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Zach Feb 2018
Sometimes I wish I had no self restraint, no self control.

Just give myself over to my inner emotions

Say that thing that's been aching on my mind for too long

Tell them that enough is enough

Stand up for the friend that doesn't think they're worth it

Just get in a car and drive to my destination

Just fly away from this problem

I wish I could have confessed sooner

I wish I knew where I stood in your eyes

I wish I could just reach into your mind and get a glimpse without actually having to ask and possibly not like the answer

Sometimes you have to do things you wish you couldn't normally do

Sometimes you have to not do things you wish you could do
Zach Jan 2018
My parents are an interesting couple.

I don't know all there is to know about their own childhood

I don't know if they went wrong somewhere or if I was doomed from the start

It's hard to be mad at them, but I am sometimes

I wish I could just scream and shout

But I can't

I'm mad, and my head is divided on if I'm allowed to be mad

Am i justified or not

Am I really just overreacting

Am I just a brooding teenager who's "addicted" to his laptop

Should I have never made some of the friends I have

Am I wrong for doing what I do

I.. I..

I don't know anymore

This was supposed to be on how I would raise my own kids differently

I wish I would just write about that instead

But no, my parents probably raised me fine, and this is my fault for getting so worked up

I don't cry when I get upset. I just tuck it away and I get angry

I feel like being angry at your parents is just for edgy kids, well what's wrong with that. Why do children have to constantly obey and fit into the status quo

I don't want to waste my parent's money on a therapist

But maybe I need one

Maybe what's ******* with my head is why I'm failing in school, or failing at life in general

I want to quit writing but I don't want to just end suddenly without a resolution-esque ending

I doubt I'll ever have kids of my own at my current rate.

Maybe that's because my spouse and I won't be able to have them

Or just not want them

Who knows

I'm only a child who doesn't know any better but I'm also an adult who should.
Zach Jan 2018
Some days...

Some days I just don't feel happy

Maybe it starts when I wake up, and my stomach is giving me pain for reasons I can't explain

Maybe it's the kid in my chemistry class insulting me for not understanding the material

Maybe it's that I'm not doing well in some of my classes

Maybe it's because sometimes I still feel alone even when I'm probably surrounded by my friends and family

But I can't let them see this side of me

I'll be okay. My future... it will turn out fine right?
Zach Jan 2018
I can't stop thinking of you

and that beautiful face,

with the prettiest eyes I've ever laid my own upon.

I can't stop thinking of you

and your voice that just takes me straight to heaven

while I can hardly do much else but type.

I can't stop thinking of you

and that personality that I can't get enough of,

The humor is endless and the beauty I see goes on forever

It's like meeting your best friend for the first time and having that moment of the best joy you've ever felt,

Except with you I have that feeling everday

I can't stop thinking of you,

I like having you in my thoughts

I can keep you safe there for now, at least until I can hold you in my arms for real

I can't stop thinking of you....

And I don't ever want to stop
When I say I can't talk and I have to type, My headset is broken.
Zach Jan 2018
I like to believe there's someone out there in this gigantic world of people for everyone, you may not find them right away, it may be many decades before you even meet them for the first time

I think I met mine at 16.

Strong, beautiful, yet selfish and needy

I love everything about her.

She's precious to me and I want to protect her and keep her safe from all the evils life has to throw at us

I heard a song recently the reverberated so deeply within me that I listened to it on repeat for what felt like hours just thinking of her

Which, if I'm being honest, happens all day, every day

Some people don't know if they'll ever truly find their other half

Trust me, it'll happen.... and you'll know exactly when it does

Find someone who's another reason you love life, someone who makes you happy by just being themselves, not putting on a facade just to impress you.

Find someone who doesn't even have to be in the same state as you for you to be so occupied with her in your thoughts

I think I found her
Zach Jan 2018
My life is like a plant, it takes a while to grow and reach its full potential

I need water, I need sunlight, It helps if I have those to care for me, but sometimes I'm alright on my own

I'm fragile like a plant sometimes, not sure where the wind will take me.

I take root in my values, hold them deep within my heart

But it only takes one strong pull of a violent tug to throw me for a loop
Zach Jan 2018
As the title says, it is nice to be be wanted.

To have a group of friends that want you to hang out with them,

but at times you feel a little stressed

When you find another group as well wanting you to hang out with them

It's nice to be wanted.
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