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Earthchild Jan 2014
Standing in the warm water
Streaming down from my eyelashes to my crimson lips
Pooling apon them
I raise my hand to trace the curve of them
Kiss me
From my glass ribs to my summer hips
Sunshine warmth sinks in
Sending me shivers as I imagine you trailing your hand along
My arms cradle my broken body
My head hits the clouds
I can not stop thinking about you
I can not stop thinking about how I want you
How I need you
How I love you
But you dont want me

I wish shower water would wash away the thought of you
Earthchild Jan 2014
I am so ready to dance
Finally regain control of my mind
Demons scream in anger
I am fighting you

You will no longer control me
No longer corrupt my mind
With your sickening worthless words
You will degrade to ash
I am going to crush your addiction for my pain
Crush your addiction to see scarlett trail down my arm
I will burn you and your voices
Burn you with my hatred for your toxic voice
You will not crawl through my veins
You will not spread your poison

You will no longer rip me apart
One ******* piece at a time

Flowers will flourish in your remains
Sunshine will melt into my heart
Into my mind
I will dance like never before
I will not dance on fragile ice anymore
I will dance on solid ground

You can not stop me.
But I Have The Key
Earthchild Jan 2014
I want your hand on my fragile glass ribs
I want you to kiss my rose petal lips
I want you to draw slow moon cresents on my back
I want to entangle my hand in your hair
I want to inhale you like oceanic air
I want you to grab my leg and pull it around your waist
I want you to let flowers bloom on my neck
I want you to wrap your arm around my slim waist
I want to feel your skin against my pale winter skin
I want to listen to your heart sing me to sleep
I want to love you

I need you
Earthchild Jan 2014
Daisies have come out to dance
In my heart
They sway to my heart beat
In my lungs
I breath daisies
In my corrupt mind
*They bloom
Oh god what am I feeling
Earthchild Jan 2014
I fill my heart with love
Drink it like hard liquor
As it streams down my throat
A warm wave crushes apon me
I dance around the room
Drunk on the thought of you
Bringing my hand to my pale winter cheek
Caressing my scarlett lips
Kiss me?
I twirl
Skirt billowing around me
The music streaming through my bones

My lips part in a small smile
You melted me
I dance in glacial water
Flower lungs inhale the lust
For you
This boy is driving me mad
Earthchild Jan 2014
I am ready for those warm
Balmy summer nights
Jumping into the laughing summer water
When the stars look down apon me
Winking at me
The warm water swirling
Around my melting winter bones
Moonlight glistening off my winter ribs
Fresh water dripping off my eyelashes
Onto my warm raspberry lips

Oceanic blue water rushing around me
Its music dancing in and out of my ears
My only companion is the night
Heavy tired eyelids
Light dancing thoughts
Of the summer flowers
That will grow in my heart
As the thoughts of you course my mind

But for now its just me and those thoughts
Of the summery nights to come
I fall asleep with a smile on my lips
So lame
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