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1.2k · Dec 2014
ESR Dec 2014
Hear how the pitch varies yet stays constant
Silence permanently halted by that
Which processes it.
We are forced to mould pain into peace,
Sleep forced into the lack of,
There's no cure.
There's no remedy for calamity.
No homemade soup
or store-bought pills.
We who are diagnosed are dissidents against the police of
Listen now.
Hear the perfect consistency,
A straight line
in one ear out the other,
Like a power line from one pole
To the next.
It hurts.
A string of pain connecting each ear drum,
making sure that well notice if it misses a beat.
Sadly for us,
It never will.
1.2k · Oct 2015
ESR Oct 2015
I layer and layer my sadness
Which only strengthens my
891 · Mar 2015
Desperate Remorse
ESR Mar 2015
My peripheral radar found them, and i read them. The words spelled out the very definition of hurt. This newly acquired knowledge hit my heart the way an arrow would and exposed chest- deep. I had lost you. I played my cards into a tower, falling at the gentlest touch, and it just got kicked, kicked so hard that its remnants that were launched into space and spun around the earth so quickly that they reversed time. And although those words are part of the past I keep letting regret get the best of me. Even though I tunneled through the wall i built between us and climbed back into your arms, I cant even close a single eye at night in fear that you will fall from my open arms as if water from my palms and move on to purify whoever you land on next. And i'm worried, because money cant buy a big enough vault to secure all your beauty. And I hope, that my heart is big enough to hold all your love, so you wont have to give any to anyone else.
829 · Jan 2018
white lies
ESR Jan 2018
give me a promise,
so i'll have something to hold onto
826 · Mar 2015
ESR Mar 2015
A full year of spring cleaning and I'm as filthy as before
772 · Jan 2015
ESR Jan 2015
Life is becoming
that stereotypical office job,
where all we have for excitement
is a paper airplane and a
sticky-note flip pad.
it feels like were stuck in this
inescapable cubicle,
that all were doing is planning
for our next big vacation.
Because the only thing
that our hearts desire
more than a promotion
to the penthouse
so close but so
far above us
is a way
759 · Oct 2015
ESR Oct 2015
To whom will it concern
If you don't become heard
673 · Aug 2015
ESR Aug 2015
I used to draw cages,
Cages as open as your mouth,
But as empty as your words.
Cages as cold as winters touch,
But not as frozen as your heart.
Cages so dark and lonely,
A mirror of myself.
I used to draw cages,
Cages that I could never fill,
Because they were
only drawings,
That I drew
my cell
667 · Jan 2015
Hard truths and harder lies
ESR Jan 2015
As a child i was taught
That joy and happiness were
Off the menu
Instead I was force-fed
Hatred and demise
And while  the neighbourhood kids
Played in my view all I
Could do was cry
So I cried
I spent days upon weeks
Drowning I  the tears
That had leaked from my
Cracked pipeline eyes
And there's alot that drowning
Can teach a boy
It taught me for instance
How to swim
And I tried so hard to swim
To escape the pain I woke to and
And dozed to
And I tried so hard to get someone to
I tried so hard for someone to
Gasp in unbearable amazement
But if there's anything else that drowning Taught me,
its that nobody cares.
So I continue to cry
Because when it comes down to it
It's better not to try
630 · Feb 2015
ESR Feb 2015
I used to draw cages.
Cages so infinately empty.
Cages that could never be filled.
Because they were only
572 · Feb 2015
Outcasts flow
ESR Feb 2015
I've decided not to live,
To simply just exist.
To take the outcast flow,
Ignore the open road.
I won't change or grow,
For as long as I know,
That I've decided not to live,
To simply just exist.
538 · May 2015
ESR May 2015
Euphonious abnormalities
slip past our ears unheard,
while we swim in the
cacophonous issues that
this world drowns us in
531 · Dec 2014
Plan B
ESR Dec 2014
Soon after dad was hospitalized,
you realized the amplitude of my
You saw how when the other kids went out to play I  stayed to my lonesome, whether it be in the woods or in the basement.
So you took me to a tall brown building in town.
You never told me why, but there's no need.
I hated it.
I loathed looking into its lobby of mirrors that was made up of crying children who cant accept the fact that their parents are gone.
Of men that couldn't wrap their minds around the reality that it was their addictions that drove their families away.
So I hung myself on a noose of shame because I had become one of them.
You would then pull me up the elevator, through the hall, and into the
waiting room.
And it didn't matter how much time we spent, whether ten minutes or thirty because it always lasted an eternity. It was a living hell.
And if that's so then that makes the man who would delivered me from it
a god.
He only ever took me though, never you.
He took me to a child's heaven,  shelves and boxes of all the action figures from all the popular movies. Except, he never let me touch them.
Instead he sat me at his desk and asked me questions.
He asked about you, about dad, about school.
But these questions only ever tightened the noose I had tied in the
waiting room, creating a lump in my throat too big to swallow.
He noticed this.
So he executed plan B.
He unveiled a small black square dish about the size of a CD case.
Its contents, white sand.
It was a miniature zen garden.
He then reveled a handful of small black rocks.
Hes said: "these rocks, they represent your problems,"
He handed me a small fork sized rake and continued,
"You just have to move them away"
So I pondered his words before answering his question
with a question of true sincerity;
"what does represent mean?"
Laughingly, he explained the words meaning to my seven year old vocabulary.
So I put rake to sand as if da Vinci to Mona Lisa,
only to create an abstract mess of sand and rock.
And so, I cried.
Somehow this method of therapy had been more efficient than his voice.
After we had left, I told you how I never wanted to go back there.
It took some convincing,
but eventually my complaining got the best of you.
You told me I would only have to go back once more,
there was a catch though.
A catch so hard to reel in I got teary eyed just thinking about it.
You made me say goodbye and thank you to all the workers.
Weather it be the the lady at the desk in the waiting room,
or the man who rescued me,
I couldn't hold back the tears
They came running down my face as if chased by the devil.
I hate myself for that day.
The day I became a black rock in someone else
*zen garden
501 · Feb 2015
Safe and Sound
ESR Feb 2015
"Think of a life you won't take the breath from somebody else
One where you're seeking more than yourself"*

                                                     ­               *-Chris Cornell
452 · Mar 2015
Back In Your Day
ESR Mar 2015
Your day's turned after noon,
A fast approaching moon,
A new day's rising soon,
A new day without you.
439 · Oct 2015
Silent Knight
ESR Oct 2015
He sheathed his tongue long ago.
He did this because he knows
that the fool is made so by words
and if none can be heard than no
titles are given.

He will draw his sword and
carve his thoughts like slashes
into our heads like boards.
He will shoot glares like arrows
that sink deep into marrow
planting his own ideas into
our bones.

He will fight conversation
the way he would a dragon.
Putting all of his will and
might into stabbing words like
limbs until they all bow down
to him.

In all honesty, the silent knight
can sing, he can bring peace and
melody into war torn fields and
wield song into battle.

He can, but he wont.
All because of laughter that
hes afraid to hear if his melodies
Don't reach or come near the ears
Of someone who's willing
To hear the truths,
Behind each of his
438 · May 2015
ESR May 2015
Water will erode
The stones that we lean upon
good thing we can swim
426 · Oct 2015
Breads and Circus
ESR Oct 2015
They won't give you
a bandage,
But they'll show you
something worse.
It won't remove the pain,
But it will keep your mind
off yours.
419 · Mar 2015
ESR Mar 2015
Judgement is weighing someone on the scales of society
401 · Mar 2015
ESR Mar 2015
Arguing is like stating the obvious,
it only further shows that you disagree.
400 · Feb 2015
ESR Feb 2015
Sit with me,
on the beach that harbors the ocean of our success.
hear how the waves quiet themselves
sacrificing all they are to take in their own
Feel now,
how all our surroundings come to a stand still
bending to the will of our
We have done this together,
we took control of the sky,
and stopped the clouds of their cry,
and moved them away just to check
if the sun was still there.
It was, it is,
but if we were hit by the fact that it was gone
we would not concede,
we would mold what we have
into what we need.
We will not bend under the pressure they put on us,
we will use it to refine ourselves into
the diamonds we always were.
397 · Mar 2015
ESR Mar 2015
If your leaving me,
Please take my pain with you.
395 · Jan 2015
ESR Jan 2015
There's no time for me
And I'm so empty that I might as well be nothing
Because this shell  is so cracked
With scars
That I'd go so far to say
The only thing I'm good for is
Looking down this path I must one day go
And I still wish that one day
Would be yesterday
That way
The weight of now wouldn't be so
376 · Mar 2015
Back In Your Day
ESR Mar 2015
Your day's turned after noon,
A fast approaching moon,
A new day's rising soon,
A new day without you.
369 · May 2015
The Truth About Darkness
ESR May 2015
The best thing about darkness
Is that it isn't really heartless
We unluckily perceive it by
These lies used to conceal it
And in a world full of light
We're taught to avoid the
Oh so Shadowing night
And despite its best intentions
It's left untouched and never
It loves us all to death
But to death is how we see it.
We think it's something brutal
But it's really nothing crude at all
It's warming
It covers up the pain
and hides ours sorrows all away,
And yet we sit here
and frown upon it another day
Not truly realizing all the ways it's helped us.
Or the ways that it protects us.
Just the ways it scares us.
369 · Feb 2015
Alone in Unison
ESR Feb 2015
We all walk beneath the same sun. and when the day is done we all sleep beneath the same moon. It's as if we're all strangers sharing the same room, and we can't ever decide who gets the top bunk so we fight about it. Food, water, washrooms, brooms sweeping our continental drifts of hate towards each other, solitaire mothers raising children alone, families in the streets with nowhere to go, we are lost. But oddly enough we all want the same thing. We all bring the same argument to the table, we just want to be found. But we all shout out opinions just loud enough so that we're misunderstood. Just as our planet thought we would. Because it's been around long enough to know how predictable we are. So I went just far enough out of earshot of the others and asked a question to quench the thirst of my curiosity; what comes next? and I received an answer a little out of context; what came first? The human or the greed?
359 · Jun 2015
Better Men Have Changed
ESR Jun 2015
The best of men,
can change their ways.
Even lucifer,
Was once an angel.
357 · Apr 2015
ESR Apr 2015
Regret is a doorless cage
That we put ourselves in.
And we stay and dwell within it
Despite our longing to leave.
354 · May 2017
So Commonly Used by You
ESR May 2017
The sway of the ship
rocked my last waking ounce of confidence to sleep
Its tomb forever lost at sea
buried in an ocean of insecurities
far too deep to ever find the bottom of

An expanse whose shores will be littered with the wrecks
of countless ships
set out to sail in search for new land
to claim for a church whose saviour
only ever wanted you

Your words were not your own
they spoke with a sentiment that choked out
every honest flame that burnt within you

I had familiarized myself enough with your work
to tell that even you were not your own
just a puppet
that fell to a master of bad decisions
and whimsical self destruction

You never managed to rack up enough
civilian casualties
you lied with such precision that every vision of truth
got a little off the top of what could be seen

Now standing
I pace the deck of the boat
in hopes of chasing away the hurt

In an act of desperate self examination
I attempt a determination of whether or not
I’ve been led to believe I am more than what I’ve seemed
to this day it is a question that is put first in my mind
every time a mirror can be seen

After covering enough ground in the worry of my pacing
exhaustion offers me a chair and I sit myself down
despite all the time I took searching for hope
I realize that there's nothing I’ve found

So again my surroundings become that friend no one talks to
unless you need something
I just about bring myself to saying their name
when my eyes are brought in
by the raging flame of loathing

The net of my eye caught glimpse
of a wave
honing its act of breaking

A step I find my heart taking
in a long race towards a finish line
painted with the tears resentment shed
when it realized that all those years were dead
to you

I promise
That had my mind
been given the chance
it would’ve pled guilty
and accepted the charge of the crime
of never giving us the time for a
final dance

Had I been given the chance  
I would have tied my heartstrings to yours
and assured that their bond would be a door
that could never be closed with words like
I'm sorry

And as the ship meets shore
my hands and knees break      
from begging your covert answers
For more
but nothing came

So each question remained
suspended by nooses
tied with aloof fear just loose enough
for each of them to breathe out another   
multiplying my confusion

how could a word so true
so commonly used by you
even whisper a lie?
353 · Jan 2015
ESR Jan 2015
I've been combing the sands of my memories
Hoping to find a sand dollars worth of
Good ones
None of them are big enough to get caught between my fingers in the
So the only things I find in my hands
Are rocks
348 · Mar 2015
ESR Mar 2015
Like a Phoenix regret rises from the
broken pieces of our past, burning all
in its wake
332 · Jan 2015
ESR Jan 2015
One word is all it takes
To ignite the flame that
Sets a fencer into

332 · Jan 2015
ESR Jan 2015
Some say,
That the scars we have
should be seen as medals
we awarded to ourselves
For the strength and
endurance we had
Through hard times
Yet still
We both know that the wounds we hang
In the closets of our regret
Won't ever get any
Not from ourselves
Not from anyone
331 · Dec 2016
I'm sorry
ESR Dec 2016
To who I was,
Who now is lost,
I'm sorry
329 · Mar 2015
Downside In
ESR Mar 2015
There is no longer a place that is real.
Not even in my own home do I feel.
Its all cold. As if old man winter has
a hold on the thermostat, and its as if
the window is open and we cant get
it closed because our arms are too busy
holding our knees to our chest and we
cant ever get any rest because at night,
none of this feels right. Its all a little
too big and were a little too small, and
our jump back to reality is more of a fall.
All we want is redemption, but there's
none at all. So we climb up these ladders
that go in reverse, and the song of the
dead is the one we rehearse, and we
swim in the sadness so widely dispersed.
Is there no end to this curse?
322 · Mar 2015
ESR Mar 2015
I stood there,
The guard rail pressed behind my back
The water was calm and beautiful
The waves they whispered  your name
The rest of my life below me,
A sharp 20 foot drop, it felt more like six,
Because that's where I wanted to be
A life taken is pain given
To the open and unwanting
321 · Oct 2015
Low Life
ESR Oct 2015
Shooting stars were made to fall,
Watching Apollos tears.
When gods cry we know we're small,
That Theres A greater fear.
320 · May 2015
Wasted life
ESR May 2015
We work all our lives
when all we have before us
is a lemmings fate
319 · Feb 2015
ESR Feb 2015
"We're all footprints in the sand
And the tide is coming in"
317 · Jul 2017
ESR Jul 2017
Home is where the heart is,
and mine's with you
316 · May 2015
ESR May 2015
I put ink to page
with an elastic band pen,
Because these words always
come back and hit me,
Leaving a sting in my ear,
and a ring in my head
314 · Dec 2014
ESR Dec 2014
broken by the uneasy sound of

that someone would care to notice

overcome by the,
its what he opens his eyes too.

313 · Oct 2015
Mr Daniels
ESR Oct 2015
Poor mr Johnson
He had no one around
But when he was alone
Mr Daniels is who he found
Mr Daniels brought him strength
And mr Daniels
Brought him fear
But poor mr Johnson
There really was no one near
Because mr Daniels was just a logo
On some beer
So when his family called him out
And noticed his addiction
They saw his silly dreams
And they were labeled all as fiction
So mr Johnson once again
Found himself alone
But he turned another corner
and mr Morgan threw him a bone
His friends they drown his pain
But his life floated away
A castle of empty bottles
Made up of broken dreams
Cracked shattered ripped apart
And torn out at the seams
312 · Mar 2015
308 · Mar 2015
ESR Mar 2015
I return to this empty house,
now filled with the echos of my silence.
And I fold the torn corners of regret
into perfect ledges big enough to set the
broken pieces of my heart on. And I hang
my coat up on the broken words of those
who promised they'd always be there.
And I make my way to the beginning of
my end because this time, I swear ill
do it. *But I don't
297 · Mar 2015
ESR Mar 2015
A frozen tear falls
Onto the concrete,
to the stepping stone pillow
Built by society to catch us,
When in reality we shatter
Under our own weight
294 · Jan 2016
Silver Answer
ESR Jan 2016
Silence fills this empty room
Pain echoes to much to move
A silver answer cutting through
Solution flows, no longer blue
290 · Jan 2015
Thank You
ESR Jan 2015
Thank you for taking the time
The time that you took
To wash the Windows of my eyes
Just to take a look
And thank you
Thank you for not running
After seeing the sight that you saw
287 · Jun 2015
ESR Jun 2015
Her eyes are pearls
Painted with a single drop
Of the oceans purest blue
279 · May 2015
The Seventh Stones ballad
ESR May 2015
Seven strong stones stand,
supporting the silver senate office.
Six of which sit silently,
while the solemn seventh sings.
It sings a song of sadness,
in the form of shrieks and sobs,
while the other six stand shocked
of the shaky sevenths song.
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