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Dreyasten Feb 2020
Oh how I may wish
For you to see as I see
How I like you so
~ Daemon
I have a crush on someone so sweet ~ Daemon
Dreyasten Jan 2020
His soul tastes like lemon drops
Bitter rye bread
Bitter til the day he'll die and stay dead
He pretended to have a system
Just to be selfish
We watched as he hurts our best friend
Dreyasten Jan 2020
With DID
There is more than just me
More than three
More like we,
there are 7 of us
All different
not the same
we're not playing a game
so do not pretend to be like us
there is no fuss or muss
no hustle in the same way
these days
i'm not all here nor there
Things get blurry
I can't always be there to hear you

Please just get to know us
Before you disavow us
I have diagnosed D.I.D, or in other words dissociative identity disorder.
Dreyasten Jan 2020
Cross my heart,
Hope to die
I made this promise
Looking you in the eye
I promised to never leave
So you wouldn't be a lonely guy
But you left me
Cross my heart
Hope to fly
Dreyasten Jan 2020
Dear Lover
We were together for years upon years
All those tears
I wasted
All those fears
You manifested
All those years
Worse than the pain brought forth
Dreyasten Jan 2020
A warm ray of sunshine on a lazy day
Wrapped around me like wings
Caressing me gently
­Keeping me company in my madness
Keeping me safe in my bad times

How I like you,
Though I shall never tell you
Dreyasten Jan 2020
in sickness and in health
in dire times and in wealth
i will not take you
for you abused me
hurt me
you break me daily
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