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Feb 2021 · 417
Not a Poem
Edward Feb 2021
My neck is feeling better than it has in at least a year .
Love you I am back in Iowa now.
I will try to come back here again tomorrow night.
Feb 2021 · 508
Edward Feb 2021
Love is a verb, that needs to be shown.

Love is a verb, that needs to be seen also.

Love is a verb, that really needs to be pure.

Love is a verb, that needs to be showered.

Over others for Love is a verb, an action.

Love is a verb, that was already shown us.

Love is a verb,while Christ hung on that cross.

Love is a verb, Christ use action to reveal to us.

Love is a verb, for he died for us then rising back to life again.
Nov 2020 · 194
Edward Nov 2020
May your day be bless and thank you.

I pray that your day stays blessed today.

You have a very beautiful name Pia.

I am glad that I had talk to you today.

I pray that your every day gets better.

For you are an sweet nice lady too.

I am thankful that God connected us.
Nov 2020 · 132
Not A Poem
Edward Nov 2020
I forget to tell you why I need prayer .
A crushed disc is pressing against my spine.
I will go talk to the doctor about surgery.
On the 15 of December then   hopefully ..
The first part of January I will have surgery.
Then in February I shall be well enough.
To start writing regularly once more again.
Love you all very much and God bless you.
Nov 2020 · 131
Not A Poem
Edward Nov 2020
keep me in your prayers love you all.
Nov 2020 · 222
Edward Nov 2020
You are so Loved and wanted , and cherished.
By the only True Savior that exist everywhere.
He wants you to not only see his love here.
But to feel it in the deepest part of your heart.
He really wants to bless you and care for you.
He wants to hold you where you are hurting too.
He wants to touch your heart, your life and heal you.
He really wants you to know that you truly are loved.
That you are really special he wants to heal you.
From your hurt, your addiction, and your sorrows too.
Nov 2020 · 237
Not A Poem
Edward Nov 2020
I have not been on for a while .
I have a crushed disc pressing against my spine.
Once that is taken care of I shall return.
Aug 2020 · 101
not a poem
Edward Aug 2020
my neck and back been really hurting sorry
Jul 2020 · 98
You All Whom Loved Me
Edward Jul 2020
You all whom loved me, without any restrictions.
You all whom once love me,  are no longer living.
You all whom loved me, I shall never see here again.
You all whom loved me, God has taken you to be home.
You all whom loved me, I shall never ever see here again.
You all whom loved me, I have been so grateful for you.
You all whom loved me, you are always in all of my thoughts.
Jul 2020 · 89
Holy Savior
Edward Jul 2020
When I was young, problems seem smaller.
When I was young , people seem more close.
When I  was young, life was much easier to live.
When I was young, the life just seem more simple.
When I have aged, people are divided here now.
When I have aged, it seem our world is crumbling.
When I have aged, everything has became expensive.
When I have aged,life has became so very dangerous.
O Holy Savior, I and many others are crying out to you.
O Holy Savior, you really are our only chance at true Hope.
Jul 2020 · 104
Where I Am
Edward Jul 2020
Where I am, I stand in your presence tonight.
Where I am, let your will always come first.
Where I am, as well as the rest of your people.
Where I am, may your Beauty always shine.
Where I am, may your grace always follow me.
Where I am, may your perfect peace fill me.
Where I am, there may you stay by my side.
Where I am, may your angels always hold me.
Where I am,  may you stay till you receive my soul.
Jul 2020 · 1.1k
Shine Shine
Edward Jul 2020
Please will you shine, even if you don't feel like it now.
Shine, Shine even when you are hurting right now Friend.
Shine, Shine make this whole wide world shine bright.
Shine, Shine allow the Holy Spirit shine from deep in you.
Shine, Shine Glorified the Lord and Savior of this universe.
Shine, Shine lift up your hearts and Glorified your Creator.
Shine, Shine worship the Creator of the Heavens and the earth.
Jul 2020 · 94
You Are The Light
Edward Jul 2020
You are the Light, that lead others to Christ.
You are the Light, that guide others to God.
You are the Light, God uses here to reveal himself.
You are the Light, that shines in the darkness.
You are the Light, Christ uses to reveal his love.
You are the Light, that Christ uses here on the earth.
You are the Light, that he fills with his love too.
Jul 2020 · 85
Your Life
Edward Jul 2020
Your life may be turned upside down right now.
But through this you are still standing strong here.
Your life might look dark at this very moment too.
But this is when your Light within shines it brightest.
Your world around may seem more lonely then before.
But when all this turmoil is done you shall have many friends.
Because God has used you to reveal that you is his child.
Jul 2020 · 98
May Everything
Edward Jul 2020
May everything that you all do here.
Becomes hundred=fold more bless.
In everything that each of you do here.
Become more blessed with each time.
Jul 2020 · 88
Your Light
Edward Jul 2020
Your Light, shines brighter than the Sun.
Your Light, shines brighter than the stars.
Your Light, guides me on that road a head.
Your Light, is something to see my Savior.
Your Light, is seen within your People also.
Your Light, is more beautiful than anything.
Your Light, is seen everywhere in the universe.
Jul 2020 · 107
Your Words
Edward Jul 2020
Your words, are as beautiful as a golden sunrise.
Your words, inspire many and encourage them too.
Your words,  brings great healing upon many people.
Because God uses your Huge heart desires here too.
Your words,  are filled with great love and great desires.
Your words, are filled with an heart that loves others purely.
Your words, will help many to over-come many obstacles.
Jul 2020 · 93
Never Fear Man
Edward Jul 2020
Never fear man, more than you fear God.
Never fear man , more than you fear God.
For to put mans desires over the Good Lord.
Is the very worst thing that anyone could do.
Once you gain the true Fear of God here.
You then will know just much you should fear God.
Never fear man, more than you fear God.
Never fear man, more than you fear God.
Jul 2020 · 80
Please Save Me God
Edward Jul 2020
Christ salvation sometimes is a process.
Some people hang real tight to his salvation.
While others like myself is a process of change.
For sometime change is a life long process here.
Sins sometimes are in layers that has to be peeled.
Each layer needs to be mold and repented of too.
It not that one enjoy sinning it just a process here.
To transfer an worm into an beautiful butterfly here.
Each layer becomes another time of repented too.
Jul 2020 · 75
God's Judgement
Edward Jul 2020
I know that you are hurting now and struggling right now too.
So many evil people in the world whom have so much more.
Is taking advantage of those struggling because of corona-virus.
******* it up from the poor, middle class, and shop keepers.
They are stealing it from those small business people here.
Remember this some day it shall be quite the opposite on earth.
You shall have no more tears here and they shall be the one suffering.
Jul 2020 · 368
O Lord
Edward Jul 2020
O Lord, hear thy children pleas and answer us.
O Lord, for we see that this world is getting darker.
O Lord, every time that we turn around here O God.
O Lord, something happens that is worst than before.
O Lord, it seems that only painful things happen now.
O Lord, hear our pleas and strengthen us right now.
O Lord,we desperately need your healing love here.
O Lord, so help us to stand firm on this dying world.
Jun 2020 · 116
Edward Jun 2020
I kiss your ring, my Awesome King and Lord.
For it is only, you whom I shall bow to anywhere.
It is by your Grace that I still live this here life of mine.
Your soliders, have kept me safe here and I am grateful.
Yes to you, I give my full allegiants to now and always.
For you my beautiful king is my life giver and my Lord.
I shall sing great Praises and worship you everywhere I go.
For time after time you have came in to save me from evil.
So I shall always bow before you and kiss the sons ring.
Jun 2020 · 77
The Lord
Edward Jun 2020
The Lord, lives for you and me O People.
The Lord, saves us even when all seems dark.
The Lord, is true , even while we stand bitter.
For the Lord, is a perfect Savior and God also.
For there is, none other that can change our hearts.
For the Lord , is everything that we wish that we were.
Still the Lord , shall change us into his likeness here.
Jun 2020 · 71
Right Now
Edward Jun 2020
Right now, this world is a scary place to live.
Right now we have choices to make right here.
Right now, we need to start living a righteous life.
Right now, we need to start trusting God also.
Right now, is the time to start obeying the Lord.
Right now, is the best time to start walking in God truth.
Right now , I shall start walking in faith right here.
Jun 2020 · 74
Edward Jun 2020
You O Lord forgive me of my fleecing obedience to you.
You O Lord draw me even closer to you than ever before.
I know that my life is but an second in time in reality here.
For we humans live but for a mere hundred years at most.
But you O Holy lives forever here and in heaven way above.
Because to you whom has lived forever and ever O God.
Help us to understand what is at stake here and in heaven.
For there are so many around us look at our lives here.
They are desperately seeking your hope in each of our lives.
So that they can genuinely see your hope in our lives.
Help us to see that same hope and not disappoint them.
So that they too shall have that very hope in their lives too.
Jun 2020 · 97
Wait On The Lord
Edward Jun 2020
Wait on the Lord, for he knows our steps.
Wait on the Lord, for he knows our thoughts.
Wait on the Lord, and know that he is God.
Wait on the Lord, and live an full life here too.
Wait on the Lord, for he is always protecting you.
Wait on the Lord, for he is Awesome and Great.
Wait on the Lord, and be truly blessed by your obedience.
Jun 2020 · 123
No Matter What
Edward Jun 2020
No matter what, my life is nothing God.
Unless you O Lord is in it as well as well.
For you are my only Hope in life here.
No matter what, no matter what is going on.
Whether my world is really falling apart.
Or my life is always going smoothly here.
You are still needed here with me O Lord.
I oh Lord so desperately always need you.
For only through you do I genuinely have true life.
I O Lord am only speaking the truth Jesus my God.
Jun 2020 · 84
Edward Jun 2020
America is , beautiful because of the people.
America is, only blessed because of Jesus .
America is, only wealthy because of our Savior.
For the diversity of the people that live here.
America is, only Great because of our God too.
For Jesus was the one that formed  the United States.
It was him whom put into motion this country of ours.
So we now need to quit hating one another here.
Accept that only love for one another shall heal America.
Jun 2020 · 106
Edward Jun 2020
Brothers, Sisters you are amazing people.
You each to me are family fellow writers.
I really have a spot in my heart for you all.
The Lord , our God has place you all there.
I just want each and every one of you to know.
That you all are very special people here too.
I just want to thank each of you all personally.
So that you shall really know how I feel about you.
Also to let each of you to know that Jesus loves you.
Jun 2020 · 367
Bless Are You
Edward Jun 2020
Bless are you, because you see God.
Bless are you, because you hear God.
Bless are you, because you obey God.
Bless are you, because you love God.
Bless are you, because you are trying.
Bless are you, because you know God.
Bless are you, because you seeking him.
Bless are you, because you are chasing God.
Bless are you, because you never give up.
Jun 2020 · 115
Go Now
Edward Jun 2020
Go now, and love others unconditionally always.
Go now, and live a life of perfect love here always.
Go now, and chase after the Lord your God forever.
Go now, and repent and sin no more ever again.
Go now, and rejoice for the Lord God lives forever.
Go now, and rejoice for the Lord has saved you.
Go now, and treat others as you want to be treated.
Go now, for today is the best day of your life here.
Go now, and worship God and Praise his Great Name.
Jun 2020 · 98
O Lord
Edward Jun 2020
O Lord, rescue those whom are hurting and scared
O Lord, rescue those whom protest innocently too.
O Lord, let people whom are looting repent from it.
O Lord, why is so much evil happening right now.
O Lord, let everyone repent of their sins right now.
O Lord ,O Lord why is so much evil happening here.
Help us to see your truths and get healed today God.
Jun 2020 · 101
Times Are Getting
Edward Jun 2020
Times are getting, harder and harder.
Times are getting , darker and darker.
Times are getting, scarily and scarily.
Times are getting, sadder and sadder.
Times are getting , lonelier and lonelier.
Times are getting, more depressing here.
God is allowing this to draw us to him.
For only he can save us from all of this.
He wants to deliver us and then save us.
Jun 2020 · 73
Edward Jun 2020
When all is said, and done the emptiness still exist.
Unless you take the purpose that God has given you.
This emptiness shall drown you unless you find God.
This world is very lonely when you are running from God.
For he is the only one that can save you from everything.
Because his love for you is the greatest gift ever found.
Only Jesus gave his life so that you can lead others to him.
Once you find him , then he shall work on you from the inside.
Showing others the miracle of you the change man/woman.
Jun 2020 · 99
I Live
Edward Jun 2020
I live, to bring you Glory O Saving God
I live ,  and die to self O Mighty Savior.
I live,  to always do your will alone God.
I live, but not for myself its only for you.
I live, so that you can use me to reveal yourself.
Jun 2020 · 113
Christ Lives
Edward Jun 2020
Christ lives, and shall deliver his people.
Christ lives, and shall always reign here too.
Christ lives, and he protect his people here.
Christ lives, and his glory is his and his alone.
Christ lives, for he is the word of God the Father.
Christ lives, he speaks everything into existence.
Christ lives, and no one can ever stop him from winning.
Jun 2020 · 73
I Am Ready
Edward Jun 2020
I am ready, to go wherever you want me to go now.
I am ready, to be lead to wherever you want me to go,.
I am ready ,  to see whatever you choose to show me.
I am ready, now to do whatever you choose me to do.
I  am ready, to even go home to be with you anytime.
For Lord there is no life without you leading it here.
I am ready to follow you to the end of the earth Lord.
Jun 2020 · 109
Never Give Up
Edward Jun 2020
Never give up , no matter how dark it gets.
Never let go ,of God  for he shall carry you.
Never give up just keep trusting your God.
Never let go,  just keep hanging onto him.
Never walk away , for God loves you much.
Never ever give, up on this here life you live.
For can use any and all these situations here.
Jun 2020 · 76
Edward Jun 2020
How sad that so much evil is happening now,
With the killing, the virus, and the looting too.
So many people are suffering at the moment.
So now I am coming to you now Holy Savior.
Rescue your people now and restore them please.
Give each of Us a new and even better purpose.
Go and bring Us to a much changed life here.
I am praying this in the name of Jesus Amen.
Jun 2020 · 109
Ask God
Edward Jun 2020
Ask God to become the lit battle ram.
That breaks through all of this darkness.
Ask him to make you the one that is here.
To lead others out of this evil darkness today.
Ask him to make your life a testimony to God's Grace.
Ask him to help you to become that person today.
That makes others life see Gods hope more clearly.
Jun 2020 · 108
10 Word Poem
Edward Jun 2020
You all inspire me here and bring me great encouragement
May 2020 · 102
God Help
Edward May 2020
We need to cry out to God.
Violence shall only begat violence.
How can we reveal Christ in this time.
So much hate and violence in the world.
Christ please heal this dead world now.
Destroy the hatefulness here Lord God.
Save your people that lives in the world.
I am not afraid to die if this is your will.
Use me O Lord during this here time.
May 2020 · 152
You're A Hero
Edward May 2020
Your Life, might be filled with pain here.
It does not make you weak but brave hero.
For to live with it surely makes you a hero.
You might suffer with some kind of addiction.
It does not make you weak nor a evil person.
But it does make you a hero by not giving up.
If you have some nasty flaws yet you do not give up.
Then friend in my book , you truly are an hero.
May 2020 · 85
Live For Others
Edward May 2020
Live for others, and you will be blessed also.
Live for others, and you shall be used here too.
By your God whom loves you and those others.
Live for others, God shall give you your desires.
Live for others, revealing to them Christ love too.
Live for others, people shall always be grateful.
Live for others, showing them that it is possible.
Live for others, and never give up on others here.
Live for others, and you shall know God's love.
May 2020 · 82
Do Something Today
Edward May 2020
Do something good today friend.
Do something for others today.
Do something inspiring today.
Do something encouraging today.
Do something worthy today too.
Do something to help others today.
Do something out of love today.
Do something that you love today.
May 2020 · 99
Hello World
Edward May 2020
Hello world, you are truly beautiful here.
Hello world, you are wonderfully made.
Hello world,  you are truly Awesome .
Hello wold, you were created by God.
Hello world, to give him all of your Praise.
Hello world, come let us all worship him.
Hello world, never give up but keep persevering.
Hello world,never give up but keep living for him.
Hello world, you are so beautifully made .
May 2020 · 92
Home Ward Bound
Edward May 2020
I am returning back to Iowa real soon.
I am feeling that God is calling me home.
To the state and city where I was born.
I am not sure how long that I will be there.
Maybe 1 month and then maybe forever.
But I do know that I need my to return .
For I need to go back there there soon.
I also know that Jesus is in control .
My life here is putty in his hands too.
So I shall trust in him that spoke life into me.
May 2020 · 94
Over Coming
Edward May 2020
Life here is really hard to succeed, very hard.
But when we have Christ as our Savior here.
Then we can overcome anything set before Us.
For his strength is unlimited and Powerful also.
Even the fallen angels and demons fear his strength.
So listen to his whispers and trust him in all things.
Then when you have overcome you shall see it.
That you by your self are frail and will not succeed.
But when you obey your  God you shall always win.
May 2020 · 92
Listen Before You Act
Edward May 2020
Listen, and obey the Lord your God.
Listen, to your wife before you act.
Listen, to your children before you act.
Listen , to your Savior voice then act.
Listen, to your supervisor where you work.
Listen ,to every voice before you answer.
Listen , first then react to every situation.
May 2020 · 96
Fear Not
Edward May 2020
Fear not , for your life is very valuable to Jesus.
Fear not , Jesus truly loves you very much.
Fear not, Christ will never leave nor forsake you.
Fear not, he has great things plan for your life.
Fear not,  for you are truly an blessing to him.
Fear not, but trust in him whom has created you.
Fear not, but keep on praying for those that you love.
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