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  Sep 2023 Diary of Jane
of all the things i regret,
You will never be one of them.
Diary of Jane Aug 2023
Not trying to want you
is like trying to forget
a song you have loved
your whole life
or leave a place
that has always
felt like home.

Not trying to love you
is like asking my heart
to stop beating
or erase the best parts
of my life.
Diary of Jane Aug 2023
If wishes had the power
to manifest
then you would be mine
in every lifetime
in every timeline
in every universe.
but alas,
wishes are
a dime a dozen
and the world is not
a wish granting factory.
Diary of Jane Aug 2023
Do you know what it feels like?
To have the earth removed
from beneath your feet?
To have the entire sky
fall apart on you?
To have the world stop existing
and you are just hanging barely
by a thread to absolute nothingness?

That is what it felt like
the moment you mentioned
of her existence.

It was like -
the whole world became
a mighty stranger
and it was never
the same way as before.
Diary of Jane Aug 2023
You know what ***** the most?
That I miss you
even at my happiest.
Diary of Jane Aug 2023
A book of
incomplete stories,
almost loves,
unsung songs,
& broken dreams-
that is what
her entire life
felt like.
Diary of Jane Aug 2023
There are some wounds you never show
Some stories you never tell
Not to your best friend, partner, lover,
or any other soul -
They remain locked and buried
Within the deepest parts of you.
You don't even whisper about them to the wind
Except maybe to the darkest of nights.  

I hope someday
You won't have to carry them to your grave
I hope you will be healed and free of them.
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