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72 · Jun 2020
Right Now
Edward Jun 2020
Right now, this world is a scary place to live.
Right now we have choices to make right here.
Right now, we need to start living a righteous life.
Right now, we need to start trusting God also.
Right now, is the time to start obeying the Lord.
Right now, is the best time to start walking in God truth.
Right now , I shall start walking in faith right here.
72 · Sep 2019
You Are Inspirational
Edward Sep 2019
I sincerely do love you all with Gods love.

I really feel that each of you really are special.

I know that you all have the gift to help others.

Through your experiences, and words of healing.

You might not be feeling it at this here moment.

But honestly I have been there myself many times.

I have felt worthless, and wanted to die real fast.

But God has told me back then that it was not happening.

So know this you truly are an inspiration to all whom know you.

Because you do have the power to help heal others right here.
Edward Nov 2019
You are Perfect you, Special, and Awesome.
You are more than your last mistake here.
God created you to shine brighter than the sun.
For this is how truly Special that you truly are.
No one could ever take your place in your purpose.
For only you were created to fulfill that purpose.
It was because the purpose is connected to your gifts.
You each are truly talented, and Loved by Jesus.
Nobody shall ever take your place I love you in Christ.
71 · Mar 2020
I Used To Be
Edward Mar 2020
I used to be an gambler , but Yesua delivered me from it.
I use to go on the river boats wining some losing mostly.
I used to be an drug addict blowing some on **** and coke.
Even did cracked but the hurt never went away just more pain.
Butmy Lord and God has delivered me from drugs as well.
I used to be an drunk an every single night  drunk  always.
Drinking as soon as I left work till the taverns close at 2 am.
I used to smoke ciggeretts as well for thirty years I smoke.
But in December 2010 God has finally delivered me from them.
71 · Jan 2020
May Your Writings
Edward Jan 2020
Your write,s are Beautiful and inspiring here.
May your writes, inspire many to change here.
May your poems, always go viral everywhere.
May your poems, bring great and wonderful healing.
May your writings ,be use to encourage others.
May your writings , always touch others lives.
May your writings , always help others to grow.
May your writings, always bring many to Christ.
May your writings, keep you feed and clothed.
71 · Feb 2020
Give Him Honor Only
Edward Feb 2020
The Good Lord is to be Praise always.
Lift up your voice and Worship him.
For he is the the only one to Fear here.
He holds each of our lives in his hands.
He could end each of our lives at anytime.
So whatever you do give him honor too.
There is none other that deserve our Praise.
So shout when you sing to him in worship.
70 · Feb 2020
Edward Feb 2020
Sometimes ,in the uncomfortable situations in our lives.
God reveals, to Us the very truth about Us in it here too.
Some are found, wanting in situations that they were place.
Others through their inner strength here are reveal stronger.
The inner strength that comes not from man but from God.
God strength , is by far unlimited because it is from God.
For his strength never tires nor is ever matched by another.
70 · Jan 2020
The Lord Our God
Edward Jan 2020
The Lord our God, always applies preasure.

To all of the right places to bring healing to.

The Lord our God, I pray shall always Protect you.

As well as Bless you and touch your hearts.

To keep you from losing that healing you gain.

The Lord our God, may always stay near you.

To always guide and comfort you in all things.

To help you through all of your hard times here.

So that through your strengthening right here.

That you shall always stay Men and Women of God.
70 · Oct 2019
Have You Ever
Edward Oct 2019
Have you ever startled singing Praise to the Lord.
Suddenly evil thoughts invaded your mind right away.
Have you ever have an great breakthrough with God.
Only to fall to sin , right after that Awesome moment.
Have you ever just been hugely blessed by our God.
Only to fall to sin right after the blessing with God.
I have been in both situations, those evil thoughts.
That has come from the evil one itself only prayer.
Can save any of Us from those vicious attacks here.
69 · Dec 2019
Edward Dec 2019
Jesus, you are my life, and my peace.
There is none that I love more than you.
For you loved me before even my birth.
You lead me through dangerous situations.
Yet I walk through the other side unharmed.
For you are with me the whole time I walk.
You always cover me while we are walking.
Listening to your beautiful truths is Amazing.
There is none other that I love more Holy One.
I love you , the Father, and Holy Spirit the same.
69 · Oct 2019
Holy God
Edward Oct 2019
So many people struggling in their addictions.
I know that only you can deliver people out of it.
Only you can change their perspective of things.
Reveal to them the reasons that they have to live.
Things that make them fully want to keep living.
Self-destructive death wishing needs to leave them.
Rescue all, there are even times I want to die God.
But your purpose of saving those poor people here.
Is much more important here Holy Savior God always.
68 · Sep 2019
God Protect My HP Family
Edward Sep 2019
My heart hurts, for all whom life was lost in Hurricane Dorian.
My Heart is still reeling over El Paso Tx and Ohio serial murders.
My heart is becoming more and more broken over all those dying.
It seems that media speaks about deaths more than they did in the past.
Because there are becoming more and more being ****** everday.
All that we can do is keep praying for the Good Lord to save
So my Heavenly Father I lift my voice for you to protect my HP family.
Keep them in your sight, and protect them and Love upon them daily.
Hold them in your arms and let them know that you are their protector.
It matters not to you where they live , Africa, America, or England.
You have everyone of them cover in your protective arms Jesus.
68 · Sep 2019
My Testimony
Edward Sep 2019
I want all to know that Jesus does save us.
When I was 14 , I was hit by an truck in Iowa.
When I was 22 or 23 I jump off a train and cut my head.
They had to operate on me and stitch my head.
It was right by my brain , but God save me again.
Then ten years ago I was hit by an suv in flordia.
Moving 40 miles an hour praise the Lord for he is good.
Also an fork truck stop, on my foot  I only felt the pressure
God is really truly an God that saves and stays with Us.
68 · Nov 2019
Your Protection Over Me
Edward Nov 2019
I have always had you watching my back.
Even though I had lived an self-destructive life.
Reacting without thinking things through then.
But you have back then had a protection over me
I seen it so clearly now, that I can look back at it.
Yet for most part the protection is not as strong.
Maybe because it was to reveal you to be then.
To let me know that I do belong to you O Lord.
Still at times I can see the protection on me still.
It just for many different things it has been lifted.
But with protecting me from death that part of it.
Is still there Lord, this much I can still see in it.
68 · Feb 2020
May You
Edward Feb 2020
May you learn to Love even the unlovables.
May you lead many into the Kingdom of God.
May when you wake the first thing you do is pray.
For those that needs the guidance from our God.'
May you always run to our Awesome Savior.
May God always give you your heart desires
67 · Feb 2020
If I Was
Edward Feb 2020
If I fail to wake up tomorrow morning here .
If I was to get lost in things that matter not.
Pray the Lord to give me the grace to not fail him.
If I was to die , and stay dead until Christ return.
Or if I was to get Amnesia and never remember.
I pray that Christ purpose for me still be successful.
If I nothing more than a reminder of Christ Faithfulness.
If I was nothing more , but a reminder of Christ Grace.
That my life would lead others to him then my life was sucessful.
Edward Sep 2019
I pray that in Christ unending wisdom  that he has.
That he shall bless you with the thing you need most.
Whether it is money, love or whatever else you need.
For our God is the wisest man/ God whom walked here.
So I know that he shall give you the best blessing ever.
I pray an triple blessing upon your life here today too.
That his love for you shall shower you with great blessings.
That his love shall overwhelm you as well today and always.
That he shall make you so desperate for his attention here.
That you shall cling to him with your whole heart here.
Edward Sep 2019
I am Bless by your Great Poetry/Writings here on HP.
Your many writings of wisdom and poetry right here.
For each of you has been given an great gift of words.
Has bless and touch others heart, today and some tomorrow.
I just want to say how grateful that I am that we met here.
To let you know that the Christ loves using those whom let him.
I know by your words , that Christ has bless all of your words.
That he has use you all to bless me as well so thank you.
For some has made me cry or laugh and bless me very much.
67 · Apr 2020
This Is The Time
Edward Apr 2020
This is the time that you were created for here.
To take your eyes off of your materials things.
To allow God to use you to save other people.
To use your gifts to inspire and encourage others.
This is the time to encourage others to care about their lives.
To encourage others to distance themselves in this time.
To plsace yourself in their situation here on this dying planet.
To inspire others with your love for them and others too.
66 · Oct 2019
We Have Great Power
Edward Oct 2019
We whom love God , has been given Great power.
This comes from our Lord, he says you will do Greater.
Things because I am going to the Father on your behalf.
So since the Holy Spirit dwells within Us right here.
We have the Holy Spirit doing Great things within Us.
As well as doing even Greater things for others as well.
Through Us whom loves God with our full hearts too.
So do not be discourage but keep trusting the Good Lord.
66 · Oct 2019
Jesus Fill Us Up
Edward Oct 2019
Jesus fill Us up with neediness for obedience to you.
Jesus fill Us up, with desperation for you alone God.
Jesus fill Us up, with an Love that is unconditioned too.
Jesus fill Us up, with an heart for the lost and hurting.
For what is my life but an desperation to follow you.
For what is life without you but an split second Lord.
I would rather have to struggle this life than to die lost.
I would rather be an nobody here than a somebody in h3ll.
66 · Nov 2019
Lord Help Them
Edward Nov 2019
Lord help those whom are now living all alone.
During the holidays this here season Lord Jesus.
I know that things have become more harsh now.
Since the United States has gotten away from you.
Just bless them with your strength and a chance to hear you.
For your voice is Beautiful, and gives one renew Hope.
Because you want to heal Us, and give Us only the best.
Which is different best , than what the world wants to offer.
You want to use Us to reveal your Hope and truth to the world.
65 · Mar 2020
You Are Worth More
Edward Mar 2020
You are worth more than, any gold brick.
You are worth more than, an dimond necklace.
You are worth more than, an mansion or more.
You are worth more than, an million dollars.
You are worth more than, an fancy automobile.
You are worth more than, than an fancy hotel.
You are worth more than any and all things.
You are worth more, because you are a child of God.
You were created by the Lord whom loves you.
64 · Jan 2020
People Of God
Edward Jan 2020
Poetress, and Poets , I thank God for you always.
I see the Love of God and I pray that you are Blessed.
64 · Mar 2020
Why O Lord
Edward Mar 2020
Why O Lord, is there so much pain here God.
Why O Lord, is there so much injustice as well.
Why O Lord, are there so many lonely people.
Why O Lord, are there so many desperate souls.
Why O Lord, does it seem you asre so far off.
Why O Lord, does it feel like you don't care.
O Lord , I know that when people hurt you do too.
O Lord, I walk right besides each of Us here.
O Lord, I know that you really do care for Us.
63 · Oct 2019
Edward Oct 2019
Lord take this anger even though it was aim at evil.
Deliver me from any wicked thoughts at people here.
For we are not suppose to fight against flesh and blood.
But against demons and its evil leader the devil too.
But it really tough at times when we see injustice here.
Still it is you that lead Us so help all my fellow poets.
As well as I over come anger and Love always perfectly.
With your most perfect love in all ways Mighty Savior.
63 · Sep 2019
Edward Sep 2019
Today is here , but tomorrow shall always be a day away.
So whatever you can get done today do it please my friend.
For this here world is getting darker every single day here.
But the God of forever is the Hope of the whole world.
So I shall keep praying for you all to always stay safe.
Because everyone of you have a huge piece of my heart.
So I shall keep praying to the Father and my Lord Jesus.
To always keep each of you safe and your poems to be double blessed.
For each of your poems give my heart an great learning experience.
63 · Jan 2020
Stand Firm Stand Strong
Edward Jan 2020
When life hurt, pray hard and stand firm.
When you feel like giving up , remember God.
For Jesus in the flesh of a man suffer here too.
When things get crazy in your life right here.
Stand strong and remember you in our prayers.
For there are many of you strong christians here.
We are here to pray for one another on here .
Also for those that shall find God on here too.
Just never give up stnd strong Heaven awaits Us.
63 · Jan 2020
You Are
Edward Jan 2020
You are an Inspiring, and Awesome Writer.
You are an Encourager, and Beautiful Writer.
You are an Healer, through Your Beautiful writes.
You Truly are, an Wonderful Friend to have here.
You are an, Fantastic Writer an Inspiration also.
I just want to say thank you for your Writes here.
For you are an Blessing to each of Us right here.
You help build each of Us up here daily thank you.
63 · May 2020
Something Weird
Edward May 2020
When  watching  certain things on television daily here.
Something weird take place in the back of your eyes too.
A sharp pain the very back of your eyes during it the program.
I know and believe what the bible says about your eyes.
On television there are programs that are wrong to watch.
Same with many different entertain thingee that is on the earth.
So be very careful and concern with what you watch on the earth.
63 · Mar 2020
Love Is Always
Edward Mar 2020
Love never hateful, but always forgiving.
Love is never greedy but always giving.
Love is never selfish, but always selfless.
Love is never abusive, but always loving.
Love never evil, but is only good to others.
Love is never darkness but always part of the light.
Love only saves and never pushing others into danger.
62 · May 2020
God Is
Edward May 2020
God is , our help in all of the hard times.
God is, the only One whom can save Us.
God is, the love of all of our hearts forever.
God is , our Procter in all our rough times.
God is, Good even where we are at our worst.
God is , faithful to us even when we are faithless.
God is, here now and will always walk beside U
62 · May 2020
May Your
Edward May 2020
May your, hearts be pure and you be loved.
May your, life be an example of God's love.
May your, life be blessed and use by the Lord.
May your, be inspiring to everyone you meet.
May your, family and friends feel bless by you.
May your,  heart always give the Lord's love to all.
May your, be a testimony of Christ faithfulness too.
62 · Nov 2019
I Do Understand
Edward Nov 2019
I really do love you all with an unconditional Love.
I know that each and every-one of you have feelings.
That you have an Great heart, that you each care also.
I know that you use your gifts to help each other.
I shall keep praying for each of us that are hurting.
I know exactly how it feels to be hurting each day.
I know that if it was not for the Lord Jesus Christ.
I would still to this day be living in hopelessness.
But Jesus has taken me out of that hopelessness.
61 · Sep 2019
Heal Us Rescue Us
Edward Sep 2019
Been feeling foggy at times through the medicine.
Holy Lord We need you to get rid of the medicine.
That runs through our bodies still Heal Us right now.
So that We shall become more clearer and stronger.
Help Us to become transform into your people here.
When We have you , we need nothing to cure Us.
All that We ever need is the Great physician here
To heal Us, and then to clean out our bodies here.
So come Holy Lord Jesus, deliver Us from all things.
61 · Jan 2020
Your Writings Are Great
Edward Jan 2020
We must , and should lay down self how else can we find Jesus?
For once we take the true focus off of our self putting it on others.
Then God shall see how sincere we truly are at following him.
Thus then we shall truly become blessed by him right here too.
I know that each of you are far better Poet, Poetress, than I am.
I love to see the works from each of you wanting to spend time.
With each of you ,the Poems that I write to encourage you all.
For I know already that you are great writers  and help many.
60 · Mar 2020
Never Give Up
Edward Mar 2020
Never give up, there is always light at the end of the tunnel.
Never give up, things shall get better for you soon each of you.
Never give up you have an great purpose to help others here.
For there is an reason, that it is dark now it is God using your light.
To shine to draw many to him through you being his vessel here.
Just keep trusting him to keep leading you by the hand toward him.
For the Good and Faithful Lord shall never give up on you Friend.
So just keep getting right back up and doing your best to over-come.
One day soon you shall win this here battle that you are in right now.
60 · Mar 2020
I Have Had
Edward Mar 2020
I have been Weak, feeling Hopeless, in the past.
I also have gone through being Poor and Lonely
I have felt Desperate, and very Frustrated also.
I have had the world draged out from under me.
I also had the world turn up side down on me too.
I have been hit by a van and an truck as well .
But God has made me much stronger through it.
I had Good things happen to me too here on the earth.
I had more than enough to live on at times in my life.
I have people that still love me even though I mess up.
I had plenty to eat and had nice things at time here.
For my God has taken care of me in this here life.
60 · Feb 2020
Have You
Edward Feb 2020
Have you ever, seen an beautiful sunrise.
Have you ever, played in the snow too.
Have you ever, seen an geniune miracle.
Have you ever, fully commited to Jesus.
Have you ever, fallen fully in love too.
Have you ever, ran an marathon and won.
Have you ever,climbed an high mountain.
Have you ever, have you ever called on God.
Then seeing an great miracle that God did.
60 · Jan 2020
Too Much Anger Let It Go
Edward Jan 2020
Too much hurt , and too much anger separate Us.
Too much hurt , while aiming the anger at Christ.
Has become the answer to the wrong conclusion.
We need to lay that anger at the foot of the Cross.
Not aim it at the Only One that will not hurt Us.
Than building on working out Our relationships.
With everyone whom disagree with Us here.
Thus allowing the Healing here to begin too.
Loving each other is the 2nd greatest commandment.
59 · Feb 2020
O Lord
Edward Feb 2020
O Lord, I lift up the Lost to you
Find them at the place they are in now.
Reveal yourself to them at this moment.
O Lord, I lift up the hurting and the broken.
Heal them and restore them right now also.
Lift them up and sooth their sorrows now.
Meet them each at the place they are at now.
Save them from the thing that could destroy them.
Rescue all of those broken in one way or another.
59 · Mar 2020
One More Day
Edward Mar 2020
I wish that I would have one more day with you.
My Dad, and Mom and my Sister Dorothy too.
To see you again, but it will not be here again.
I will have to wait till we are on the new earth.
It still does not stop me from wishing though.
That I wish that I would have one more day...
With my family here on the earth again though.
Wishing that I would be able to see my nephews.
Spend another day with family once again too.
59 · Mar 2020
Not A Poem
Edward Mar 2020
Praying for you all  to be healed too.
You are really important to me family.
Your poems has help me to grow a lot.
Into a better man and a better christian.
Thank you all for your love and support.
Edward Jan 2020
When God moves you, he shall take away the things.
That would keep you there like the job that you have.
Or he would use that job to move you to the place he wants you.
For God's plans for our lives are better than we could imagine.
So trust that he has your back in the move so trust him.
Lean not on your own understanding but on lean on God.
So that you shall prosper in this life and in the next one too.
59 · Dec 2019
Not A Poem
Edward Dec 2019
I  am so sorry I am going through something.
I shall tell you all about it soon this is a promise.
Once I return hopefully love you all.
58 · Feb 2020
Mostly I Fail On My Own
Edward Feb 2020
Mostly I fail, but only when I succeed here on the earth.
I realize that it was never my doing but you God.
Mostly I struggle in this world but when I am being calm.
It was never by my own doing , but through your Spirit.
For through all of the hardships that we go through here.
It is because either your Glory shall come out of it here.
Or mostly because we did something out of your will here.
But when our lives are completely line up with your will its perfect.
Thus allowing your blessings to freely fall upon me here.
58 · Feb 2020
My God
Edward Feb 2020
My soul, explodes with each of your Miracles here.
My heart, explodes with each filling of your Love.
My life, overwhelms with each moment of your time.
My time, over-joy with each moment of your time.
My Savior, you are always with me every single day.
My Lord, to you I owe everything that made me-me.
My God, you are my Joy my very first and only Love.
58 · Feb 2020
You Are
Edward Feb 2020
You are the world changers , changing people lives.
Through changing them in the inside first of all here.
Through the beautiful encouraging words you write.
You write Poetry with sincerity and honesty also.
You are this world world changers working now.
For an much better and more Beautiful world here.
You are an life changer and peace maker by God.
58 · Feb 2020
Oh Muscatine
Edward Feb 2020
Oh Muscatine, how I miss your streets.
Oh Muscatine, how your memories fill my eyes.
With an flood full of tears how my heart breaks.
Oh Muscatine, how I miss the People there.
I truly wishing that I was there right this minute.
Oh Muscatine, how I wish that I was still there.
Working at Hon industries right this here moment.
Oh Muscatine, the beautiful city that I was born in.
I miss you more than you could ever know Muscatine.
58 · May 2020
Have You Ever
Edward May 2020
Have you ever, wonder about the past memories.
Have you ever, cry over your past mistakes here.
Have you ever, wanted to go back and change your life.
Have you ever, wish that you could  change the world.
Have you ever , work hard to fix your mistakes here.
Or are you completely happy with where life took you.
Then you truly are a blessed  person with a wonderful life.
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