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Zach Jan 2018
I've never let the thought of going into the military get too far in my mind, it is a serious commitment, but depending on how my life turns out I may just need that

The military teaches you many things,
And being weak isn't one of them.

You have to be strong, both physically and mentally, You are the wall upon which the enemy falls

You have to be smart, both in the words of a book and the words used in the common street

I like to think I'd meet lifelong friends in the military if I joined, friends I know will have my back and protect my life as I do theirs

Although I don't think of this is a first choice, I want to be able to have a calm life, not one stuck in a trench seeing bullets fly overhead from insurgents, maybe I'll do something technical, get a degree even.

Who knows, I'm young so I have time.
Zach Jan 2018
I write to say what I wish I could say without actually saying it

I write because my day was horrible and this helps me feel better

I write because I need to express my feelings in other ways

I write because I'm excited about an event coming up in my life

I write because I'm madly in love and I don't know what to do

I write because I don't know what I'll do without my sanity.
Zach Jan 2018
I wish I could ask my friends for advice on a topic that boggles my mind, but I don't want them to see the stress I'm under

I wish my I could see my friends tell me exactly what to do, without knowing what I'm doing

How do I go on about this, I'm so worried I'll mess it up. I need to take




Quick breaths to keep calm. I'll figure this out somehow
Zach Jan 2018
The future is a scary thing. It's unpredictable in every way imaginable. You can try and guess what will happen, but there are never any assurances.

I heard once that courage and fear are just how you react in the face of danger, will you allow what's facing you to overcome you? Or will you be the one standing on top when the dust settles

Every young person wants to have a successful life. They all have wants and needs, for me that's a lot of stuff

Most importantly to me is that I someday meet the girl that's special to me, someone who can support me through anything, someone that I can support through anything, my best friend and girl of my dreams, maybe I've already met her... maybe I haven't. I won't know until I finally marry her and give a sigh of relief that someone truly loves me

I also want kids eventually, I don't know how many, and I don't care if its a boy or a girl, but someone I can pass on what I've learned in life, I can see the succeed and fail and help and support them it all

I want a good job, I want to go to college and get a degree, I struggle now but maybe there's a me out there that doesn't

I want to grow old with my wife, raise a child with pride and happiness, I want to get paid doing what I love, but who knows if that'll all happen.

Maybe I'll just never be able to find that special someone..

Maybe I won't ever have kids of my own with the woman I love,

Maybe I'll just barely graduate high school, because I'm not all that smart

Well. That got depressing fast didn't it. The point is you don't need to worry my friends, life goes by at different paces for different people. Be someone who makes every second count
Zach Jan 2018
I knew I liked you, I had for some time,

But this beating in my heart, this throbbing in my head, it's just so much more then that

Long ago I had a chance and blew it, that haunts me on a daily, hourly basis, sometimes not my mind won't allow even a minute go by without reminding me of my ***** up.

What if I could rectify my mistake,

Every day I wake up to wish you a good morning because I'm worried that maybe one day you won't respond

All I want is to love and to hold you, I'm a better me then I was, I'm not the same old person I used to be, I've changed for the better and I've come to just see you in such a way that it takes me hours to type a few sentences describing them

Sometimes it makes me want to scream in agony because of the restrictions life has put on me from being able to do as I wish, but these restrictions won't last forever

I just hope I can convince you that I'll be fine. It's just hard for me to get a clear answer when I'm asking what's beyond an impenetrable fog. I don't know what lies in my future, but I'll be ****** if I allow a future without you.

I know that when you tease me that you care and are joking, I love that sense of humor you can invoke, I love that sometimes you aren't sure of yourself because it gives me the chance to remind you that I'll be supporting you no matter what

My own thoughts are distracted with my constant feelings as to why I fell for you, I wonder about yours.
You could say this is a continuation of my poem "Addiction"
Zach Jan 2018
Okay, I dragged myself out this far, but what will be next for me?

Do I keep trying on this path I've followed for so long?

Do I start anew and look for the fresh and exciting of the beyond?

What will be next for those still seeking answers?

Maybe there isn't an answer to the question you have, or maybe that road you're following eventually leads to a dead end.

Regardless of how you go, many of us just end up at the same destination

So take pride in your own path, because others may not have that luxury
Zach Jan 2018
If I had a clone, he'd get how I'm feeling all the time, and I wouldn't struggle to put my feelings and thoughts into words

I like to think that someone like that is rarely found in life, and you need to cherish them when you do

If I had a clone, I'd be able to get a constant sense of reassurance,

"Stop stressing, you're doing fine"

Sometimes you have to be your own best friend, and that's okay
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