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58 · Feb 2020
My God
Edward Feb 2020
My soul, explodes with each of your Miracles here.
My heart, explodes with each filling of your Love.
My life, overwhelms with each moment of your time.
My time, over-joy with each moment of your time.
My Savior, you are always with me every single day.
My Lord, to you I owe everything that made me-me.
My God, you are my Joy my very first and only Love.
58 · Sep 2019
Edward Sep 2019
A poet Life is of suffering here on the earth.
A christian life is full of suffering here also.
So I know Lord that the suffering makes Us stronger.
I also know that you use the suffering to help others.
So whatever you do Holy Creator help those here.
To overcome their suffering today then Bless them.
For I pray that each and everyone hurting here today.
Shall be Healed, today and then blessed 10 over.
So that they can praise you today and everyday.
Giving you the Glory for them overcoming today.
Then use them all in a supernatural way here.
Just like you had used Peter or Paul in the Bible.
58 · Feb 2020
Oh Muscatine
Edward Feb 2020
Oh Muscatine, how I miss your streets.
Oh Muscatine, how your memories fill my eyes.
With an flood full of tears how my heart breaks.
Oh Muscatine, how I miss the People there.
I truly wishing that I was there right this minute.
Oh Muscatine, how I wish that I was still there.
Working at Hon industries right this here moment.
Oh Muscatine, the beautiful city that I was born in.
I miss you more than you could ever know Muscatine.
Edward Jan 2020
Faith is seeing something Beautiful that comes out of the ashes.
Of something that right now is dark, dead, and maybe even evil.
We all have something in each of our hands that God is using.
The pen , which is mightier than an sword is what he is using here.
This pen shall be use by God to write poems that he shall be using.
To reveal himself and his love to those whom are open to him.
This may be the beautiful thing that rises from the ashes someday.
I know that there are many warriors here writing poetry for God.
57 · Feb 2020
Whenever I Am
Edward Feb 2020
Whenever I am, sad I cry out to the Lord.
Whenever I am , hurt I cry out to the Lord.
Whenever I am, bitter I cry out to the Lord.
Whenever I am, happy I cry out to the Lord.
Whenever I am, satafied I cry out to the Lord.
Whenever I am,rested I cry out to the Lord.
Whenever I am anything I will cry out to the Lord.
For he is the one, that always brings me through.
Good or bad, he shall never ever let me down.
57 · Aug 2019
Live Like Christ
Edward Aug 2019
Live to die today, allowing others to see God.
We can be used in great ways by being obedient.
Its not normal for us to lay down our selfish ways.
But with Jesus help we can become just like him.
I know that this is an process to go through here.
57 · Feb 2020
Jesus Give Them Extra
Edward Feb 2020
Jesus give them extra wisdom. so that they may be the change.
Jesus give them extra Miracle ,so that they may raise the dead.
Jesus give them extra Healing, so they might heal others today.
Jesus give them extra Strength, so that they will not be afraid.
To shout out to this dying world that they need you now too.
Jesus give them extra Knowledge, so they will have all your truths.
Jesus give them extra Love , so that they may love others into your kingdom.
Jesus give them extra Words , so that through their writing others shall see.
57 · Mar 2020
With Faith Trust God
Edward Mar 2020
Arise and walk , all of ye who are *******.
Wash you whom are blind and now you see.
Go you whom are deaf and trust for now you hear.
For while the Good Lord has walked this earth.
Also when Peter and Paul has walked this earth too.
There were so many that has been healed in those times.
Because of their Faith and Trusting in the Christ too.
Now that it has been two thousand years after Christ.
Many people have not the same faith and lost trust.
But still we can reach out and claim the same faith and trust.
56 · Mar 2020
I Pray
Edward Mar 2020
I am praying for there to be light within you all here.
A light that is so bright it shall shine through the night.
A light that shall  draw many more to our Good Lord.
I am praying for each of you to see that you are Blessed.
With enough Blessings to share with all that you know.
I am praying that you shall see that you are a Psalms 91 poet.
That God's protection rules over your life man and woman.
That your family shall be just as protected as you are too.
That your friends and neighbors shall see Christ within you.
56 · Oct 2019
It Is You Alone God
Edward Oct 2019
Even if I become, hated by the entire planet Earth Lord.
I would still seek your Will O God because it is you..
Whom shall bring me in and deliver me from everything.
Even if I become destitute and have nothing at all here.
O Lord it shall be your truths that we all need to stand on.
Because it is you whom gives us everything that we own.
It is you alone whom shall heal and deliver us as well Jesus.
56 · Mar 2020
I Pray
Edward Mar 2020
I pray that tonight shall be an breakthrough for you.
For each and everyone of you are truly Special to God.
I pray that tonight you shall be waken up by a Miracle.
Not phyiscally woken up but Spiritually waken up.
By an Loving Creator whom only wants the Best for you.
I also pray that you shall have an Great peace within you.
I pray that you shall be bless beyond your wildest imaginatiom.
Edward Feb 2020
Your  writings always inspire me on Hello poetry.
For the people whom comes here to become Bless.
Are Truly Bless , so many wonderful Poets here.
I really do appreciate you and your writings here.
Whenever I leave here feeling extremely Bless.
I owe this to all of the Poets whom wrote the poems.
That I had read before I left to do other things .
I really do appreciate every one of you Poets here.
55 · Apr 2020
Stand Firm, Let all Know
Edward Apr 2020
Stand firm, let all know just how you feel about them.
Stand firm, never leave any without letting them know.
Without letting them know in this uncertainty time we in.
That you love them in this time of uncertainty here now.
For it breaks my heart that so many are dying right now.
So Stand firm , in this world of so much uncertainty here.
Cause in this here world of so much uncertainty tomorrow is not promise.
Stand firm, trust the Lord and let them know how you feel.
In this new world of so much uncertainty here right now.
55 · May 2020
God Bless U
Edward May 2020
This is for all of the beautiful mothers out there.

Whom love their children with their complete heart.

Whom would as well gave their lives for their children.

Because of their beautifuil love for their children here.

You are all beautiful and wonderful mothers also too.

For your beautiful and wonderful hearts are seen daily.

Your live should be made into an movie on lifetime channel.

Beautiful Happy Mothers day to all of you beautiful mothers.
54 · Apr 2020
The Lord Is Faithful
Edward Apr 2020
The Lord stands next to me always.
In times of struggles, as well as peril.
The Lord defends those that love him.
He shall let no harm befall people.
That loves him with their whole heart.
He shall show those hateful people.
That wants to harm his people no favor.
But they shall see their goal destroyed.
Because Jesus is always faithful to his people.
54 · Nov 2019
Know This
Edward Nov 2019
If you ,are hurting  or struggling at the moment.
If you, feel like there is no hope for you. here.
If you, feel that everything you try seems to fail.
If you, feel like nothing will ever start to turn round.
If you, feel like you are ready to give up on life here.
If you, are at the very end of your rope right now .
Know this, you are more than all of your struggles.
Know this, you are more than all of your failures.
Know this, you are more because Christ loves you.
54 · Feb 2020
Unconditionally Love
Edward Feb 2020
You are Unconditionally Love , you are really Special too.
You are Unconditionally Love, you were born to be Loved.
You are Unconditionally Love, for you were Created by God.
To show others, how much that he Loves Us His People here.
You are Unconditionally Love, he will never forsake nor leave you.
54 · Jan 2020
Edward Jan 2020
What we need to survive through the night here on the earth.
We need Spiritually to live is Faith in Someone much bigger than us.
We also need Hope to want to contiune to keep living this life.
The most important thing that we need is to Love and to feel it.
To know that the Creator of us , still Loves us even now here.
We need also spiritual food to fill us up when we become hungry.
The spiritual food is the Word from our Savior whom still lives.
Even after living forever our King and Lord God he our life line.
54 · Feb 2020
If You Are Hurting
Edward Feb 2020
If you are hurting, now then give it to God.
For he wants to heal you of all of your hurt.
If you are hurting, now then message me here.
Then I will know what I know what to pray.
If you are hurting, now sorry for all of you pain.
Each and everyone of you are truly special too.
If you are hurting, now my heart goes out to you.
I pray that he shall heal each ones pain and sufferings.
So that once you healed he shall receive the glory.
54 · Feb 2020
I Pray That
Edward Feb 2020
I pray that all of your pain disappears today.
I pray that an renewal Hope emerge within you.
I pray that all of your Hope and dreams here.
Happens to you and God bless you abundantly.
I pray that all of your love ones are Blessed too.
I pray that, you are give an abundant amount of Love.
I pray that, you are give an large amount of courage.
I pray that, in the end you see Jesus at the finish line.
54 · Mar 2020
You All Are Amazing
Edward Mar 2020
Though we walk through life with great struggles.
We keep our eyes focus on the only one we Hope in
For it shall be him that shall bring us out of this life.
My Awesome Fellow Poets and Poetess here on HP.
We may die here before we wake up in the morning.
But at the same point , we shall go to an better place.
Heaven roads are made up of pure 14 carat gold.
To be blessed enough to see these roads of pure gold.
You all are amazing people , I am truly thankful for you all.
54 · Mar 2020
Edward Mar 2020
I want to be open to God like Nicodemus was to Jesus.
Where I am always open to what Jesus speaks to me.
I know that he only learn at night away from the rest.
Because he feared the other leaders and Pharisees then.
But at Jesus death, Him and Joseph took Jesus body boldly.
To the cave to place as a tomb for it to always remain there.
I just want to always remain open to God's will in my life.
No matter where I am in location as well as life here too.
Even though my desire is to back in Iowa I shall remain.
Because God has reveal to me to stay here anyway right now.
53 · Apr 2020
Press On
Edward Apr 2020
You have only one life on this here world.
So Press on, never give up you are loved.
For your life is very valuable and needed.
You are an Jewel, for you are an inspirer.
Without you there would be less light here.
For your light shines as a beacon here too.
Your beacon lead others to the only true Hope.
For the Christ is using you to draw others here.
So whatever you do never give up here Friend.
53 · Apr 2020
When Others
Edward Apr 2020
When others, do you wrong on the earth.
When others,  mock you and hate you much.
When others, wish only the worst for you here.
When others, will bully you into their thinking.
When others, take advantage of you and use you.
When others, do you wrong keep loving them anyway.
When others do you good and wants the best for you.
When others love you with unconditional love here.
Hang on to these people and never let them go they from God.
53 · May 2020
Edward May 2020
Now days Loss happens more often.
Then Blessings come around here.
But my prayer is that you never give up.
But use those times of loss to consider..
What others with less blessings are feeling.
Thus gaining empathy and thus using it.
Whenever you see loss in your life think of others.
53 · Sep 2019
Please Jesus Heal All
Edward Sep 2019
Please Jesus touch their minds, place your words .
So that their poems shall be used by you to heal.
Fill their hearts with both your love and sorrow too.
The sorrow that comes with sadness of hating you.
May their poems convict those whom hate you.
But for those that really love you get really blessed.
May you lift up those that love you here also God.
Touch all of them that comes here to write daily.
Finally heal all whom read their words on here Lord
53 · Feb 2020
Love Others
Edward Feb 2020
When you Love ,others here on the earth,.
While you are, with them treat them special.
Like it is, the very last time that you all be together.
Treat everyone ,that you meet like this unconditional.
Thus learning to, love everyone that you meet here.
By doing this, then you could even love your enemies.
For then you, shall make a difference in everyone life.
People will see ,you really do love them unconditionally.
Just like the way, our Savior loves Us  unconditionally
53 · Mar 2020
May You Stand
Edward Mar 2020
May you stand, firm in times of trials and times of desperation.
May you stand, while everything else is falling around you.
May you stand, even while under the attack by other people.
May you stand, for something good always Bless you all.
May you stand, in times where the world need God's light.
May you stand, for love and peace in this dark world too.
May you stand, because you are beautiful in Gods eyes.
53 · Apr 2020
Our Battle Scars
Edward Apr 2020
Our Battle-scars, here only prove one thing.
That it is not by our Strength that we over-come.
Our Battle- scars are many different types of scars.
Such as disabilities, our weakness, our failures.
Plus any of type of things that reveal it is not Us.
That has done these very things through our own.
Because I always know that the miracles were not mine.
But were done by a Greater one than i could ever be.
It was done by my Great Savior and God Lord Jesus.
52 · Mar 2020
You Mean Much To Me
Edward Mar 2020
You mean  much to the Lord and I.
You mean much to me each of you.
You mean much to me and inspire me.
You mean much to me you really are important.
You mean much to me very much to me.
You mean much to me and you really are Awesome.
You mean much to me and I want to say thank you.
Edward Sep 2019
Love yourself for you are worthy to be loved.
Stand firm for in this world there shall be hard times.
You need to know that you are really special too.
That it matters not what you have done thus far.
That Jesus still does love you my Awesome Friends.
There is always hope and his name is Jesus Christ.
That you are truly loved by many on this site too.
Also your story here really need to be told here too.
So that you shall help others by your story being told.
Remember this it matter not how sad or hurt that you are.
The thing that really matters is that you have not given up.
This is what truly makes your life story so powerful too.
51 · Mar 2020
Not The End
Edward Mar 2020
It breaks my heart that some people.
Consider this to be the end of the world.
It may be an tragic time here on the earth.
But tomorrow shall come once again here.
Yes it shall be an darker time to live in now.
But Christ shall come once more someday.
Making this the world that he had intended it to be.
51 · Feb 2020
Your Choice
Edward Feb 2020
You have choices to make here.
Accept God into your heart Friend.
Or to keep living for one self here.
You have an choice here to keep running.
Or you can stop and accept to make a stand.
To finally accept whatever going to happen.
I finally accepted that I can not keep running.
You have a choice to stay in the darkness.
Or to allow God to light your path forward on.
To allow him to user you like he did Isaiah.
51 · Apr 2020
My Friend Ben
Edward Apr 2020
You were filled with Great wisdom Ben.
I thank you for your birthday wish 10 days ago.
I pray that all is well with you right now Bro.
You as well as others here are inspiring to me.
I love to read your amazing poetry here on HP.
I need to go watch some christian movies now.
But I just wanted to say that you are an Awesome Bro.
51 · Mar 2020
The Real Gift
Edward Mar 2020
The Real gift is not an material thing here.
But the Real gift is how much we are loved.
For it is by far better to be loved on the earth.
Then to be wealthy and hated here on the earth.
For what good does it to gain the whole world.
And to lose your soul and be toss in hell after death,
Think about that for each of you are really loved.
51 · Jan 2020
So Much Light Here
Edward Jan 2020
I am so thankful, for all of you Light bearers here.
I am thankful for all of your Awesome Beautiful words.
That are used to encourge and inspire others right here.
You are all Beautiful People with Life saving words too.
I want to say thank you for all of the healing you speak.
Some with Prophetic words , others speaking of their lifes.
Life is tough and God uses all of these poems to heal others.
Some might seem dark but its through your life right here.
That shall lead others back into the Light where we want to be.
To feel Gods Goodness and share it with everyone here.
51 · Apr 2020
Edward Apr 2020
If you see in your life no hope right here on the earth.
If you see nothing in your life but emptiness here too.
Then do me an flavor before you take your life here.
Pray to Father God ask him to reveal himself to you.
Ask Jesus to save you from you and your sinful self.
Ask him to reveal himself to you now and forever too.
Ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins here on the earth.
51 · May 2020
The Lord Saves
Edward May 2020
The Lord saves, I shall worship every where.
For he does save both you and I where we are.
There are times that he saves us here physically.
There are times that he saves us emotionally too.
So many different ways does he save us here.
For he is an saving God whom loves us much.
So when you see his saving grace Praise him .
51 · Feb 2020
I Want To Thank You
Edward Feb 2020
I want to say thank you, for all that you do on Hellopoetry.
I want to say thank you, for inspiring me here on this site.
I want to say thank you , all of your  beautiful words you write.
I want to say thank you, for you are truly Special person also.
I want to say thank you , for all of your encouraging words too.
I want to say thank you. for caring enough to write those poems.
I want to say thank you, for writing those Beautiful poems you do.
I want to say thank you, for being you the Special poet /poetress.
I want to say thank you, for all of those increible poems you write.
50 · Apr 2020
The Lord Is Like A Wall
Edward Apr 2020
The Lord my God is like an wall to me.
He is there  protecting me from harm.
He is there covering me from illness too.
The Lord is like an wall to me shady me.
Keeping me cool in the summer season.
While keeping me warm during the winter.
The Lord is  my fortress in this here life.
50 · Apr 2020
Edward Apr 2020
Even though it might get lonely here   hurting.
Someday we shall see each other once more in heaven.
Someday , we shall be able to catch up once again .
Someday, we will see each other once more in heaven.
On that day we shall be able to share in commion too.
On that beautiful day we shall break bread and wine.
But till that day rolls around you will be in my heart.
50 · Mar 2020
For All Those Hurting
Edward Mar 2020
I have been there hurting quite much too.
I have lost so much in my life here also.
Yet it has only made me even stronger.
I was feeling so worthless and hopeless.
But looking back at my past life here.
It only made me stronger, as well as my Hope.
I see now that God has been carrying me.
For quite some time and He loves you too.
My Hope now and my Faith are at their strongest.
I pray that you shall become stronger as well.
49 · Sep 2019
May The Lord
Edward Sep 2019
May the Lord,  hold you through the hurt.
May the Lord, always comfort you here.
May the Lord, love heals you of everything.
May the Lord, give you his strength daily.
May the Lord, always be first in your life.
May the Lord, always give you his wisdom.
May the Lord, always speak to you in everything.
May the Lord, always give to you his protection.
May the Lord, reveal to you those that need help.
49 · Feb 2020
It Was A Mistake
Edward Feb 2020
My heart broke that day the last time you drop me off.
I knew that I would never  see you again not on the earth.
My eyes cried much that day that you left me at the hotel.
Some how that place was use to show me that we were not meant to be.
For God never wanted us to meet in the first place never meet.
But my feelings for you blinded me to the truth it really hurt.
It really broke my heart to realize the truth that it was a mistake.
In case you come to this site as well since you are a poet also,.
49 · Feb 2020
Your Life Matter
Edward Feb 2020
Your life is not a waste at all.
For your life is valuable very much.
There is no life that is a wasted one.
A wasted life is not in God's language.
For no matter who you are People.
Waste is a fake word the demons made up.
For God will always find a use to one's life.
49 · Jan 2020
Our Hope
Edward Jan 2020
Our Hope is not in whom serves Us , or in whom we are.
Our Hope is or at least should be should be our Creator.
Our country , really needs healing so much Divison here.
No matter which country that you might live in today.
There is so much Devision on both sides of the fence.
My heart really breaks for all of those kids divided here.
Their parents are one side of the wall right here now.
We really need to work together to chnange our situation now.
Right now We are needed to work together to change.
49 · Mar 2020
I Know
Edward Mar 2020
I know, that each of you are more than a conqueror.
I know that each of you are far stronger than you know.
I know, that you shall indeed over-come all obstacles.
I know, that I see great things in store for you in the future.
I know, that I shall always look up to each of you here.
I know, that everything that you do is with God's help.
I know, that you will one day be someone that will be famous.
Edward Jan 2020
Tomorrow, We will have a new day to begin.
A new adventure , working for Christ here too.
Tomorrow , a new year and a new decade also.
To get healed here or to help others to change.
Tomorrow, a new day to give up something .
Or to make an promise to become a better Person.
Tomorrow, is always filled with Great Awe and Wonder.
It is filled with Great Hope as well to make a change.
Tomorrow, Can stand for whatever you might desire.
For Tomorrow has so many different possibities.
For those that Loves God, and even those whom don't.
Sorry, I pray that you all shall find my Lord Jesus.
For he is really the one that bless a true blessing to Us.

48 · Feb 2020
I Know That You Will
Edward Feb 2020
I know that you will pour out all of your pain.
In the writing that shall bring to you healing after.
For I know that God has a plan and purpose for you.
For God shall use those poems to bring healing.
To everyone that shall read them after-ward too.
I know that your purpose to bring healing to others.
Through your writings that God has healed you through.
48 · Apr 2020
Live Right
Edward Apr 2020
Live right , love unconditional, and forgive.
Live right, stay in the Good Lord will here.
Live right, treat others as your-self in every way.
Live right, stay  calm , try to avoid disagreements.
Live right, share your wisdom on how to Live life.
Live right, Love deeply and forgive freely also.
Live right, never give up on others stay connected.
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