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Dreyasten Feb 2020
I want to see your smile again
The exact one that was cause of me
I want to hear your voice again
The one that put me in my safe space
I want to be in your arms again
As much as it would hurt me
Because I know, you don't want me
Dreyasten Feb 2020
I just want your smile to know
I am here for you always
Even when you don't want me...
Dreyasten Feb 2020
Tears stream down my face
My screams ripping at my throat
I grip at my lungs
This burning in my chest as I realize
My heart is aflame my
Eyes burning up as they dry
My feelings not mine
But someone else's
It feels like I'm not me
Dreyasten Feb 2020
I'm screaming into the void
Tears flow down my face
My eyes emotionless, devoid of hope
Full of anger, rage, hate fueled pain
But my emotions don't feel like mine.
Dreyasten Feb 2020
Everything is getting blurry
Dunno who I'm sposed to be
Rapid switching
Breathe hitching
Heart pitching
Into the dark
The dark that clouds my eyes
~Daemon and Hunter
Blurry is the term used when two alters co fronting or co conscious can't differentiate between who is who,
Dreyasten Feb 2020
Winter is a wonderland
Snow coats the Earth
A blanket of soft white pillowy cold
That easily turns to slush
Dreyasten Feb 2020
What a day
Walking sluggish
Giggling loud
**** a lil
Smoke a lot
Take a drag off that *** (cigarette in britain)
Do some crack
Just to crack up
Go to bed
Wake up
Don't eat
Don't sleep
Take a Drink
makes you think
What am I doing with my life
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