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Nov 2019 · 206
Nevember 25th
It's like being lost
But I never knew where to go in the first place
It feels like when your voice
Fills up the room with life
It's like when your smile
Brings me light when things feel lost

And then it's nothing like joy
Or teenagers running fast in cars to the sound of Strokes
It's like watching everything I ever wanted
Being lived by someone else
It's more like the words I wanted to say
Were lost in my mouth since the day we met
It feels like I've lost you
But I don't want to let you go

And all the ghosts that frighten my nights
That haunt my dreams
That eat me alive
Are nothing
Compared to the thought of loosing you
Oct 2019 · 313
Uma manhã de sábado
A efêmera existência
No tênue fio entre a vida e a morte
Busca a razão na essência
Chega ao fim sem entender a sorte

A mais simples dúvida
No mais complexo ser
Se ainda resta muita vida
O que temos que escolher?

Se é tão fácil resistir
Onde estão os que sobraram?
Se todas as portas vão se abrir
Quantas já se fecharam?

Mas viver é tão bonito
Que não há quem resista
Mesmo encarando o risco
Mesmo quando não há terra à vista
Oct 2019 · 128
Anaphoric desperation
None of my songs are really good
None of my friends are really here
None of my days bring me peace
None of these words can set me free

Nothing I say can reach out to you
Nothing you say can get past my heart
Nothing is sad unless we want it to
Nothing will end if we make it last

All of my days I spent thinking about you
All that I am is but a shell with no core
All my regrets shall fade with the dawn
All of my strains will haunt me no more

Every road leads to another life
Every breath I take makes me weak
Everyone is tired of these words
Every day I wonder what we really seek
Oct 2019 · 141
Abnormal sleep routine
Sleep deprived
Depressed boy
Come on, don't be sad
You're free to explore
A world without joy

Your mind is so numb
Your heart is so still
Come find me in the dark
I've been wating for you
Your voice makes me ill

Pure desperation
Rest deep in your eyes
Your hope has dried out
You've lost all your dreams
In your sleepless nights

— The End —