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48 · Nov 2020
I tried to be a good wife
Syomone Nov 2020
I never said
I was perfect
I just try to
Live the best life
I can
So many times
So many times
Heart broken
By a woman
She knew I loved
That woman, that
Woman she
knew I cared
She knew
I would have died
For her and
now she’s gone
And I’m alone
and that’s
just isn’t fair
47 · May 2020
When I was little
Syomone May 2020
When I was little
I thought love
was about red roses
and expensive dinners.
Truth is,
love is giving her half
your fries when
she said she
wasn’t hungry.
Love waking up to
4am to her snoring
and refraining
from shoving
her off the bed.
It’s taking in accents
just to make her
laugh and trying
to embrace
one another in public.
It’s going on
and making
fun of each other.
It’s stupid fights
memorable makeups.
Love isn’t
pretty and romantic.
Love is just
stumbling through
life with your
best friend
47 · Nov 2020
Sweet love
Syomone Nov 2020
sweet love
It’s the
Only thing
That there just
Too little of
What the world
Needs now
No, not just
For some
But for everyone
What the world
Needs love,
Sweet love
46 · Oct 2020
Syomone Oct 2020
Forever isn’t
So just be
My baby
Whenever &
If **** goes
Just be
My friend
Til we get
Back together
46 · Nov 2020
What comes with marriage
Syomone Nov 2020
A symbiotic
The compromise
The sacrifice
The service
Now no one
Is no one
Else’s responsibility
To make you feel
Good about you
You cannot completely &
Totally rely on you spouse
For validation for self
Love but to the extend
You add to
there life
You add security
You add levels
Of happiness
44 · Jan 2020
A women who wants more
Syomone Jan 2020
She Can't Pray Right Now !!!!!
So let us pray for her
She Has No Strength Right Now!!!!!!
So let's hold her up
She Has No Words Right Now !!!!!
So let's let her moan and be her voice
She Has No Understanding Right Now!!!!!
So let us be reminded that He's or she’s Sovereign
She Has NO recollection of just 1 Feeling !!!!!
So let's show her LOVE
She's surrounded by Onlookers
So let's be her private Warrior's.
44 · Apr 2020
Love water
Syomone Apr 2020
your love water
the seeds of
my affection....
basking in the
ambience of what
I thought was bliss...
holding on to
every syllable
of your body language,  
wanting things that
probably will
never really exist...
wanting you
turning into forgetting me...
but needing these
parts of you that always
seemed to complete me...
43 · Sep 6
River runs dry
Syomone Sep 6
Me my
Laid the
Road for me
A rich woman
She saw it
Run rivers dry
Right through
The ages prove
If it was another way
To do this I would've
Welcome it
They have no clue
I will not lose
All ships dock
All tides wane
Every beginning
Has an end
43 · Feb 2020
Promise you
Syomone Feb 2020
I can’t promise you
that dark clouds
will never hover
over over lives
or that the future
will bring us many rainbows
I can’t promise you
that tomorrow
will be perfect
or that life will be easy
I can promise you
my everlasting devotion
my loyalty, my respect
and my unconditionally love for a life time
I can promise that
I’ll always be here for you
to listen and to hold your hand  
and I’ll do my best to make you happy
and make you feel loved
I promise you
I’ll see you through any crisis
and pray with you
dream with you
build with you
and always cheer you on
and encourage you
I can promise you
P.S. just practicing for when I do get married
42 · Mar 2020
I killed
Syomone Mar 2020
My own happiness
at a young age
by loving
someone else
more then
41 · Feb 2020
There you go again
Syomone Feb 2020
There you go again
Chasing hurt again
I'm starting to think y'all best friend
If not when you gonna put this madness to an end
Living in la la land because what you have is pretend
What's wrong with you
You to beautiful inside and out
To be going through what you going through
I see the potential in a good heart
Letting some idiot that don't deserve you steady rip u apart
If its not verbal its physical
She beats you up with his cruel words
The most hurtful one your poor ears have ever heard
But yet and still you stay
But you complain every day
About the same thing
And you speak up
Your eye is left with a ring
Now you cover up your eye
So no one can see how she hurt you
Its sad she treats dirt better than you
But yet you stay saying I love him. And he'll change someday
I just pray that you live to see that someday.
Probably not going this way
41 · Feb 2020
I’ll do
Syomone Feb 2020
“i’d walk through
fire for you
just let me
adore you
like it’s the
only thing
i’ll ever do”
40 · Sep 2020
No; Not I
Syomone Sep 2020
Ripping the image
of our future
from my thoughts
as violently
and as brutally
as if it were a
child being taken
from his mothers
arms I’m left
surrounded in darkness
but I refuse
to be swallowed
by it my
like the night air
to the eye obvious
to the touch
it is cold
yet if I could
do it all over
again I’d
do it in the
same skin
I’m in to lay
down and
let love die just
stay down and
let love lie no,
no not
Syomone Aug 28
Life is amazing
But at times
It gets crazy
Trouble follows me
Lately, life been crazy
Been a victim of trouble
I struggle from
Decisions I've made
Wanna get away
From everything I know
Start over & even change
My name
Every turn around
I lose someone
I can't take no more
I just wanna
Run away
I just feel trouble
Follows me
Don't think I'm
Foolish but
Im not gonna let you
the victim
We all make bad decisions
But it's how
We get through
With time you will
Be fine
Got to believe
You will make
It .
Trouble follows me
40 · Aug 2020
Not I
Syomone Aug 2020
Ripping the image
of our future
from my thoughts
as violently
and as brutally
as if it were a
child being taken
from his mothers
arms I’m left
surrounded in darkness
but I refuse
to be swallowed
by it my
like the night air
to the eye obvious
to the touch
it is cold
yet if I could
do it all over
again I’d
do it in the
same skin
I’m in to lay
down and
let love die just
stay down and
let love lie no,
no not I
39 · Oct 2020
If you love her
Syomone Oct 2020
If you love her
Never fill
her ears
With lies
Her mouth
With words
Her eyes
With tears
Her mind
Or her heart
With pain
Syomone Sep 19
I didn't
Was born
Then I
Saw you
Coming at me
Dang you
Look dangerous
I don't want
To fight
No more
Stuff that's
So sentimental
Push & Pull
Is all we do
Life is hallow
I love you

— The End —