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Dreyasten Feb 2020
My breath
It bursts from under my breast
Bursting from my chest like
A train wreck
A heart break
So much pain with every break neck ache
This ache that causes me to breathe so raggedly
Achingly dead in my *****
I don't know how to breathe
Dreyasten Feb 2020
Depression is a menace
It makes me stay in bed
Steal into my headspace and wander
Wondering why I still exist
How I made it to this
Made it this far
Made it here
I hear you calling my name
But I don't want to play your game
These games make me feel lame
Like I'm a lame duck
And my depression is a cuck
A cuck who doesn't know how to stop
How to stop drop and roll
How to stop punching me in the face
Like it's a race
to the finish line
I'm in line for the medications that make me artificially happy
Dreyasten Feb 2020
Tears crawl down my face
Mascara follows along
Soon creeps my eyeshadow
And then my eyeliner
They stain my poor white pillows
The ones I use for sleep
But these tears cannot be stopped
So I let them creep down my face
Dreyasten Feb 2020
Little crimson colours
Coat my little wrist
Orange red and yellow
The brush kisses my skin
I'm not allowed to hurt myself
Because of my mental health
So instead I colour my scarred up wrist
With paints and colours from eyeshadow kits
Dreyasten Feb 2020
I shoot off at the mouth
I shoot myself in the foot
Every time I open up my mouth
To speak
To see
To hear
To read
Your words that hurt me
Your words that said "Goodbye,"
You said "I learned a lot"
Yeah well so did I...
Dreyasten Feb 2020
Make the pain go away
just for another day
please leave me be
I'm nothing
Don't you see
I hurt myself
And you don't know
Because I can't ask for help
Without becoming a disappointment
I have a therapy appointment
It's gonna go all wrong
Just like all the songs
I ever try to write
I'm not right
In the head
I feel dead
I lie in my bed
Feeling the dread
Of a new day
Go away
Please please please
Just make the pain go away
Dreyasten Feb 2020
Run Run away from me
Away from all of reality
Into your headspace
My darling sweet
You're a lost boy now
Devoid of joy, oh how
Sprinkled up in pixie dust
So you can fly, just like them
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