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May 2020 · 31
I Know Life Is Scary
Edward May 2020
I know that life is scary  at this very moment.
I know that you all are very Special warriors.
That God is really using you at this moment.
I want you all to know that there is a connection.
Between we whom are doing our best to follow God.
I want  you to know that I am keeping you in prayer.
Because if you make a mistake then you will need prayer.
Jesus loves you and if you feel that God is calling you.
To change something in your life right now then do it.
If you obediently do it for him then he shall bless you.
May 2020 · 78
Come To God 2
Edward May 2020
Come to God, I been empty my whole life and feeling drain.
I always chase after older women in my past here on the earth.
Hoping to find that women that I could not live without here.
But it was never suppose to be like only God I can not live without.
God shall show how you can live without others people if you test him.
But none of us can live without him our creator and Savior God.
For only he can save any of us on the earth for he is a Saving God.
May 2020 · 100
Come To God
Edward May 2020
Come to God, for no person is perfect but  only Jesus.
Come to God, only He will save you  here and heal you.
Come to God, when you are hurt and empty O People.
Come to God, I know how it feels to be empty and hurt.
After my ex-wife left me back in 2000 it left me drained.
Come to God, for only he can restore you here on earth.
Into the person that he had originally created you to be.
May 2020 · 50
Edward May 2020
Now days Loss happens more often.
Then Blessings come around here.
But my prayer is that you never give up.
But use those times of loss to consider..
What others with less blessings are feeling.
Thus gaining empathy and thus using it.
Whenever you see loss in your life think of others.
May 2020 · 56
God Is
Edward May 2020
God is , our help in all of the hard times.
God is, the only One whom can save Us.
God is, the love of all of our hearts forever.
God is , our Procter in all our rough times.
God is, Good even where we are at our worst.
God is , faithful to us even when we are faithless.
God is, here now and will always walk beside U
May 2020 · 100
Heart Connection
Edward May 2020
I really appreciate each and everyone of you.
The Lord Jesus does not need you but loves you all.
Each and every one of you are very special .
To him and me as well , your life is favored.
By him from the very beginning of time began.'
He use you to write your Poetry to encourage others,
For you and your readers shares an connection.
For out of your poetry , do you reveal your heart.
From your heart toward them is a connection built.
May 2020 · 69
I Still Miss You
Edward May 2020
I still miss you, still I know that you are in a good place
I still miss you, still I know that you are now in heaven.
I still miss you, but I know that you are much happier there.
I still miss you, I am thankful that you are finally happy.
I still miss you,still I miss you dad and mom so much.
I still miss you,still I know that all my family will be reunited.
I still miss you, someday we will shall be at the best feast ever,
May 2020 · 36
I Know
Edward May 2020
I know, that life  keeps getting harder.
I know, that you really do hurt a lot here.
I know , that life is not as simple anymore.
I know, and I really wish that I could help.
But please never give up on this life here.
I know , that struggles here are many and hard.
But keep on pushing forward till you are finished.
This here race is important to finish this race.
I know that it use to be easier this life that we live.
May 2020 · 120
Dying Unto Self
Edward May 2020
There is but one Hope , and his name is Christ.
He draws us through him and then saves Us
We gives his Spirit to dwell within Us here.
We are to die to self here on the earth every day.
We can not do this alone only through his Spirit.
He the Living Savior , Lord Jesus Christ is my Hope.
For he whom saves me is the only Hope there is.
May 2020 · 50
Have You Ever
Edward May 2020
Have you ever, wonder about the past memories.
Have you ever, cry over your past mistakes here.
Have you ever, wanted to go back and change your life.
Have you ever, wish that you could  change the world.
Have you ever , work hard to fix your mistakes here.
Or are you completely happy with where life took you.
Then you truly are a blessed  person with a wonderful life.
May 2020 · 194
Bless You
Edward May 2020
Bless you , may tomorrow always be new.
Bless you, may your heart only cry of Joy.
Bless you, may Christ always heal you also.
Bless you , may he always deliver you too.
Bless you , may no drug or drink be addicted.
Because your love for Christ is genuine love.
Bless you, Bless you, and Bless you more.
May 2020 · 44
The Lord Saves
Edward May 2020
The Lord saves, I shall worship every where.
For he does save both you and I where we are.
There are times that he saves us here physically.
There are times that he saves us emotionally too.
So many different ways does he save us here.
For he is an saving God whom loves us much.
So when you see his saving grace Praise him .
May 2020 · 52
May Your
Edward May 2020
May your, hearts be pure and you be loved.
May your, life be an example of God's love.
May your, life be blessed and use by the Lord.
May your, be inspiring to everyone you meet.
May your, family and friends feel bless by you.
May your,  heart always give the Lord's love to all.
May your, be a testimony of Christ faithfulness too.
May 2020 · 101
Edward May 2020
Even if tomorrow never comes O Lord.
Still you been more than enough God to me.
If I was to die tonight and stay dead forever.
Still you would be enough Savior for me.
For you have been good to me here O Lord.
So still I would stay thankful to You  Lord Jesus.
But there will be an tomorrow for me in heaven.
Because you never lie  and are always Faithful.
So I will always worship you and Praise you.
May 2020 · 103
Hello Poetry Poets
Edward May 2020
Hello Poetry Poets , you are loved and needed.
You truly are special as well as inspiring also.
Hello Poetry Poets, Jesus loves you and so do I.
For your heart is always full of much loved too.
Hello Poetry Poets, thank you for all that you do.
Your heart is always giving to help your fellow Poets.
Hello Poetry Poet may the Good Lord always bless you.
May 2020 · 43
Edward May 2020
Remember this one thing  my I say my friend.
That each of us are on a journey here on the earth.
This journey is not always pleasant nor fun either.
Sometimes there is hurt , and struggles and dark days.
Sometimes the pain is very deep indeed my friends.
Sometimes the struggling last along time in our lives.
But in the end it can be very beautiful and joyous also.
Sometimes the most painful life here friend are Gods faverite.
Are the ones that lead many to God and are very beautiful.
May 2020 · 42
May You Stay Protected
Edward May 2020
I pray that you shall always stay protected.
From this evil virus that is killing many.
I know that each of you are really needed.
To write your beautiful poetry right here.
Weather encouraging or struggling here.
I want you to know something I been shown.
That when you are struggling here on the earth.
God is using your poems such as much as others.
So just keep persevering and trusting our Savior.
May 2020 · 36
God Never Gives Up On You
Edward May 2020
God never gives up on you  until you are gone.
so as long as you are breathing know this Friend.
You may be struggling and feeling lost here too.
But God shall never give up, on you  he loves you.
If you are struggling with drugs, gambling  or beer.
God shall never give up on you he just waits for you.
To hate your addiction or drug worst than anything else.
Then he shall give you that much needed extra strength.
To overcome that thingb that holds you as a hurting prisoner.
May 2020 · 101
The Healing
Edward May 2020
Sometimes the healing , takes longer than we want it to.
The healing ,  takes one breath away. when it happens.
The healing , is the greatest gift here from Christ our God.
The healing, changes evertything about the person as well.
The healing , sometimes is all that one thinks about also.
Yes the Healing , is coming and it is worth the wait also.
So keep seeking God for it and I will keep you in my prayers.
May 2020 · 38
You Are
Edward May 2020
You are  an inspiration to many.
Your life fills many with Hope.
Because Jesus has rescue you.
For he has saved your life here.
Revealing himself to others here.
Through what he is doing in your life.
After all his Spirit does dwell in you.
Doing many miracles in your life.
May 2020 · 49
God Bless U
Edward May 2020
This is for all of the beautiful mothers out there.

Whom love their children with their complete heart.

Whom would as well gave their lives for their children.

Because of their beautifuil love for their children here.

You are all beautiful and wonderful mothers also too.

For your beautiful and wonderful hearts are seen daily.

Your live should be made into an movie on lifetime channel.

Beautiful Happy Mothers day to all of you beautiful mothers.
May 2020 · 94
My Next Breath
Edward May 2020
Where does my next breath  comes from.
It comes from the Lord Jesus my Savior.
My Creator , the Creator of the Heavens.
The Creator of the earth and all mankind.
Wihout his blessings , we would all be cursed.
So where does my next step comes from.
Jesus the Creator of the heavens and the earth.
May 2020 · 40
May You Have
Edward May 2020
May you all have long life with peace.
May you be loved by everyone you know.
May you have many miracles on the earth.
May you have see the places that hurt you.
Become healed , and be no more pain you feel.
May you have many treasures waiting in heaven.
May you have many that love you in your family.
May you have many joyous moments with them.
That you will remember in all of your days here.
May 2020 · 157
May Your Life
Edward May 2020
May your life, be filled with great surpises here.
May your life, be filled with awesome adventures.
May your life, be filled with wonderful memories.
May your life , be filled with awe and wonder here.
May your life, be filled with great love and friendships.
May your life, be filled with great and awesome Joy.
May your life, always have many reasons to live on.
May 2020 · 38
Edward May 2020
Oh Lord how hard this life is.
Why do you allow your people..
To hurt, struggle, and suffer here.
Things are not getting any better.
But things are getting far worst.
Heal and protect your people here.
Protect Us and deliver Us from evil.
Help Us to have your peace here on the earth.
I pray this O Lord in Jesus Mighty Name Amen.
May 2020 · 41
If My People
Edward May 2020
If my people, shall love both believers and the Lost.
If my people ,shall forgive all of those that hurt them.
If my people, live just like the Lord our Christ lives.
If my people,  walk as our Role- model Savior walks.
If my people, break bread with those whom sins here.
If my people , would share Christ with everyone too.
Then Christ church would change this world we live in.
Then people would see the true God and the change here.
Then the lost would want the very same God that we have.
May 2020 · 39
Edward May 2020
Fellow Poets know this trust only God to be your helper.
For men and women shall fail you for we are only people.
We are far from being perfect here only Christ is perfect.
Only Christ, Holy Spirit , and the Father are Perfect in all things.
So never put your complete trust in any flesh and blood human.
For if you do then you shall always be disappointed and frustrated.
But if you see us for whom we are humans with many weakness.
Then you shall never be disappointed and you never be unforgiving.
But always trusting the Lord your God only because he is perfect.
May 2020 · 30
Edward May 2020
You are  blessing from our Creator.
Whom bless people with your Love.
For others that live on this here earth.
An dying planet filled with dying souls.
But when you know Christ the Lord God.
Like the phoenix that has to die to live again.
We too have to die , so that we may be with God.
Whom reign now in the Great Heavens above.
May 2020 · 57
Something Weird
Edward May 2020
When  watching  certain things on television daily here.
Something weird take place in the back of your eyes too.
A sharp pain the very back of your eyes during it the program.
I know and believe what the bible says about your eyes.
On television there are programs that are wrong to watch.
Same with many different entertain thingee that is on the earth.
So be very careful and concern with what you watch on the earth.
May 2020 · 161
Corona-Virus 1001
Edward May 2020
My heart is still breaking over this evil virus.
I still am praying for all of you that come here.
For each of your all writes are important to me.
To my Healing , thank you all that write here.
I love each and everyone of you with Christ's love.
I pray for Christ's 91 Psalms  protection to cover you.
I also pray that each and everyone of you to stay blessed.
I have been blessed by each and everyone of you here.
Christ uses each of us to write poetry to heal one another.
For it is an group effort and it shows that he loves us all.
It is an church effort , for we each are a church to him.
Apr 2020 · 78
You're Truly Are
Edward Apr 2020
You're truly are, positive influence here.
You're truly are, Inspiring  influence too.
You're truly are, encouraging individual.
You're truly are, someone whom inspires.
You're truly are,an force of  Greatness too.
You're truly are, someone to be look up to.
For God uses your poems to change others.
Through the love that you always shows others.
You're truly are, someone whom loves others too.
Apr 2020 · 96
Especially Now
Edward Apr 2020
Especially now, God is always on your side.
Especially now, God shall not give up on you.
Especially now,God is for you then fear not.
Especially now, for God will not  abandon you.
Especially now, allow Christ to use you here.
Especially now, forgive those that crap on you.
Especially now, show this world that God lives today.
Apr 2020 · 32
Edward Apr 2020
My heart cries for the weak here Lord on the earth.
Whom are vulnerable to predators that are everywhere.
Whom preys on those whom are weak and hurting too.
Protect them from evil people that rome the earth here.
I might have an good heart but you have made me strong.
You have built me up,  and made me much stronger spiritual.
It is your strength that I draws on and I will rest on it also.
For your strength has no bound but is always limitless here.
Apr 2020 · 40
Though I Might
Edward Apr 2020
Though I might suffer here in the darken places.
I know that you will deliver me from it someday.
Though I might struggle to live when I  hate life.
Still I know that in order to go home to heaven.
I know that I must complete the the mission here.
That you have place for me to finish here on the earth.
Though I might not always succeed in the task before me.
I know that you have seen all of my successes and failures.
That you have already finish saving me here on the earth.
Apr 2020 · 58
This Is The Time
Edward Apr 2020
This is the time that you were created for here.
To take your eyes off of your materials things.
To allow God to use you to save other people.
To use your gifts to inspire and encourage others.
This is the time to encourage others to care about their lives.
To encourage others to distance themselves in this time.
To plsace yourself in their situation here on this dying planet.
To inspire others with your love for them and others too.
Apr 2020 · 93
Corona-Virus 1000
Edward Apr 2020
During this virus, your inspiration is need more than ever.
So keep pushing through with your encouraging jems Friend.
You and your gifts are needed even more right now than before.
Your loving heart is here for this time when there is so much darkness.
This dying world is at a loss only your love for God can save them.
So do not givre up  but keep inspiring and keep encouraging Us all.
Keep letting the Good Lord to use you in this here time is your time to shine
Apr 2020 · 45
Press On
Edward Apr 2020
You have only one life on this here world.
So Press on, never give up you are loved.
For your life is very valuable and needed.
You are an Jewel, for you are an inspirer.
Without you there would be less light here.
For your light shines as a beacon here too.
Your beacon lead others to the only true Hope.
For the Christ is using you to draw others here.
So whatever you do never give up here Friend.
Apr 2020 · 45
Edward Apr 2020
Even though it might get lonely here   hurting.
Someday we shall see each other once more in heaven.
Someday , we shall be able to catch up once again .
Someday, we will see each other once more in heaven.
On that day we shall be able to share in commion too.
On that beautiful day we shall break bread and wine.
But till that day rolls around you will be in my heart.
Apr 2020 · 51
Stand Firm, Let all Know
Edward Apr 2020
Stand firm, let all know just how you feel about them.
Stand firm, never leave any without letting them know.
Without letting them know in this uncertainty time we in.
That you love them in this time of uncertainty here now.
For it breaks my heart that so many are dying right now.
So Stand firm , in this world of so much uncertainty here.
Cause in this here world of so much uncertainty tomorrow is not promise.
Stand firm, trust the Lord and let them know how you feel.
In this new world of so much uncertainty here right now.
Apr 2020 · 42
Times Are Changing
Edward Apr 2020
Time is changing, this world is growing dark.
Time is changing , my heart is truly breaking .
Time is changing , too many people are dying.
Time is changing, my heart is really breaking.
Time is changing, I fall to my knees praying.
Time is changing, only Christ can rescue Us now.
Time is changing , only you Lord are our Hope.
Time is changing , rescue Us O Holy Savior.
Lord God you are our only Hope save Us please.
Apr 2020 · 69
Corona-Virus 99
Edward Apr 2020
In this here time of despair and fear .
My prayers are that you are protected.
That your heart and your love is stronger
That all of your fears shall go away today.
Your heart shall become stronger each time.
That you  start to show any sign of fear here.
For then you shall realize that your love for others.
For love does cast out all fear and God bless you.
Apr 2020 · 80
Follow Me
Edward Apr 2020
Follow me, and I shall make you all Fishers of men.
Follow me, and I shall give you the desires of your heart.
If you shall lay down your will to pick up my will for you.
Follow me and  I shall never leave you nor forsake you.
Follow me, and you shall have great blessings in heaven.
Follow me, and you shall see great and new things here.
Follow me and I shall give you an helper to help you too.
Follow me, child and you shall see many miracles too.
Apr 2020 · 47
My Friend Ben
Edward Apr 2020
You were filled with Great wisdom Ben.
I thank you for your birthday wish 10 days ago.
I pray that all is well with you right now Bro.
You as well as others here are inspiring to me.
I love to read your amazing poetry here on HP.
I need to go watch some christian movies now.
But I just wanted to say that you are an Awesome Bro.
Apr 2020 · 35
Time Does Not Heal
Edward Apr 2020
Time does not heal, only God heals old wounds.
When you love someone but will always be alone.
Those old wounds shall never fully be healed within. might
You might be able to deal with the wounds much better.
But it still is not and will not be healed until God heals it.
We live in a world that refuse to accept that Jesus is real.
So people make these false assumptions it is better to them.
That they make up false assumptions and take credit from God.
Believe me there is an God and only he can bring true healing .
Apr 2020 · 424
Each Tear
Edward Apr 2020
Each tear, that falls brings your healing  one step closer.
Each tear, cleanses your life one tear more on the earth.
Each tear, drawls you one more step into seeing a Miracle.
Each tear, was shed because I felt so broken on the inside.
Each tear, I cried through all of my sorrow and pain here.
Apr 2020 · 39
Live Right
Edward Apr 2020
Live right , love unconditional, and forgive.
Live right, stay in the Good Lord will here.
Live right, treat others as your-self in every way.
Live right, stay  calm , try to avoid disagreements.
Live right, share your wisdom on how to Live life.
Live right, Love deeply and forgive freely also.
Live right, never give up on others stay connected.
Apr 2020 · 44
When Others
Edward Apr 2020
When others, do you wrong on the earth.
When others,  mock you and hate you much.
When others, wish only the worst for you here.
When others, will bully you into their thinking.
When others, take advantage of you and use you.
When others, do you wrong keep loving them anyway.
When others do you good and wants the best for you.
When others love you with unconditional love here.
Hang on to these people and never let them go they from God.
Edward Apr 2020
Arise O Lord and destroy the invisible enemy today.
Destroy this Corona-virus, this evil destroying Virus.
Protect the poor , the weak, the sick, and the elderly.
From dying because of this evil virus today O God.
We need your Saving Power to weld up within Us.
To become an great Strength deep within Us here.
For God you can do anything that you want here.
So come rescue everyone reveal through your saving.
To those that do not know you at this very moment.
I Pray this Prayer that will bring healing in Jesus Name Amen.
Apr 2020 · 165
Be Still
Edward Apr 2020
Be still , and abide  in the Lord everyday.
Be still, and wait for the Lord to lead you.
Be still, and listen for the Lord to answer.
Be still, and Lean on the Lord always too.
Follow, the Lord for he shall lead you here.
Follow, the Lord to the road he leads you to.
Follow , for the Lord knows your every step.
Apr 2020 · 46
Our Battle Scars
Edward Apr 2020
Our Battle-scars, here only prove one thing.
That it is not by our Strength that we over-come.
Our Battle- scars are many different types of scars.
Such as disabilities, our weakness, our failures.
Plus any of type of things that reveal it is not Us.
That has done these very things through our own.
Because I always know that the miracles were not mine.
But were done by a Greater one than i could ever be.
It was done by my Great Savior and God Lord Jesus.
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