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EMD Sep 2018
Even the sky looks tired
Breathing fog against the trees
Sighing mist into the fields
Dark clouds like eye circles
Heavy lashes dripping raindrop tears
The grey cast of sleeplessness
Or at least, so it seems to me
That even he can’t dream
This one feels incomplete
EMD Aug 2018
She wasn’t an “easy” woman
But she had an easy heart
And people saw her kindness as weakness
Her meekness as pathetic
She fell in love with every man she met
                by one
           ­                                         Heart.
EMD Feb 2018
I was desperate for your love

You disgust me
EMD Mar 2018
You are soft against my skin
Like cotton in the rain
An artists touch
Playing my body
Like an instrument
EMD Feb 2018
Like water
Once used up
Burned away
Beneath the scorching sun
But rain still comes down
In droplets
Pulled by gravity
Washing away the filth
Raising up and shimmering
Moving all in its path
From the man with the turned up collar
On his yellow slicker jacket running from the onslaught
To the little girl in red galoshes
Splashing and giggling through innocent puddles
To bringing green life
From withered seeds
From the loose brown topsoil
In little rivulets
To mighty oak trees
Cracked and bleeding amber
Swelling over the tops of dams
Quelling burning fire
Creating walls of rich black earth
Sliding loose and ripping into cities
But once again
It is burned up
Beneath the scorching
EMD Jan 2018
Can someone tell me what love is?
Please explain because I don’t understand.
I’ve never been in this much pain,
How can this be what songs and poems
Are so beautifully written about?
I thought I understood, but I was wrong;
I don’t like being wrong, but I want to know.
Someone, please, tell me what love is.
I’m desperate to understand,
So please explain,
How can something that hurts this bad,
Be what people long for in life?
Tell me, I beg of you, what is love?
EMD Dec 2017
Shining stars
And beautiful scars
That’s all we are
EMD Oct 2018
Perhaps your like the snow
On a soft winter’s day
Or the first leaf to turn
Crimson in autumn
The first blossom in spring
The last rain in summer
A fish drowning
In the salty sea
A lonely bird
Falling through the sky
The first drop of rain
To hit the earth
Or maybe the last to drip down
The first bubbly sip
Or the last dregs from the can
Salty and sweet
And everything in between
EMD Dec 2017
He picked me up
And put me back together
Healed my broken pieces
Gave me the safety that I craved
Then he ripped me back apart
Threw me down
And took it all away

I just hope that she was worth it.
EMD Jul 2018
“What is it like to fall in love?”
Asked the little girl of the young lady
The lady stooped, to look in her eyes
“It is like falling into a box of poisoned chocolates,
Sweet at first, but it will leave you bitter.”

“Whats it like to fall in love?”
Asked the little girl of the quiet gentleman
He cocked his head, to ponder a moment
“It is like listening to a symphony on the other side of a door,
Beautiful for sure, but the melody just out of reach.”

“What is it like to fall in love?”
Asked the little girl of the honest woman
She stopped her work, to find her courage
“It’s a bit like hearing a wolf howl in the dark of the wood,
Frightening just then, but it may mean you no harm.”

“What is it like to fall in love?”
Asked the little girl of the poor man’s son
The ragged man thought, to speak the truth
“It is not for from finding a mountain of fairy’s gold,
An exciting thrill, but gone in a snap of fingers.”

“What is it like to fall in love?”
Asked the little girl of the queen
She paused, to pray before she spoke
“It shouldn’t come to me I suppose,
As it’s awful hard, with a heart full of stones.”

“What’s it like to fall in love?”
Asked the little girl of the prince
He bowed, to show her his grace
“It seems to me like drinking fine ale
Tender and light the first taste, but heavy and strong by the dregs.”

“What is it like to fall in love?”
Asked the little girl of the elderly pair
He scratched his chin, to consider his choices
She smoothed her hair, to conceal with great care
“It appears to me,” said he, “like a bird with broken wings,
Gentle and small, but with care it should grow and soar.”
“It comes to me,” said she, “as an infant,
Perfect and pure, with a little luck it stays that way.”
EMD Jan 2018
Eyes as blue as poison
And lips as soft as a lie
Skin as gentle as a ****
Heart as warm and soft as ice
EMD Feb 2018
some people say
the eyes are the window
to the soul
i have seen windows
with the shades drawn tight
like they’re hiding something inside
i have seen windows
with cracks running both ways
like many stones have been thrown
i have seen windows
deep into haunted houses
like there’s only a ghost of what was
i have seen windows
that belong to ancient homes
like stories untold
i have seen windows
with boxes full of blooms
i have seen windows
that glow gold in the sun
i have seen windows
that belong on a boat
i have seen windows
like stained glass in a church
some people say
that the eyes are the windows to the
Boxes full of blooms are green, glow gold in the sun is brown, belong on boats are blue, stained glass are hazel/color changing
EMD Jul 2018
Wishing that the sun were green
So that maybe it wouldn’t
Burn so bright and give your eyes that sheen

Wishing that the sky weren’t blue
So that everyime I see it
I wouldn’t think of you

Wishing that the grass was grey
So that maybe- just maybe-
I could forget that day

Wishing that the moon weren’t white
So that I should hope
To see you in a different light
EMD Feb 2018
I did not realize
How hungry I was
For other people’s words
EMD Feb 2018
Life is never without purpose
For animals the purpose it sustain others
A single, insignificant worm still feeds the robin
If that is my purpose than so be it
If my purpose is solely to evoke emotion in others
Than so be it, that is my purpose
If my purpose is to help one crying girl
Who is hiding and afraid
Then that is my purpose, so be it
If my only purpose was to stop
One boy from hurting
Only for them to hurt me back
Then so be my purpose
I am not ashamed to be worth very little,
For if am I worth little, I have worth
EMD Oct 2020
I sat with him
Until he told me his name
The place from where he came
We sat and we talked
His knees tucked to chin
Never once did he look at me
Never once did he sin
He just guided my hands
To the place he had been
He curled up my fist
And told me to aim
Strike hard and fast
Before they hurt you again
EMD Dec 2017
Empty pages
burn myeyes
Like a reflection
Of somethingdeep
EMD Mar 2018
your gentle hands
warming up
my Cold and Glittering Heart
EMD Mar 2018
How is it
That everything
In my heart and soul
Screams and reaches for you
But my mind and body hold me still.
EMD Mar 2018
On an Alibaster sky
My love for you
Like a shadow
EMD Mar 2018
I can’t seem to write anything worth reading anymore
I can’t seem to draw anything anyone wants to see
I can’t seem to say anything worth listening to
I can’t seem to be anything anyone wants to care about
EMD Mar 2018
I kissed you in a dream
And you were cold like a corpse
EMD May 2018
Can the spring ever meet the winter?
Can the broken stone once more be sealed?
Can the dove make peace with the crow?
Can the dark ever see the light?
Can the stars ever be friends with the sun?
Can the past ever stand beside the present?
Can the beauty ever be a part of the ugliness?
Can the pain ever make its way to peace?
Can we come back from this? From what each of us did?
EMD Sep 2019
My heart hurts
With a love I do not know
And my chest bursts with flowers
I watered with my tears
An unplanted garden
That blooms in autumn
And sheds in the sun
EMD Jun 2020
Under cotton candy clouds
In the pink setting sun
I wonder how your voice will sound
If your smile will glow like the sun
If your hand will be soft
And your laugh will be warm
I wonder long and alone
EMD Sep 2020
I look at the nightshade
And I wonder
How sweet
                   do its berries
EMD Sep 2020
If I could draw
The sound
Of his laughter
Then surely
The world
Would be a
More beautiful place
EMD Sep 2020
if his scent
i don’t think
EMD Oct 2020
Why must you all be the same
You think with your bodies first
And then with your head
I thought you needed a friend

I don’t know why I give kindness
To strangers so undeserving
I thought all you needed
Was a friend
EMD Feb 2021
When all of your dreams
Are nightmares,
Which one do you hope
Comes true?
EMD Feb 2021
You’re still a stranger
Though you hurt me once
Once in a nightmare
Which princess’s song should I bastardize next?
EMD Apr 2018
I wish I wasn’t breaking inside
As I fell in love with you

Destroying my whole self
For wanting what I cannot have

Slicing my skin to ribbons
So I cannot feel

Breaking my bones to shards
So I cannot move

Bending my lungs in two
So I cannot breathe

Searing my mind to ash
So I cannot think

Tearing out my eyes and tongue
So I cannot see or speak

Twisting my heart to nothing
So I cannot be
EMD Apr 2018
Today I saw the world through someone else’s eyes
Like a hypnotist in disguise

I saw the light twist and bend
I felt my life coming to an end

I sensed the pain of a thousand suns
I heard the firing of seven guns

I tasted bitter freedom on my tongue
And smelled sweet smoke in my lungs.
EMD Apr 2018
Remember to live in the world
For it was given with a purpose
EMD May 2018
I broke myself to fix you

I hated myself to love you

I killed myself to save you

I put myself in darkness to give light to you
You hated me for loving you, you were angry that I cared, but still yet you came back. You put me in a position that was nigh upon impossible. I am angry with you for what you put me through, but I know it wasn’t your fault.
EMD May 2018
Her feet creaked across a copper earth
As she made her way to a cobalt sea
Underneath a steel sky
Filled with tin clouds
With a heart made of gold
And a soul full of silver
EMD May 2018
I want to fix the things that I have done
I want to speak with you, though
I know I don’t have the right
After what I did to you
But in this darkened
sea of wrong you
Were the only
Thing that
Fix my
Heart and
Put me back
Together, for I am
Falling apart. But the
Worst of it is that I will never
Have the courage to ask you for it.
EMD May 2018
Like the beating of a broken drum
Pulsing gently, gently throbbing
Quiet cold, the ache grows dimmer
Wind grows warm as in summer
Not done but I can’t think of anything else to write.
EMD Jun 2018
My heart belongs to the boy
With the sun in his eyes
The moon in his smile
And the stars in his soul
EMD Sep 2018
Walk me to my grave
Therein lies the soul you tried to save

The coffin you wished wasn’t full
Now that I’m gone, do you feel the same pull?
EMD Aug 2018
Love like a flower blooms
It grows and grows
And when pulled up
If by the roots
And planted again
It would bloom
Just as beautiful
In a different garden
EMD Sep 2018
We all believe the little lies we’re told
After all, we all need something to hold
So believe the little lies you’re told
For if we didn’t, the world then, would be terribly cold
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