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Earthchild Dec 2013
My love for you
Grows like wild flowers
How lovely
Earthchild Dec 2013
Crumpled agaisnt the white wall
Burning tears streaming
From my hollow exhausted eyes
Down my pale cheeks they fall
Along my raspberry lips they gather
Oceanic water

One by one
The last few daisys that lined my mind
Their petals are dropping to the ground
Ever so slowly they turn to dust
My heart is charcoal black
My walls are breaking down

I look around me the glacial walls
Melting to the ground
They pool at my sides
I drag my frail finger through the warm water
Someone grabs my hand
Shaking my clouded head
I look up with red swollen eyes

Shes so far off her voice a silent as a winter breeze
I give up
Head falls back onto my chest
I grasp my head
A fist full of my long brown hair
Shuddering breaths threatening to shake me apart
"I am so ****** up"
I whisper soft as rose petals
Earthchild Dec 2013
The terrible thing is
Nothing lasts
The lovely thing is
Everything disapears
Earthchild Dec 2013
Standing still on top of the frozen curve of the cliff
Listening to the sharp crack of the ice below me
Ghosts of steam skating on the opaque ice
Sunshine melting onto my flush cold cheeks
The winters fridged breath sinking into my winter bones
Mountains dusted with fresh snow
My pulse beating as though its a drum
Swirling winds within my lungs as I breath
Deep breaths
*Deep breaths
Earthchild Dec 2013
Walking through the hibernating town
Couples holding hands

I thought to myself
Could that be us?
Could we walk along
Frozen paths
Our breath dancing
above our head
Your lips upon my frosty lips
Christmas lights illuminating the snow
Stars winking down at us
Mountains tucked beneath their blanket
of snow

Cozying up by the fire
Blankets wrapped around us
Hot chocolate sips
Laughing about the days
Your kisses melting on my lips
My head in your shoulder
Your heart beat singing me to sleep

Maybe one cold December
Earthchild Dec 2013
Skating on the cold frozen ice
My friends breath swirling around us
We laughed and smiled
As the shivering mountains looked down on us

Cheeks rosy
Noses bright red from the cold
Smiles all round as we laughed
Thoughts of Christmas on our minds

Making our way through town
Couples holding hands
In love
Christmas lights decorating pillars

Sitting in the cozy café drinking
London fog tea
Hot chocolate
Whipped cream swirled on top
Like the outside mountains

I think of how great this day has been
The feeling of joy
Earthchild Dec 2013
People always say
just forget and move on
how do you forget love?
can people not see that
love can not be forgotten?
All my memories of you
linger like a morning fog
in my summer mind

The way your hand trailed
along my bare fragile ribs
your smile as you
were about to kiss my
flushed rose lips
my head resting on your chest
the music of your tired lungs
your singing heart

Why do we act like strangers
after all the memories we have?
I cant burn memories like
I can burn pictures
I can not forget love
I can only forget why
why I made the effort to
in the first place
No, this is not about you
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