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Zach Feb 2018
It's fast and it hits hard

Depending on what kind, it may even hurt

But you stand there tall with your armor of pride, protecting your inner self from this outer threat

But then there's the new kind of bullet, one you don't know how to fight back at

Maybe this love will be greater then others before

Maybe I'm just a hopeless romantic
Zach Feb 2018
You tell yourself,

"Hey, maybe it might work out"

Yeah, maybe. But maybe not

You always should be ready for failure

Maybe you fail yourself

Maybe you fail the ones you care about

You need to accept that sometimes things aren't alright, and that you can't do a thing to fix it

You're just chasing the ghosts of dead dreams

You can still choose to feel the same as you had, but don't let that ruin things you've worked so hard for
Zach Feb 2018
I wish I could cry.

I wish I could take back words that come from my head and mouth

I wish I could curl up into a ball, and maybe my future self could reassure me that maybe I still have a chance.

Just to know that even if I'm failing now, time and time again will I know nothing but failure, that I'll succeed once.

Just to hear that would keep me ease until then. I'd be able to keep my upbeat personality and charm people think I have up. Maybe I'd find it's actually real

But that won't happen

I won't ever know for sure until it happens

And that's not likely in my state

I wish I could cry
Zach Feb 2018
What if I truly didn't have any control over what I do

What if I'm just watching a movie set in the first person about a guy who thinks he can do what he probably shouldn't even attempt

That'd be nice, moving the ***** up to different shoulders.

But only mine would be willing to carry that burden
Zach Feb 2018
I wish I had a sister

I have enough brothers, 3 in fact.

I wish I had a sister to go to because she'd know exactly how to help me through certain situations,

I wish I had a sister because she knows how girls work and I just don't have a clue

I wish I had a sister because a family of basically all boys isn't a very emotional family.

I can't cry, not even if I tried

I just sit and ponder what's beyond this painful, this darkening, this overwhelming fear of what lies ahead

I wish I had a sister
Zach Feb 2018
I... I don't know what to call this

I'm too afraid to ask you where we stand because what if I don't like the answer

What if it never advances past this

I keep telling myself not to go too fast

But am I just not moving at all?

It's like a mixed bag of snacks, we all like to pick out the good moments and leave the bad ones inside

I don't know what will happen when I grab you from the bag
Zach Feb 2018
If a picture is worth
a thousand words
those of you are
a college thesis paper
And the Illiad rolled
into one
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