also brought an helper to help Us to become new Creation.
But we fail to rely on the Holy Spirit out of fear  here on the earth.
32 · Feb 2020
Edward Feb 2020
Love is the best creation that Christ has made.
For it brings two people together as one flesh.
It also has brought a whole group together here.
For love is the Greatest action a person can do.
Whether He/She is Loving one person or more.
If we begin to Love one person here at a time.
We can learn to break this twisted Us against them.
For how can we say that we love God above Us.
When we can not even love our neighbors here.
Our hearts mine included need to be changed too.
Praying for our attitudes to change soon also.
This is why we keep seeking to spend time with God.
31 · Jan 2020
Edward Jan 2020
Overcoming one fear, living on the edge right here.
Being used by God, while your world falling apart.
God does not, think like we humans perceive things.
For he knows, the outcome of all of our decisions.
So he molds us , into our very best self here on the earth.
So that we as well as others can see his handy work.
Revealing himself while we are at our worst at times.
31 · Sep 2019
Worship You Always
Edward Sep 2019
I shall follow you, and always know that you are in charge.
There is none other, that rules the nations but only you God.
Even the Angels, fallen angels are obedient to you Lord.
For you , the Father , and Holy Spirit are God alone Jesus.
So I shall never forget my place in all of my Life Holy One.
I am looking forward to sharing food with my HP Family.
I pray that we can meet someday soon on the earth here.
They are Amazing group of Poets O Mighty Lord God.
31 · Nov 2019
You Are Like
Edward Nov 2019
You are an Inspirational Blessing too.
Your words touch our hearts always.
I am Thankful to have you as a friend.
You are here for an very important reason.
You are like a fresh rain cooling hearts.
You are like the cool waters refreshing Us.
You are like the fresh tasting Fruit after fasting.
31 · Jan 2020
I Want To
Edward Jan 2020
I want to be like Jesus my God.
I want to make an difference.
To be different in action and words.
But more in actions than words.
I want to see others changed by God.
I want to see them love others too.
I want to see them change the world.
I want to be part of the world changers group.
30 · Oct 2019
Edward Oct 2019
Asking God to deliver you from what you are going though.
For your life is valuable , God bless every one of you too.
30 · Nov 2019
Edward Nov 2019
You are all Amazing Poets and Poetess right here.
I truly do appreciate each and every one of you.
We each have our own journey to embark on here.
This is mine Journey , as well as others whom follow him.
I am just thankful that you are using your great gifts.
To help others out of love for them thank you much.
I know that God shall use that to help others to be healed.
Healing is very important to each of us that living right now.
I just wanted to say that your Beautiful words do inspire many.
27 · Jan 2020
Edward Jan 2020
Never let go of  your Hope and Dreams Poets and Poetesses.
Trust in that still small voice that speaks to you when you need Jesus.
For that still small voice comes from Jesus answering you here.
For he has place his Holy Spirit within you to guide you here too.
To help lead you to where and what he wants you to do here on the earth.

— The End —